About Public Hospital Dr. Sardjito
Public Hospital Dr. Sardjito is a hospital, located at Jl. Kesehatan No.1, Senolowo, Sinduadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 631190, visit their website sardjito.co.id for more detailed information.
Rena Nurul Ummah
" good facilities but the service should be improved "
02 May 2018John Kemod
" sekitar 2 bulan yg lalu saya pergi kesini untuk periksa / cek kesehatan jantung ayah..saat awal datang sangat terkesan dengan bangunannya yang indah bersih luas dan rapih...
13 April 2018saya menuju poli jantung dan mendaftar seperti biasa dan antrian cepat...namun setelah selesai me ndaftar harus antri lagi untuk tensi darah sebelum bertemu dokter...yg membuat saya tidak habis pikir adalah waktu setelah daftar jam 10 pagi saya menunggu 4 JAM baru dipanggil untuk tensi darah..setelah itu pun harus antri lagi bertemu dokter ..uraiannnya begini
- jam 9.30 - 10.00 (antri pendaftaran)
- jam 10.00 -14.00 ( antri ukur tensi darah)
- jam 14.00 -15.00 (antri bertemu dokter)
tidak sampai disitu setelah konsultasi dgn dokter selesai kita harus antri ambil obat..yg membuat saya heran adalah masih semrawut manajemen pengambilan obat
setelah menaruh resep kita mendapat nomer pengambilan obat dengan waktu tunggu sekitar 1jam ..lalu setelah jadi kita dipanggil untuk mengambil obat...
inilah awal kesemrawutan memuncak...apoteker memanggil pasien sekaligus ke meja yg tidak ada kaca penghalang sehingga pasien berebut mengacungkan nomer sambil meneriakkan namanya !! pasien merangsek ke meja berjubelan di meja sambil terus berteriak..sungguh semrawut sekali
Mohon pihak Sardjito untuk membenahi kekacauan ini ..tirulah manajemen RS .Margono misalnya..manajemen sangat rapi ..obat ambil satu satu .cek tensi sebelum bertemu dokter hanya selang beberapa menit setelah daftar walaupun antri dokter lama tpi sangat bisa dimaklumi karena pasien banyak hampir 40 orang dipoli jantung Margono..kasihan pasien luar kota bisa pulang larut
Jangan cuma gedung dan fasilitas bagus tapi manajemen kaya di pasar...
keduanya harus dibenahi.. "
Rachmat Aldhi Wijayanto
" Rumah sakit terbesar di Yogyakarta dan menjadi tempat rujukan tertinggi dari tingkatan fasilitas kesehatan lain. Rumah sakitnya sangat luas dan junlahr lantainya per gedung bermacam-macam. Jadi jika Anda ingin datang kesini karena suatu keperluan, jangan sungkan untuk bertanya kepada petugas yang berjaga agar tidak tersesat. Untuk lokasi parkir, ada banyak "
12 April 2018Brenda Maulidina
" I just stop in this place for shalat maghrib at mosque of hospital. the mosque is quite huge and artistic "
30 January 2018Rizky Endah
" One of the biggest hospital in Yogyakarta. I hope every year this hospital improve their system, service, technology, and many more for better future. Not only when accreditation but every time. Forever. "
24 January 2018MAMITAKA Gallery
" The biggest hospital in yogyakarya. This place serve many kind, almost all, of health care service. This place is very crowded during operational hours. When you are visiting this hospital, it is very difficult to have parking area dor your car. It is very recommended to visit this hospital by public transport or online taxi or online bike. This place has 24 hour emergency service. "
18 January 2018Ryan Pratama
" The parking lot is not able to accomodate all the car. I did re-enter the parking lot 4 times and found out that there was still no empty space. "
15 January 2018Yanwar Iswahyudi
" Rumah sakit terbesar di Yogyakarta milik pemerintah. Instalasi lengkap dengan dokter yg bagus2. Sayangnya ramai banget, jadi kalo periksa kebanyakan hatus antri lama. Nov 2017. "
15 November 2017Me Ryntastry
" Toilet WITHOUT tissue paper AND WITHOUT soap!! I keep looking at the sink for 10 seconds and feel awful, because I had taken urine sample for lab and desperately want to wash my hands!
03 November 2017The administration section is messy. Messy documents laying over the table in front of me. Do every hospital administration always this messy?
Before getting my thorax photo in their radiology section, I change clothes with their green bathrobe (or tunic?) in a change room that HAS NO LOCK that HAS NO LOCKER for my stuff. I believe that everybody there is a nice people but crime can happen anywhere so I suggest it should have locker for customer stuff.
They need to improve the neatness, cleanliness, and brightness of their rooms and offices in this hospital.
And their parks is SO SAD. The grass, plants & flowers in their parks looks so LIFELESS in my eyes. They're dying! Nobody taken a good care of them.
And I have to copy my lab assessment by myself. I'm so tired of waiting for my lab result-----8AM give the lab sample, 2PM they're finally complete it-----and when the result came, Ms administration staff ask me to copy my documents for her in the first place. The copy center is in the way around and I'm just... Aaaa!! What kind of service is this? It's not the example of putting customer first.
This rate is from their SERVICE, ENVIRONMENT and ADMINISTRATIVE part in my perspective. "
Jetti Trijuni
" It is difficult to park the car.. it is still in the renovation for parking; but we need to park the car "
18 October 2017Papa Mika
" Bintang satu buat parkirnya .... "
21 September 2017Asa Rahmana
" This place is overload. And they really need to make the administration protocol clear & easier. And also the service.. the nurse even refused to change my mother in law diaper when she stayed at 1st class! We wait for almost half hour just to hear her saying, "I only help, you change it yourself". I only give 4 star because it's a center of medical research & has the latest technology. "
07 September 2017Drg Efendy
" Stase Anestesi dan Reanimasi... "
06 September 2017Challimy Adhistya
" Rumah sakit terbaik "
25 August 2017Riyad Filza
" One of Indonesia's top teaching hospital and research centre for medical sciences. "
23 August 2017Lincak Cafe
" The bigest Hospital in Jogja "
17 July 2017M Yusuf
" Salah satu rumah sakit terbaik di jogja "
02 July 2017Dedi Nurohman
" Good services, clean areas and professional staffs make this hospital one of the best in the city. "
02 June 2017Nan Mega
" Y hampir benar "
25 May 2017Kintel Edy
" Sudah ada banyak perubahan, semoga selalu meningkat kualitas layanannya, dan juga sudah terakreditasi internasional. "
18 May 2017Bu Jetis
" Cukup bersih. .nyaman,petugasnya ramah "
03 May 2017Pernak Pernik Temanten
" rumah sakit pusat dengan peralatan medis terlengkap, meski agak ngeri karena pusatnya penyakit kronis dan berat disini. "
17 April 2017Mas Tikno
" Pelayanan semakin baik... tingkatjan terus "
12 April 2017Muhammad Ridwan Firdaus
" Salah satu rumah sakit kelas A di Indonesia "
05 April 2017Yusuf Hmzh
" Pelayanan bagus, tapi saya tidak mau ke sini lagi.. "
02 April 2017Vina Sectiana
" Most known hospital in Jogjakarta. However, bureaucracy is a little bit complicated here. The queuing system could be integrated better. "
13 March 2017Noviandy Radhika Budi
" Parkirnya itu lho... crowded buanget "
06 March 2017Zhedix SIDIQ
" Rs penanganan bedah "
22 February 2017Bayu Wicaksono
" it takes a million years only to get a flu examination. i wait for too long, but i can't leave that bcause i already pay it in the front office. it sucks man "
17 February 2017Rustam Driver Gojek Jogja
" Parkir mahal,cuma nganter,masuk langsung keluar RS,bayar 2 rb. "
10 February 2017Asa Rahmana
" This place is overload. And they really need to make the administration protocol clear & easier. And also the service.. the nurse refuse to change my mother in law diaper when she stayed at Class 1! We wait for almost half hour just to hear her saying, "I only help, you change it yourself". I only give 4 star because it's a center of medical research & has the latest technology. "
24 January 2017Waqqas Hanafi
" Lots of good doctors but sadly the tools/instruments they use are outdated and inaccurate. Probably the best hospital in Jogja. "
02 November 2016Aulia Rahma
" 24-hour clinic is not really 24 hours in reality. Once I went there at probably 5.30 am, I didn't get service. There was no staff at the registration booth. There was really "no" staff at all around the place. It was not until around 7 am, that somebody exits through the door, that I could ask for help. (There is still no staff at the registration booth!)
20 October 2016The service is good enough when you go there at general working hours. Yes, don't expect them to be 24 hour ready even if it is called 24-hour clinic! "
Arfi Ardian
" pelayanannya oke "
10 August 2016MustBE Wangi Nusantara
" Sipp "
29 June 2016Aulia Irfan Wazani
" Ugd cepat tanggap "
17 April 2016Al Kusuma
" slow, parhetic and unprofessional. pls do not assign junior doctors to handle and manage seriuos illness. what your specialist do? der "
02 April 2016Miftahul Habib
" one of the best Hospital in town. Easy to access, but sometimes too crowded for an emergency situation, because near a university and a food truck seller. "
17 March 2016Antonius Heru Ariyadi
" Pake BPJS gratis.. "
22 February 2016Margaretha Wijayanto
" sentolo kulonprogo "
09 January 2016Uchiha Dionzu
" Asyi oooowheiioa revisine oooowheiio må hørerpå "
09 September 2015