About Stonehenge Merapi
Stonehenge Merapi is a museum, located at Kepuharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55583, Indonesia. Visit their website www.facebook.com for more detailed information.
Stonehenge Merapi is a museum, located at Kepuharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55583, Indonesia. Visit their website www.facebook.com for more detailed information.
Farkhi Muzaki Martha
" One of some objects tourism site that provides an awesome and beautiful scenery structure of hanging stone, it is like the one of World Wonders, Stonehenge from Great Britain. This spot is placed in Jeep Lava Tour Merapi roads. We can take some action pictures here with your friends or alone. Oh ya, this place is hiding from such others, the name of complect this site is The Lost World. "
21 May 2018Novilia Praditya
" Art of the rock.
08 May 2018Ga usah ke luar negeri sono, ke sini aja guys.
Artistic! "
Yusuf Syarif
" It's an "Indonesian Stonehenge". Recommended place for taking some pictures. 👌 "
" Lokasi wisata yang cocok untuk berfoto ria, lingkungan masih bersih dan asri.. Recomended "
19 April 2018M Naufal Erzal
" Tempatnya cukup bersih, ada warung sekedar untuk jajan dan beli souvenir, ada mushalla juga. Hanya akses jalan menuju lokasi kurang ramah untuk sepeda motor.
18 April 2018Terakhir ke sana sedang proses pembangunan gapura di pintu masuk, semoga semakin bagus lagi untuk mendongkrak wisata masyarakat di sana! "
Angela Jennifer Aroemrasni
" For me, this place is not so exciting. But since we are around this area. Not so bad idea to come and take a selfie. "
24 March 2018Dian Pertiwi
" Just a place with stones. but very instagramable. hahaha had so much fun here! "
22 March 2018Galuh P Ayu
" The track to come here from way down is kind of difficult,,especially the rock road..
01 March 2018It is written that the 'Stonehenge' was built from the lava of Merapi mount.. those Stones are obviously not as big as the original Stonehenge ones... and you need to take the photos cleverly from many angles to get great pictures and beautiful panorama... "
Willy Naresta Hanum
" This tourism spot is not too large. You can take many photo in here from different angle. But I suggest you to visit this place when the day isn't holiday. Interesting, if you are obsessed with 'Brave' film.
14 December 2017Facility, toilet, parking area, close to other tourist attractions. "
Dedi Iskandar
" for one photospot place, the ticket is expensive "
23 October 2017Lita Kusumasari
" The place is nice n looks proportional. Not many signs on the road to go there. Located on kaliurang, the weather is nice. "
17 October 2017Farini Jasri
" Great place and view for photoshoot "
01 October 2017Bagus Bhaskara
" Access to stonehenge still need to improvem "
27 July 2017SatotoJagad
" Its from concrete, but still awesome anyway "
21 July 2017Ricko Jap
" Just like unfinished place.. not use real stone "
29 June 2017Nurdin Ahmadi
" Lumayan untuk yang sekedar foto2 saja,Pembangunan area stonehenge belum maksimal mungkin karena masih baru.selain itu akses jalan menuju kesini yg masih belum bagus. "
07 June 2017Habib Nur
" Good place "
25 May 2017Widodo Putra
" Kaget! Ternyata ada tempat seperti ini di Kaliurang. Saya ke sana Sabtu lusa dengan jasa JWM (6/5/2017). Berasa di luar negeri aja. Silakan ke sana dan coba sendiri sensasi foto-foto di antara bebatuan raksasa. Harga tiket masuk Rp. 7.500/orang. :-) "
08 May 2017Yulia Ardina
" Simple yet nice spot 😎 "
30 April 2017Wahyu Juana Cute
" Kalian dah pernah ke Inggris? Mungkin sulit rasanya bagi kita ke Inggris apalagi untuk bisa ke stonehenge disana. Tapi tenang,di Indonesia ada juga lho stonehenge,tatanan batu2 besar yang sedemikian rupa sehingga terlihat artistik sekali. Ayo dateng sini,tdk jauh dari The Lost World Castle kok "
16 April 2017Djajanto Setiawan
" Lumayan untuk sekedar ambil photo,.. "
30 March 2017Asep Supyani
" Menakjubkan.... Anda hrs ke sini... "
11 March 2017Mind Ticker
" Jalannya agak berbatu dan tidak halus.. papan petunjuk arah kurang "
25 February 2017Abdul Rahman Suhendro
" Tempat yg lumayan bagus, jalannya saja harus diperbaiki "
16 February 2017Choirur Roziqin
" Baca panduan berwisata ke tempat ini di blog.ivacanza.co/yogyakarta-travel-guide/ "
05 February 2017Dian Heryana
" Emejing "
26 January 2017