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About X.O Suki & Cuisine

X.O Suki & Cuisine is a restaurant, located at Plaza Ambarukmo Lantai 3, Jl. Laksda Adisucipto, Catur Tunggal, Depok, Caturtunggal, Sleman, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 4331325 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 98

Violitta Irwan

" Nice food, tapi kalau traffic hour pelayanannya lama "

27 May 2018

Putri Kai

" Yummy amd healthy "

20 May 2018

Inayaty Humairo

" πŸ‘πŸ‘ one of the best suki in town "

17 May 2018

Kun Kun

" nice place and nice food "

17 May 2018

Wendy Hidayat

" skss f "

13 May 2018

Dicky Fanani

" Nasi Goreng Iga nya enak...Suki Buy 1 Get 1 Free... "

12 May 2018

Lindawati Tjandera

" uh..soupnya juaraaaaaa "

09 May 2018

H Gunawan Tanjung

" ok "

06 May 2018

Ricky Putra

" Great food. Great place. "

02 May 2018

Liberty Adi

" Excellent extra food beside the sukis "

01 May 2018

Yos Akbar Irmansyah

" family dining are best here "

27 April 2018

Sari Gula

" Pricey but yummy "

26 April 2018

Widya Rizky

" XO suki is the best place in town to eat suki "

25 April 2018

Winnie Christiani

" Nice place for family time, chit chat or meeting.. Menu wajib nya suki, ada 2 pilihan kuah, ayam dan tom yum.. Dessert wajib nya singkong thailand "

24 April 2018

Glorius Talangrasa

" standard "

23 April 2018

Yolanda Yuan

" Never forget its "

21 April 2018

Ode Ladamay

" Healty foods with many menu variant and sauce.
I like the tomyan broth with the freshness of the sour taste, it was absolutely amazing. For the stuffing i ussually eat tofu and enoki with. And the sauce, peanut sauce, sesame and chilli oil, if you mixing it all together it will gonna being delicious sauce.
The drink i ordered thai tea ice, i like it bcoz it was have a great tasted of tea and the milk not too much so it's not really sweat, recommended drink.

The staff are friendly. The service was satisfactory.

The place comfortable enough, a bit noisy bcoz of many visitor but it's fine. Big place and clean. "

15 April 2018

Rudik Alioth Ayberk

" Very much love the hot pot.. "

12 April 2018

Ranny Julia

" The one and only Shabu-shabu restaurant in Manado. I've been here everyday Tuesday. It's a must! "

11 April 2018

Hariyanto Witjaksono

" This place cozy, offer healthy boil food. The best suki in town "

07 April 2018

Muhammad Novyan

" Great as another x.o suki resto "

01 April 2018

GunGGung Adventure

" smal place .. but its has own taste. recomended for family n small coorporate unformal meeting with round table set "

30 March 2018

Ben Gokel

" Excellent Chinese at a good price. Duck is amazing "

20 March 2018

Nuur Iskandar

" Sukinya paling enak sejogja menurutku. Klo baru ke sini, kuahnya minta separuh2 aja. Tom yam dan kaldu ayam. Favorit plate: salmon ball, lobster ball, fish roll enoki dan pangsit ayam (digoreng klo yg ini, direbus gak terlalu enak). Ada baby chair juga.. ala carte enak sup jagung kepiting dan kepiting soka cabe garam atau enoki cabe garam "

13 March 2018

Pandu Wardhana

" Nice place, good food "

28 February 2018

Rendy Rusmana

" Nice place with a nice food "

26 February 2018

Maria Markha

" The food was good but i got slow respon from the waitress when order extra beef meat, at that time the restaurant not busy, it just bad service "

08 February 2018

Hendra Gunawan

" Good taste. Clean rest "

19 January 2018

Hady Alaydrus

" delicious and happiness. "

18 January 2018

Zulfikar Ar Rizki

" X.O suki letaknya depan kediri townsquare pas, makanan khas suki kuah bisa request kaldu atau tomyam. rasanya enak tempatnya nyaman buat makan keluarga karena kesan modern melekat. harga ya relatif di kantong kalo kantong pas-pas an seperti saya rasanya sih mahal buat makan harian hehe.
rasanya ga diragukan kok bisa dicoba sendiri. "

12 January 2018

Hadi Abraham

" My first experience was the worst. The service was not accommodating at all. It was sucks. The food was good but the system is sucks. Is this what you call service? BIG ZERO. I would never go back there any more. If you need my detail feedback please I am more than happy to give you all those S**T. Thanks "

18 December 2017

Indira Putu

" Delicious steam boat, with good service from staff. "

27 November 2017

Yoseph Arif Putra

" Very delicious fried prawn with salted egg "

25 November 2017

M. Nur Asyiq

" Good location and ok service "

02 November 2017

Lina Yulianti

" Wanna hot pot??? Just come,,not bad "

31 October 2017

Toko Si Wita

" Favorite place to happy dinner with family n friends. More be nice if have bigger place "

18 October 2017

CrazyLady 1504

" The food was nice but it was lack of service. "

18 October 2017

Jenniver Mantow

" Friendly staffs & good food "

10 October 2017

Ike Rusmawati

" Good Restaurant Indonesia "

01 October 2017


" Menu Vaforit X.O suki ku Tomyam dan Jamur Kuping plus Hot Lemon Tea πŸ’™17022017 "

27 September 2017

Erwin Sutedjo

" Good food, usually crowded, price is above average "

20 September 2017

Rizky Hermawan

" One of the steamboat restaurant in Medan, good food, good taste, and good price too. "

13 September 2017

Lia Manuela

" Delicious . 😘 "

03 September 2017

Diah Dzihrina

" Located at the corner of 3rd floor of Sun Plaza, Xi Suki offers delicious suki with 3 different choices of soups and various main ingredients. Visited this resto during dinner time, it was crowded but the servers did really well in handling us. "

31 August 2017

Sainul Hermawan

" Kuah Tom Yum nya tiada tara dan menu penutupnya singkong rebus manis. "

31 August 2017

Khairul Anwar

" Decent Suki with lots of varieties of condiments. The table design & space is not really comfortable for dining and the waiters need more training hours I supposed. Hau cek! "

27 August 2017

Franziska Gloria

" Nice atmosphere, not too noisy. Good service from the waitress. Great dishes especially the pecking duck. "

18 August 2017

Dian Nusantari

" Nice ambience and good for family. This Chinese restaurant seems to be famous for its hot-pot but other dishes are also tasty. My mom's favorite is XO fried rice and she said that it's the best in Jogjakarta. Jasmine tea is also nice and fragrant. "

07 August 2017


" Yummy... "

29 July 2017

Samuel Edyson

" Variety of food choices here, which you can easily choose from display tray. Love the meat-wrapped enoki, very delicious. You should try Tom Yam spicy soup for the whole course and you're good to go. "

17 July 2017

Art Merung

" Delicious.. "

10 July 2017

Gus Wawan

" Good choise "

09 July 2017

Arik Dy

" This place is cozy but the food is too expensive.. not worth it for me.. "

06 July 2017

Xixie Zhang

" Good place for dinner or family party "

05 July 2017

Wonder Women

" Recommended for executive dinner with special venue and nice food. "

03 July 2017

Gede Teguh

" Nice Place to eat but no for the taste. nothin special for the taste, its like another suki. Bravoo "

20 June 2017

Yuli Utomo

" Easy lunch or dinners with the good food and helping staff , it "

06 June 2017

Rizal Mansur

" Seperti suki lainnya, lokasi di mall lumayan tertutup kedalam mejanya "

27 May 2017

Mei Sari Saidi

" Tempatnya nyaman, sukinya enak segar, kuah tom yamnya lezat. Harga lumayan mahal. "

13 May 2017

Olivia S

" My most favorite XO restaurant in Yogyakarta. They serve dimsum and porridge here that taste heavenly. Price is very reasonable judging from the portion and the taste. Totally deserve 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 "

17 April 2017

Jingga Aje

" Mknn masakan enak. Harga mahal. Gk asik krn baru selesai mkn begitu dilihat mknn kita hbs semua tanpa diminta bill lgsg disodorkan jd mau tdk mau kita hrs byr dan sy merasa diusir cpt2 mungkin krn sdh ada bbrp pelanggan menunggu. "

16 April 2017

Olivia S

" The service is great. But their food consistency needs to be fixed. It taste different in some visit. "

15 April 2017

Hendra Herlambang

" Delicious foods "

12 April 2017

Yoyo Dsign

" One of my favorite place to eat when in tunjungan plaza "

09 April 2017

Ayu Purnama Sari

" Absolutely delicious "

07 April 2017

Aan Elviananto

" masakan enak,pelayanan cepat "

15 March 2017

Ketut Galung

" Very good "

09 March 2017

Eddy Fang

" This steamboat house offers great varieties of food choices, fresh quality, and exceptional taste. Their prices worth it. A must-try dining sensation. Looks much better after recent rennovation. "

25 February 2017

Erisya Aulia

" Not bad 😊 "

20 February 2017

Koko Trisilo

" Suasana nyaman...harga lumayan mahal.. "

19 February 2017

Andi Arham Bunyamin

" Salah satu tempat makan favorit, terlebih lagi dengan berbagai macam promo untuk menunya... "

08 February 2017

Toar Sanger

" Nice one "

06 February 2017

Deni Kusuma

" Totally closed "

23 January 2017

Sainul Hermawan

" Kuah Tom Yum nya tiada tara dan menu penutupnya singkong rebus manis. "

18 January 2017

Paul Hasjim

" Great food "

31 December 2016

Nabila Pindya

" The best suki place ever in Medan, eventhough its a lil bit expensive, but its okay. I love it! "

29 December 2016

Yadi Fakhruzein TJ

" Lovely...πŸ˜‹πŸ‘πŸ˜‹ "

23 December 2016

Tarot Bali

" Nice restaurant "

20 December 2016

Jenny Wahyuni

" The food is good but not for the service. "

03 December 2016

Sejati Mulia Jaya Teknik Fendy

" Menu masakan nya mantap.... "

09 November 2016


" Bener-bener mantap makanan di sini
Semua jenis makanan menggugah selera γŠγ„γ—γγ¦ γŸγ‹γ„γ§γ™ "

08 November 2016

Robert Weku

" Menu sehat dan bervariasi "

29 October 2016

Herry Tahulending

" Makanannya enak, ad paket2 murah jga. Yg blm prnah coba. Ayo dtang dan coba enaknya Suki sma kuah tomyamnya. "

08 October 2016

Nusantara Putra

" Makanan nya seger "

10 September 2016

Pantjahjo Noerwanto

" cukup lengkap "

07 September 2016

Sainul Hermawan

" Kuah Tom Yum nya tiada tara dan menu penutupnya singkong rebus manis. "

26 August 2016

Nancy Pakasi

" Di manado, xo suki termasuk restoran yg recommended. Rasanya enak, bahan-bahannya segar. Jamur goreng saus telur asinnya recommended. Bebek panggang juga enak meski porsinya sedikit. Untuk sukinya sendiri saya rekomendasikan untuk memilih kuah tomyam, enaak πŸ˜‹πŸ‘ "

19 August 2016

Orchid Chocochan

" Maybe got into my bad side but there's fly on food. It's not even healthy for this kind of restaurants "

17 August 2016

Asyam Mulayyan Dary

" - Insyaallah Halal (no pork menu)
- a bit cramped
- it's placed at the end, so it's not noisy
- food is just like other XO Suki, delicious
- there is a smoking section, dont sit near there if you annoyed with the smoke "

09 July 2016

Daniel Greiner

" The most worse Suki place I ever visit. The cold buffet is almost empty and order by menu takes amazing long. Finally all the stuff's are a mess and the flame is getting small after an minute and they just try another stuff which is same mess and so it takes half an hour until little food is ready after drop inside.
Regards Daniel "

01 July 2016

Haneline Channel

" Woo "

16 May 2016

Bornfree Onekiss

" X. O sangat cocok sebagai pilihan makan. Pelayanan yang memuaskan dan hidangan yang tidak mengecewakan. Ada promo-promo menarik yang bisa didapatkan disini. "

07 January 2016

Ivan Tevano

" Tempat makan Premium. Dengan pelayanan yang sangat bagus dan memuaskan. Steamboat dan memiliki khas tersendiri. Yang special dari X.O Suki ini adalah kuah yang terdiri dari 2 rasa yaitu Kaldu Ayam , Tom Yum. Sangat cocok untuk makan keluarga. Hidangan yang diberikan juga sangat special dan menarik serta banyak pilihan. "

26 November 2015

Danny Lim

" standard steamboat restaurant "

18 November 2015

Shabrina Putri R

" Sooooo yum! "

16 November 2015

Ruli Retno Mawarni

" Utk suki..ini recomended. Krn berlabel halal MUI. Tapi di banding dari yg dulu, skrg rasanya ga seenak dulu. Dulu klo sy dtg ada irisan rawit dan sereh. Sedap asem pedes. Skrg uda kurang sreg lagi terutama pedasnya kurang bgt "

27 August 2015

Vandra Ivni

" RM.Cahwa "

28 December 2014

Jimmy Aksan

" Best suki in town "

07 November 2014

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM