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About Sumur Gumuling

Sumur Gumuling is located at Patehan, Kraton, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55133, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 22

Rob Hydell

" Pretty cool underground mosque to see. "

31 May 2018

Dwijaya_tour Jogja

" Another photo spot.. but this one is different, this place have history. Back in the time this is a mosque and around that is water.. and another story tell before the mosque is under the water. If you want go there you must walking is more easy if you walk from water castle (taman sari) no sign in there but you can ask or use map for walking "

02 May 2018

Serman Prayogi

" First time came here and I admit I was overwhelmed. It is such a historic place which is worth preserving. Yes, it's really instagrammable. Sometimes it's so crowded. And one thing about the guides, yes, they are so nice and have a great service but better not to give your cameras or smartphones to them, they are bad photographers! "

17 March 2018

Irawan Gifachri

" Have a great pressure. Warm vibe and comfortable. Have a dozens idea to taking photos someday "

12 March 2018

Zahra Septi Cahyaning Pertiwi

" The place is totally instagrammable but I can't go by myself without a guide. You can get a guide for 25k to show you this place and few other spots nearby "

04 March 2018

Malek Ku

" Behind water castle cafe.. there is a building of taman sari..u can see it from there. its separate from taman sari. nice for photo snap. but need to go early in the morning. otherwise..u cant have a good photo..because u take turn to snap a photo..n some ppl love to be in your background photo. "

20 February 2018

Zakaria Bent

" nice place with a nice history. It was actually a place where the sultan wanted rest with his family. There was also a mosque. The 5 stairs where made in relation with the 5 pilars of islam. Nice to go there and take pictures (you will not be alone for sure) "

26 October 2017

Jiunn Yann Alex Ng

" Be sure to wander through the residential area of the people who work in taman sari kampung and around which will lead you to this round shaped building which is actually part of the entire complex. Used as an underground mosque, this place is now a favourite photography area because of its unique tunnel like interior and central elevated platform.

Included in your entry to taman sari. Don't miss it out. "

05 September 2017

Frank R

" Very interesting place. Entrance covered in the water temple ticket "

23 August 2017

Satria Sadasiwa

" This place is still inside the area with the Taman Sari. There's a mosque hidden under the ground and there is a mysterious tunnel that supposedly leads to the southern coast where the queen Roro Kidul is. A lot of astral energy from the past exist in this place. "

05 August 2017

Yuchen Ye

" hard to take photo,but around here is nice,need feel slowly "

19 June 2017

Nihir Morzaria

" Beautiful place, worth exploring if you have the time. Great place for a few photos, and the perfect place to hang out or read or just take in the views. "

13 May 2017

Ronni Widyantoro

" Place where many of photographer learn to take photo with a model. "

18 April 2017

Eres Gambiranom

" An legend name at Tamansari water castle "

15 April 2017

Khairul Anwar

" Hidden gem and great design of an underground mosque. "

19 March 2017

Joshua Oenara

" There's a good place for taking photo for your social media! "

10 January 2017


" it was a cool place and still wondering, how they make it "

27 December 2016

Sulhan Qumarudin

" Salah satu tempat bersejarah kerajaan mataram Islam. Terdapat peninggalan bangunan berupa masjid unik dibawah tanah. "

25 August 2016

Cornelius Hanin

" Saah satu tempat peninggalan sejarah kerajaan Mataram di Yogyakarta. Lokasinya berada di dalam area Istana Air Tamansari.

Dinamakan Sumur Gumuling karena bentuknya bundar semacam kue donat. Bangunan ini memiliki 2 lantai, dengan tembok kunon yang tebalnya mencapai 1 meter. Ada 3 buah tangga bersusun di bagian tengahnya untuk menuju ke lantai atas.

Konon bangunan ini memiliki sumur air di bagian bawahnya. Dan bangunan ini juga dahulu sering digunakan untuk beribadah.

Setiap orang yang hendak mencapai bangunan ini harus melewati sebuah terowongan bawah tanah terlebih dahulu. "

19 August 2016

Ollie Djog

" Menikmati situs Non High Technologi of Architecture yang tercipta bukan dari bangku kuliah Jurusan Arsitektur atau Sipil, namun lahir dari jiwa seni yang mengalir dalam darah para Leluhur... "

03 August 2016

Bersukaria Tour Organizer

" A mosque with unique architecture, an iconic spot to take a photograph. Must visit this place! "

30 July 2016

Suhiman Rasmad

" Ok "

29 June 2016

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