Unit 5 Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta
About Unit 5 Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta
Unit 5 Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta is a university, located at Jl. Mancasan Indah III No.14, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 884201, visit their website amikom.ac.id for more detailed information.
Auliya Nuur 'Azizah
" Di lantai satu tersedia perpustakaan. Lantai 2 - 4 ruang kbm berlangsung "
18 May 2018Dhian P
" Makin bertambah gedung Baru nya "
28 March 2018Wisnu Winanto
" sekarang baru di bangun gedung baru di sampingnya "
25 March 2018Benny Fikti
" Gedung perkuliahan. Ada 4 lantai sayangnya gak ada lift, cuma tangga biasa "
13 March 2018Randy Putra
" Kampus Pakar IT. Apapun bidang teknologi informasi,AMIKOM jagonya apalagi Pembuatan Film Kartun salah satunya Battle Of Surabaya. Dosen dan rektornya ramah dan humble kepada Mahasiswa. Gedung dan penunjang lainya sangat nyaman dan sesuai. "
08 March 2018B. S. N.
" Unggul dalam trend teknologi Informasi. Creative Economy Park. University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta (previously named as STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta) is one of the largest and most respected computer colleges in Indo- nesia and has more than 11.000 students. University of AMIKOM Yogyakarta has been committed to excel- lence in scholarship, research and service.
12 February 2018UNIVERSITY OF AMIKOM Yogyakarta is located in the center of Yogyakarta city and in the distance of four kilometers from “Adisucipto” international airport, which lies in the eastern part of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. UNIVERSITY OF AMIKOM students are not only from many different places in Indonesia but from abroad as well. "
B! Channel - Adenzha Besatyalovu
" Good people and good facilities "
11 February 2018Yanuar Bayu
" i am proud to be a part of this university. Good people good system good facilities and good place. "
01 February 2018FX Budi Widyatmoko
" Perguruan tinggi tempat menimba ilmu manajemen, informatika dan komputer. "
27 December 2017Naufanti Zulfah
" Creative Economy Park. Really good in multimedia. Recommended University "
12 December 2017Julius Gunawan
" Good college make a Good Programmers "
04 December 2017Bukhari Yulianto
" Recommended place to college "
26 October 2017Untung Prasetyo
" Great programs, great facilities. Very nice environment, and so many friendly colleagues here. However, why writing his name like that ( Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta ). How about written just like this ( Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta ). If Amikom is not an Acronym anymore. "
25 October 2017Wawan Cahyo Purwoko
" Creative Economy Park "
24 July 2017Nekher An
" Great computer University on jogja "
26 June 2017Idho Prkso
" Favs "
22 June 2017ConsLife - F
" The University could be seem old overall great .. "
02 June 2017Alif Rizki W
" The inspiration "
20 May 2017Dovicky Aldian
" The Best Computer University right now. "
25 April 2017Isa Rahmatullaah
" Good university "
21 March 2017Ikmah Mkom
" nice university "
18 February 2017Arif A.M
" My beloved college "
12 February 2017Saifudin Ali
" You can find amazing programs in here! "
06 January 2017Lalu Zulfakar Hidayat
" Best of the best "
15 December 2016Suardi Haidar
" Best "
12 December 2016Dianovan Artha Kusuma
" Best TI "
03 September 2016Fendy LoveFaith
" Doesn't seem to have any specific and unique property/landmark but still good enough "
23 November 2015