Warung Kelontong Bu Sudarmin (Permanently Closed) is a shopping mall, located at Wates, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55651, Indonesia
" Lumayan "
" Bagus "
" Joss "
" Murah & lengkap. "
" Standard place, you can find the food stuff or some householdstuff. "
" Omahe amri "
Taufiq Nur Hidayanto Ramadhani
" Lumayan "
17 September 2017Bima Candra Karisma
" Bagus "
07 September 2017Candra Nur Seta
" Joss "
07 August 2017Amri Muttaqin
" Murah & lengkap. "
12 March 2017Niza Zainatul
" Standard place, you can find the food stuff or some householdstuff. "
23 February 2017Singgih Yuntoto
" Omahe amri "
25 August 2016