" Great place which have many story. It's perfect to enjoy a cup of coffee, feel the athmosphere of Jogja and get together with all of your friends! "
02 June 2018
Josephine Deizt
" Such a cool place to take pictures with the dutch buildings aroubd and very multicultural place to hang out duringvthe saturday nite.. "
24 May 2018
Ika Nur Rahmawati
" Soooo "jogja" ... Love the new look.. More space for pedistrians. Many spots to take photos or selfies.. More benches to sit... "
19 May 2018
Widya WW
" One of Yogyakarta's city icon, landmark of the area
Always crowded with people, street sellers, street performances, or just hanging around talking and taking pictures
Ought to have sense of belonging though you are not locals. Respect the culture. Have some discipline, don't litter especially and also please go urinate at the toilet a.k.a. mambu pesing sometimes occur.
Crowded traffic. Gotta take some pictures here for good memories 👸 "
05 May 2018
Johanes Jenito
" The downtown city. The most famous corner. We could see all the magical moment around here "
25 April 2018
Agus Prihantoro
" Nice place with old building (heritage such as Post Office, Bank of Indonesia, Bank Negara Indonesia, fort vredeberg etc). Good photo spot with many activity "
24 April 2018
Fauzan Advantage
" One of the most famous place and the center of yogyakarta city, this place is so crowd event in night. Nice views, to feel the vintage in Yogyakarta. "
23 April 2018
Panji Widiatmoko
" merukapan titik nol KM kota yogyakarta. penghujung jalan malioboro, terletak di utara alun alun utara jogja. berdiri banyak bangunan bersejarah di sekitarnya seprti istnan kepresidenan, ban Indonesia, bank negara indonesia. saat ini titik nol KM joogja memeliki penampilan yang menarik, ramh untuk para wisata yang ingin menghabiskan waktu untuk duduk santai disini, spenjang jalan malioboro sangat ramah dengan kaum difabel, tersedia jalur khusu untuk kaum difabel "
22 April 2018
Fathul Imam
" More packages & tour visit our instagram @jm_adventour "
18 April 2018
" One of the best places to visit in the town, the street is so busy and theres lots of souveniers and items to buy here. But be careful of pick-pocketers because theres lots of them here, also for the girls dont forget to make sure that your clothings are not too flashy or sexy because theres lots of perverted guys here and you might get sexual assault or cat calling. Also dont buy things at the starting price because usually they are way overpriced, try to ask for half of the price and keep negotiating with the seller "
12 April 2018
Aristoteles J7
" Nice place to spend the night with watching people activity in the centre of jogja city while listening street musician playing music....should try the ambience "
07 April 2018
Agus Prihantoro
" Nice place with old building (heritage such as Post Office, Bank of Indonesia, Ban Negara Indonesia, fort vredeberg etc). Good photo spot with many activity "
01 March 2018
Berliana Arinda
" I love the night view here.. "
19 September 2017
Ilfat Isroi Nirwani
" Nice place to take pict with old and historical buildings as backgrounds "
06 August 2017
Afif Ista
" It's good for sit and refresing. Interaction with with other people even if with low end coffee seller. "
20 July 2017
" It is one of the most well known place in Jogjakarta. Here, you can enjoy the beauty of Jogjakarta, especially in the evening. The sidewalk are being renovated to make it better. It is easily accessible by public transportation. If you use your own vehicle, you can park on several parking lots near Taman Pintar. "
20 July 2017
Thee R
" Amazing.. "
08 May 2017
Kistyantoro K
" Always as perfect "
03 May 2017
Agung Laksono
" Recommendation to get in here around 8-12pm. Nice for kongkow "
12 April 2017
Saeful Bahri
" Rame bngett 👏👏 "
29 March 2017
Aimin Yusuf
" Awesome "
27 March 2017
Risma Fadillah
" i just like this place! the crowd makes me feel that i'm in jogja & plenty food and accecories seller. also there are manh people who offer to take pict with them (either they wear clown costume or they bring their reptil with them) "
21 March 2017
Bagaskara Hafidz
" Tempat yang asik buat santai,, jika lagi suntuk boring gak tau mau ngapain, nongkrong aja disini sperti orang yg lagi gak ada tujuan bingung mau apa "
Ramadan Yudhistira
" Great place which have many story. It's perfect to enjoy a cup of coffee, feel the athmosphere of Jogja and get together with all of your friends! "
02 June 2018Josephine Deizt
" Such a cool place to take pictures with the dutch buildings aroubd and very multicultural place to hang out duringvthe saturday nite.. "
24 May 2018Ika Nur Rahmawati
" Soooo "jogja" ... Love the new look.. More space for pedistrians. Many spots to take photos or selfies.. More benches to sit... "
19 May 2018Widya WW
" One of Yogyakarta's city icon, landmark of the area
05 May 2018Always crowded with people, street sellers, street performances, or just hanging around talking and taking pictures
Ought to have sense of belonging though you are not locals. Respect the culture. Have some discipline, don't litter especially and also please go urinate at the toilet a.k.a. mambu pesing sometimes occur.
Crowded traffic. Gotta take some pictures here for good memories 👸 "
Johanes Jenito
" The downtown city. The most famous corner. We could see all the magical moment around here "
25 April 2018Agus Prihantoro
" Nice place with old building (heritage such as Post Office, Bank of Indonesia, Bank Negara Indonesia, fort vredeberg etc). Good photo spot with many activity "
24 April 2018Fauzan Advantage
" One of the most famous place and the center of yogyakarta city, this place is so crowd event in night. Nice views, to feel the vintage in Yogyakarta. "
23 April 2018Panji Widiatmoko
" merukapan titik nol KM kota yogyakarta. penghujung jalan malioboro, terletak di utara alun alun utara jogja. berdiri banyak bangunan bersejarah di sekitarnya seprti istnan kepresidenan, ban Indonesia, bank negara indonesia. saat ini titik nol KM joogja memeliki penampilan yang menarik, ramh untuk para wisata yang ingin menghabiskan waktu untuk duduk santai disini, spenjang jalan malioboro sangat ramah dengan kaum difabel, tersedia jalur khusu untuk kaum difabel "
22 April 2018Fathul Imam
" More packages & tour visit our instagram @jm_adventour "
18 April 2018McKrOs
" One of the best places to visit in the town, the street is so busy and theres lots of souveniers and items to buy here. But be careful of pick-pocketers because theres lots of them here, also for the girls dont forget to make sure that your clothings are not too flashy or sexy because theres lots of perverted guys here and you might get sexual assault or cat calling. Also dont buy things at the starting price because usually they are way overpriced, try to ask for half of the price and keep negotiating with the seller "
12 April 2018Aristoteles J7
" Nice place to spend the night with watching people activity in the centre of jogja city while listening street musician playing music....should try the ambience "
07 April 2018Agus Prihantoro
" Nice place with old building (heritage such as Post Office, Bank of Indonesia, Ban Negara Indonesia, fort vredeberg etc). Good photo spot with many activity "
01 March 2018Berliana Arinda
" I love the night view here.. "
19 September 2017Ilfat Isroi Nirwani
" Nice place to take pict with old and historical buildings as backgrounds "
06 August 2017Afif Ista
" It's good for sit and refresing. Interaction with with other people even if with low end coffee seller. "
20 July 2017AG
" It is one of the most well known place in Jogjakarta. Here, you can enjoy the beauty of Jogjakarta, especially in the evening. The sidewalk are being renovated to make it better. It is easily accessible by public transportation. If you use your own vehicle, you can park on several parking lots near Taman Pintar. "
20 July 2017Thee R
" Amazing.. "
08 May 2017Kistyantoro K
" Always as perfect "
03 May 2017Agung Laksono
" Recommendation to get in here around 8-12pm. Nice for kongkow "
12 April 2017Saeful Bahri
" Rame bngett 👏👏 "
29 March 2017Aimin Yusuf
" Awesome "
27 March 2017Risma Fadillah
" i just like this place! the crowd makes me feel that i'm in jogja & plenty food and accecories seller. also there are manh people who offer to take pict with them (either they wear clown costume or they bring their reptil with them) "
21 March 2017Bagaskara Hafidz
" Tempat yang asik buat santai,, jika lagi suntuk boring gak tau mau ngapain, nongkrong aja disini sperti orang yg lagi gak ada tujuan bingung mau apa "
16 March 2017Sadewa Rahmamuliawan
" Yang sekarang bagus "
16 March 2017