" This is a statue with shrimp above the monument. This monument show that you are entering the kaliurang place. Many people take picture here, but be careful with the car or motorcycle passed by. It's dangerous. You can also find jeep rental arround this monument "
Trisno Ary Budi
" Ikon nya Kaliurang "
23 April 2018Fitri Hapsari
" This is a statue with shrimp above the monument. This monument show that you are entering the kaliurang place. Many people take picture here, but be careful with the car or motorcycle passed by. It's dangerous. You can also find jeep rental arround this monument "
05 March 2018Isakti Wijaya Bw
" Tambah elok wisata disini adanya tugu urang "
21 January 2018Apriliana ID
" Ok "
17 December 2017Akhtar De Java
" Tugu unik penanda kaliurang "
05 December 2017Bayu Walker
" Rest area for cyclist "
08 February 2017