Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta - Kampus 3 Gedung Bonaventura Babarsari
About Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta - Kampus 3 Gedung Bonaventura Babarsari
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta - Kampus 3 Gedung Bonaventura Babarsari is a university, located at Jl. Babarsari No.44, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 487711, visit their website www.uajy.ac.id for more detailed information.
Monika Ruwaimana
" Luas, ukm banyak disini "
05 April 2018Rifki Stevianto
" Ok "
14 March 2018Lisa Modouw
" So much fun! Kind lecturers although there are some killers! lol.
19 January 2018Great experiences with HMS, KOMAPA and friends from different cultures and backgrounds in many activities.
Speeding lots of time in PPKT, HMS base, basement canteen, front lobby, lapangan lilin, roof top! "
Suryatul Arifidin
" Fakultas Ekonomi & Fakultas Teknologi Industri "
12 November 2017Benedicto Alvin
" Great colleges "
01 November 2017Riza Fahmi
" Cozy classroom naknan! "
07 September 2017Lorenzo Fellycyano
" Great campus life! "
20 June 2017Agusta Ismananda
" Cos my sister studied there haha "
13 May 2017Roghib Morgan
" Never late to learn. "
28 April 2017Hery Malmsteen Cah 90an YK
" not bad :) "
28 March 2017Daniel Aditya
" Nice place for learning about economics "
10 March 2017Carolina Evelyn
" I really miss this place..my campuss.. "
27 February 2017Arie Christoph
" That's cool "
04 February 2017Baderu Ohhyess
" ohh wow "
26 November 2016Vera Chou
" great campus with great student "
10 September 2016Sammy Samuel
" Teknik informatika akreditasi A "
07 August 2016Indra Ascendio
" Great university! ^^ "
29 June 2016Yoseph Khartiko
" Great university to spend your college life. "
20 June 2016Anthony Sandan
" Kampus gue! Teknik Industri 2015 "
25 April 2015Karl Frits
" Kampus tercinta "
20 February 2015Joey Pongsitanan
" Edgard pu kampus "
09 October 2014Lisa Modouw
" So much fun! Good lecturer although there are some killers! lol.
25 June 2014Great experiences with HMS, KOMAPA and friends from different cultures and background in many activities.
Speeding lots of time in PPKT, HMS base, canteen, lobby, lapangan lilin, roof top! "