About University of Amikom Yogyakarta
University of Amikom Yogyakarta is a school, located at Yogyakarta 55283. Visit their website www.amikom.ac.id for more detailed information.
University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta is a private IT college in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This college was established on December 29, 1992.HistoryThe University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta is a private university based in Yogyakarta under the auspices of the Foundation AMIKOM Yogyakarta. The University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta, grown from a college diploma program "AMIKOM Yogyakarta," became an undergraduate and post graduate program.In the first year, number of students who received about 44 persons at the Department of Information Management. A year later AMIKOM get listed status by the Minister of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia No. 084/D/O/1994 dated October 11, 1994. Currently all courses are already accredited.Before, AMIKOM using two campus locations, campus in Wolter Mongonsidi Street and Campus in North RingRoad Street located in Yogyakarta. Since the academic year 1998/1999 AMIKOM hire a shop building and converted into an integrated campus in the North Ring Road, with 9 classrooms, 1 academic services, 1 library, 2 floors of the building (all academic services have moved in this integrated campus, except for some services and internet computer lab that was located on another Campus about 5.6 miles from main campus).2002, Academy of AMIKOM become STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, the entire student prayer, AMIKOM managed to get land and build its own building at the location right next to the building integrated campus. Building official lectures began to be occupied and used for lectures in the academic year 2001/2002 consists of 3 floors used as an administrative center, lecture halls and laboratories.Since Academic year 2003/2004, all academic activities have been moved to Building I and II Integrated Campus, and in May 2004 began the construction of the building Unit II and Unit III (currently using for Lecturers, Meeting Rooms (Hall 1 and Hall 2), Computer Laboratory, Animation Film Production, Graduation Exam Room, Mosque, Technical Service Unit). Unit III building using for business units, polyclinics, the household, Theory and Practice room to post graduate Program, Language Laboratory. In 2007 the building has been constructed for administrative units IV, bank, and services BAAK, BAU, HRD, Theory Lecture Room Diploma and Under graduated Program.