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About X Cafe

X Cafe is a cafe, located at Jl. Affandi No.9A, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 878-3821-3888 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 18

Andiramadani Putri

" Reka rrrrzsrrt sr tar z wah tau d tetes tegur r reset 4rr5r4raut era la seret drr rute 4 de 4r4rr ter errr4rrr4sset tesr4 TTS 4 erd dar r turut sr 4 r5d ya reset teh r yad4rerse rrrset r4 ecer zrr diet r restur reset dz errr4rrr4ss se tidur r rute dar sesat r "

13 May 2018

Vinny Marviani

" Unique cafe with super hero theme. Cozy place, they provide electricity and wifi so it's good to working on laptop. The noodles quite pricey. "

26 January 2018

Arung Petana

" Perfect place for marvel and dc fan boys "

03 November 2017

Efi Laila

" Unique cafe with superhero concept.. but preparing took too long esp for bread.. "

05 October 2017

Suri Nurkholifah

" So much fun here! I think it's the real superhero and supervillain cafe where Marvel and DC universe meet in one place (even they played superheroe movies). You can play with some hero-stuffs, read magazines while eating or do some work with laptop. There're action figures in every table you can play with.

The food and beverages are quite good even though not the best. The salad portion was amazing. B-but... the lava cake wasn't melted :(

Small but not crowded. WiFi connection is good too, you need to ask the username and password to the barista.

Good for meeting and working on laptop. "

04 October 2017

Silvester Adi

" delicious cofee "

19 June 2017

Apry'z Avaztya

" Pesen makanannya lumayan lama... Tapi enak... "

03 June 2017

Alvin Laurent Ertanto

" Unique cafe with superhero concept. The place is also cozy and the price is reasonable "

02 June 2017

Bella Zadithya

" The cafe has superheroes concept, all the ambience and menu name has Marvel+DC in it, cool! I'm not a coffee drinker so i choose ICE GOTHAM CHOCOLATE which has very good taste. The food, Darth Vader Chicken isn't so good tho. "

07 April 2017

Nadya Maharani

" Nice place..they have an awesome lots of action figures from superhero comics and movies. They also have various props of the superheroes "

18 March 2017

Rico Tamara

" Cozy yet so cool! "

10 March 2017

Teddy W Laurentius CFP

" Juosss ... Good Drink Good Speed .... "

16 February 2017

Chris Raharjo

" Cozy "

17 January 2017

Kharis Fatkhurrochman

" Tempat langganan buat skripsi. Tempatnya adem, tenang.

Menunya enak-enak, playlist nya mantep abis.

Cocok banget buat penyuka Marvel or DC . "

28 December 2016

Fahrudi Prasetyo

" bagus buat foto2 sama gathering penggemar kartun, cuman harganya aja yg mahal "

03 December 2016

Muhammad Mirwan

" Cozy. Delicious meals. "

21 November 2016

Pandu Setyoajji

" tempatnya bagus kalo buat meetup sama kawan kawan. dan nostalgia dengan superhero andalan "

08 October 2016

Prima Abadi

" Kalo anda gemar DC & Marvel tp belum pernah kesini ya artinya hidup ini belum lengkap "

08 October 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM