About Social Agency Baru Ambarrukmo
Social Agency Baru Ambarrukmo is a book store, located at Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.22, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 487539, visit their website socialagencybaru.com for more detailed information.
Muhamad Rinaldhi
" Harganya lebih murah dari toko buku lain untuk ukuran buku asli. "
23 May 2018Wulan Finlay
" Good place for cheap book,love it "
06 April 2018Sadeyan Samukawis
" This store carry quite a lot of titles but the shopkeeper less helpful "
29 March 2018Rachmat Wijaya
" So many valuable books here. The photo below is not in there. "
26 March 2018Brahmantara
" lots of choices and great place for college's to find books "
09 January 2018Maria Natalia
" It fits with the needs of students of post grad- just like me😇 "
21 December 2017Mohamad Fadhli
" So many discounts.. but need improvement on how they set the books and displays "
25 November 2017Yati Maryati
" Very good "
11 October 2017Elisabeth ARTI Wulandari
" 4 stars for existence & for discounted books. 2 stars for service. "
08 October 2017Pandu Rijal Pasa
" Not that good. The collection not as complete as the other bookstore. "
17 September 2017Riska Intan Yuliana
" his place is neat and his book selection is plentiful "
04 September 2017Aska Wismari
" Good services "
27 August 2017Mifta Chu
" An alternative book store in the town "
20 August 2017Fany Yoga
" Banyak pilihan buku "
29 June 2017Ely Uswah
" Buku murah diskon, tapi penataan bukunya menyusahkan pembeli untuk mencari buku yang dimaksud. Plus nya toko ini memberikan layanan sampul gratis setiap buku yang dibeli "
16 March 2017Rizal Maulana
" So many cheap books "
26 February 2017Muhamad Sholihin
" Belanja buku "
19 January 2017Vibe Elnovo
" discounted price in the store "
30 December 2016Iefa Kahana
" Enak bisa baca² sambil duduk. Ada kursinya. Gak kayak dibookstore sebelah yang kalau jongkok baca buku disamperin satpam suruh berdiri. Stationary juga lengkap murah. "
22 November 2016Al Haris
" Pegawai nya ramah2 tapi Satpam nya sewot, sensian banget ,ngeselin! 👎 "
13 September 2016Andi Hartanto
" Lengkap dan murah "
04 September 2016ALEEV
" The most affordable bookstore in the city, plus discounts. "
04 September 2016EL Chan
" Bookstore "
30 June 2016Muhammad Kuntoro
" Superlengkap "
17 June 2016Muhammad Urfi Amrillah
" Tempat beli buku murah.. "
15 June 2016Muhammad Habibi
" kalau mau cari buku bisa disini, koleksinya juga lumayan banyak. "
07 June 2016Sukmo Wijoyo
" toko buku dekat dengan kampus uin "
07 April 2016Acep Irsal
" Deket kampus pusat uin suka sekitar 300 m "
31 March 2016