About Yogyatourium Dagadu-Djokdja
Yogyatourium Dagadu-Djokdja is a clothing store, located at Jl. Gedongkuning Sel. No.128, Rejowinangun, Kotagede, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55172, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 375591, visit their website www.dagadu.co.id for more detailed information.
Aty MS
" Finally. I found this place. The original dagadu.
12 May 2018To my surprise, dagadu products is not just t-shirt, but also sandals, bags, notes and other stuff.
My advice, please don't come to this place without your full wallet or you'll regret it .
Hahaha "
Lusi Khulusiniah
" Enjoyable place to visit.. Other than t shirt it also have other souvenir "
01 April 2018Dony Romadhon
" Nice place with humble worker, but a little bit far away from Malioboro . Lol "
14 March 2018Susi Indriyani
" the product is complete. ambience is good. groove "
09 March 2018Melly Hadinata
" Go behind the shop.. There were a cafe... Its not too expensive.. "
14 February 2018Adolfus O'Deecue
" Very quiet in the afternoon not much activities. The price is reasonable but be aware of the ambience from vehicle entering the parking lot, it can be annoying sometimes. "
14 January 2018Fransisca Wahyu Widyaningrum
" Unique place, can feel the traditional Javanesse culture here. Having much cute and good merchandise, and don't forget their have an excellent service from their Garda Depan too! "
07 November 2017Jopi Setiawan
" Great place to buy oleh-oleh from Jogya "
21 October 2017Wing Wahyu Winarno
" Dagadu is very popular brand for fun theme, young-style T-shirt from Yogyakarta. Youngsters from all over the country will stop by in this place to get some T-shirts. The price reflects the quality. "
23 September 2017Buce Nurrizki
" Chihdhood de javu. Keep it up "
22 September 2017Ananda Elmadani
" I really love this kind of souvenir market. It's comfortable and cozy, the wall is decorated with murals, and i think it's great. Prices.. I guess it's standard, not too cheap or expensive. If you are looking for the souvenirs (especially jogja's) or shirts, you can visit it! "
25 August 2017Capriee Wanshunghee
" Nice place to buy authentic "very Jogja" merchandise. Quality = Price. Best place for photoshoot and relax. There is also a cafe behind the shop. Enjoy ~ "
16 July 2017Swa Setyawan Adinegoro
" The biggest store of the original dagadu, a local merch brand famous for its unique jogja-themed t-shirts. The place is huge, cheerful young shop-helpers, nice arrays of fashion items and other merchandises to choose. It also housed a fancy café downstairs. "
10 July 2017Guntur Sarwohadi
" If you're looking into Jogja-related merchandise, this is the mandatory place to be. You haven't officially visited Jogja if you haven't buy merchandises here "
06 July 2017Yanuar Ishaq
" Original Legendary Dagadu Jogja T-Shirt "
27 June 2017Agnes Josephinee
" Local store and is a good place to visit at jogja "
22 June 2017Alfian Finuria
" This is the main store from the first original merchandise of Jogjakarta. Huge and artistic building. And after shopping you can eat or drink in the cafe inside the building. "
04 June 2017Dinnu I
" Right place to buy dagadu product. Another place give the fake one and expensive. This place give a good quality and good price. "
25 April 2017Willy Gunawan
" The staff are very friendly. But there's nothing else but t-shirts, they don't even sell sandals anymore. "
17 April 2017Ferra Handayani
" The center of Dagadu tshirt sale and more Yogya-centric souvenirs "
06 February 2017Iman Prastyo
" Main distro from dagadu brand. Have nice concept and good services "
24 January 2017Didin Jamaludin
" if you like jogja you will like dagadu! buy only the original from the real source, respect local business and copyright! "
23 January 2017Sapiderman Lumpat
" Sells original branded Dagadu t shirts.
24 December 2016Service : 4/5 friendly and accommodating.
Price : 4/5 cheap for good quality t-shirts.
Parking : plenty of parking for cars and bikes in the back. "
Abraham Desrianto
" good place, excellent service. the right place to buy Dagadu 😁 "
01 December 2016Henry Mario
" Katanya klo beli kaos disini terjamin produk dagadunya.. gk mudah rusak klo dicuci dan dipake berkali kali. Hehehe.. stafny ramah, gk sombong dan suka menabung. "
15 September 2016Agust Setyatmoko
" Dagadu souveniers "
13 June 2016Heru Sulistiadhi
" Good place to find authentic jogja t-shirt for souvenir "
19 January 2016Novrial Nawawi
" Gedungnya kerennnn plus design bajunya juga up to date "
08 January 2016Johanes Johan
" dagadu djokdja is the best!!!!!!!!! "
07 January 2016Limas Aksara
" Innovation demands the skills of creative thinking, clearly and collaboratively communicating, and leading task-driven teams.
03 April 2015Dagadu has lived in for years. Thumbs up! "