SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta
About SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta
SMP Pangudi Luhur 1 Yogyakarta is a school, located at Jalan Timoho II, Muja Muju, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55165, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 546061, visit their website for more detailed information.
" Dapat menjadi rumah ke dua, sering pulang sore, gurunya asik, temennya gayeng... "
15 April 2018Irene Saphira
" Alumni PL 1 nihh "
29 July 2017Yuan Art Games
" My 2nd home "
21 May 2017Frans Herdi
" Sekolah SMP swasta favorit yang dikelola oleh bruder fic. Dahulu SMP ini bertempat di jl p Senopati, yang sekarang untuk SMA "
14 May 2017Jonathan Kristofer
" It's the best local junior high school in Jogja, this school has so many facilities such as free WiFi, computer lab, science lab, sports hall, and a soccer field. It also has so many extracurriculars such as swimming, soccer, basketball, technology, photography, etc. In this school there 2 organizations that you can join, it's OSIS an organization to help other's and making school programm, and Dewan penggalang or scout's leader, it teaches the student in scout. "
23 April 2017Deky Prasetyo
" Sekolah bagus "
17 January 2017Dhani Chrisna
" Nice school, when i was there. "
02 January 2017Nikolas Gilarso
" Byk berjumpa anak2 muda yg kreatif disini "
28 December 2016KUNTO AJI UTOMO
" Bagus "
24 May 2016Mula Hutagaol
" Saya alumnus SLTP Pangudi Luhur I Yk, lulus tahun 1997. Tidak terasa sudah hampir 19 tahun berlalu. Perkembangan fisik bangunannya cukup pesat, namun demikian bentuk aslinya masih tetap terlihat. "
07 May 2016HANAN YUSUF
" Ok "
27 April 2016Wini Sesaria Riwu
" almamater SMP :D guru yang asik, tempat yang sejuk! "
16 February 2013