Pos Ketan Legenda 1967 - Yogyakarta cabang Alun-Alun Batu
About Pos Ketan Legenda 1967 - Yogyakarta cabang Alun-Alun Batu
Pos Ketan Legenda 1967 - Yogyakarta cabang Alun-Alun Batu is a restaurant, located at Jl. Melon Mundusaren, Depok, Caturtunggal, Sleman, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-2987-1345, visit their website twitter.com for more detailed information.
Eric Luc
" Offers tasty snacks, but place too small and too crowded. "
02 June 2018Dea Dwi Novita
" Cozy, affordable, delicious, WiFi is good "
26 May 2018Berian Rachmanadi
" Favourite traditional food in town "
25 May 2018Gema Perdana
" sticky rice culinary concept "
20 May 2018Erik A
" Dari namanya, saya kira jualan Ketan (ketan bubuk misalnya), ternyata setelah membaca menu yg terpampang, gambar mie goreng 😅 "
15 May 2018Phii Zuu
" Rame, spesialis ketan, ngabisin seporsi rasanya kenyaaang sampe bingung kalau mau nekat pesan menu ketan yang lain kecuali kalo kita datengnya serombongan terus pesen bbrp varian ketan sekaligus, hehe. Nggak suka kasirnya yg waktu itu emak2 yang judes, tapi pas nglayanin brondong sebelah ramah n manis banget, hahaha. Tempatnya kurang nyaman pas jam rame juga karena seat terbatas. "
08 May 2018Muhammad Dimas Ekoprasetyo
" Very famous snack dish in Batu, Malang. They have so many kinds of gluttony rice in here, from choco cheese to durian and even chicken. Located in alun-alun (city square) of Batu, so there are limited parking space. The most expensive one is only IDR 18.000 (about USD 1.4). "
06 May 2018Puji Dwi
" Ketannya enak banget, tapi ngantri krn tempatnya kecil. Wajib dicoba kalo ke alun-alun kota batu. Oia, utk menemukan tempat ini patokannya di sebelah toko bunga kecil dan di seberang toko susu ganesha. "
22 April 2018Amira Mira
" Pegawainya banyak, tapi servics nya lama banget nunggu set jam belon juga selesai, padahal ya ga gt rame.. "
21 April 2018Triyanto Prabowo
" Best Ketan made dessert in town, the place is small located in strategic area, no seat available most of the time, crowded and queue. The price is affordable to cheap. "
12 April 2018Dini Hastiti
" Makanan dan minumannya harga terjangkau..varian menunya banyak (ada ketan, mie, siomay, risol, dll) parkir luas, nyaman buat nongkrong ama temen, kluarga ato pasangan "
04 April 2018Rizky Azhari
" This stick rice is cheap but delicious, the place is strategic and easy to find.
02 April 2018Every person in Batu know this place and one of favorite culinary tours "
Reinaldi Agustinus
" Nice food and good place are good combination! But the place is so crowded sometimes. "
02 April 2018Michael Unger
" Come here. Enjoy desserts. The queue will be long, but worth it! "
01 April 2018Ardhi Mulana
" Well, yg satu ini bukan sembarang pos ketan... Tempatnya cozy, full music, bersih, pelayanan ramah, parkir luas, Joss deh pokoknya.
27 March 2018Selain aneka ketan, ada menu² lain seperti mie dan desert yg siap menggoyang lidah kamu.
Yg ngakunya pecinta kuliner wajib mampir kesini! "
Ariska Desy
" Enak tempatnya cozy, sering ada musik bagus yg bikin ikutan nyanyi. Tapi sekarang tempat buat fotonya dibuat lesehan. Jadi ga bisa buat foto kalau tempatnya itu ditempatin orang :( "
23 March 2018Argo Nugroho
" Cobain durennya, beuuwwwwwhhh mantaaaaaaabsss "
22 March 2018Zainul Arifin
" Yuk arek kediri disini ada tempat nongkrong yang nyaman , bagus , total recommended , menunya pas dikantong rasa pelajar pastinya , tempatnya strategis parkir luas ya sob. satu kampung ??? Muat pastinya yuk mari merapat. "
22 March 2018IrueL Alfiens
" Menunya cocok dan nyaman tempatnya "
22 March 2018Nency Ayu Raharjo
" Pos Ketan Legenda Kediri ga cuma nyediain ketan aja. Tapi ada menu mie juwara juga. Ini menu mie kecap juwara level kampus (cabe 15). Bagi yg suka pedas recommended bgt. Tapi bagi yg ga suka pedas, jangan coba level ini ya hehe. Harganya juga murah banget. Cuma 9K aja udah free es teh/ teh anget loo. TOP banget 😍 "
14 March 2018Ratna Ramadhani
" Super crowded! If you wanna taste Ketan here, better come super early. This place serves various Ketan dishes. Don't wait too long, grab them fast! "
24 January 2018Vivi Oktavia
" Durian yang lezat dengan ketan yang gurih ditambah dengan fla "
20 January 2018Slamet Abdullah
" Tempat ngumpul bareng..mkan anget2 wennakk heheh "
07 January 2018Fauziah Ulfah
" Ter-favorit walaupun antri deh yaang penting jos keturutan haha, mumpung antri nya cuman 5 orang tapi greget bau duren nyaahaha. Ketan kacang best lahh . Sama teh anget minum nya pas dingin . Pengen jahe tapi taaakut ngantuk 😂 hihi yuk mari siniiiii 7ribu udah legaa "
02 January 2018Pratama 27
" The taste is good and original based on traditional javanese meal. Needing more patient to stay in line for ordering this meal "
05 December 2017Arista Bayu
" The legend of ketan or sticky rice at Batu. But unfortunately, last time I visit this place and now again, this place still same, the capacity of this place is not able to accommodate many visitors. But for taste it was still delicious! "
01 December 2017Vendy Xiao
" One of the most crowded hang out place in the city. The main food served here is Ketan, local traditional food in various of flavour. Most of time you have to queue to buy, especially during the night "
05 November 2017Dastirah Harjo
" This place located at strategic location with various topping to choose with cheap price. But the space so small It's not comfortable to eat and chat. "
20 October 2017Citra Andari
" A traditional food with a modern modification. So tasty yet authentic. The price is really affordable. Very recommended for those who like to try something traditional but tasty "
29 September 2017Faridhatul Unsiyyah
" The menu is good, delicious, easy to find in map, but not have many seats so we must entry "
15 September 2017Andhin Hz
" warm sticky rice with various topping. i've tried the durian-milk one, and it's good 👌 "
12 August 2017Alid Abdul
" Tempat nongkrong murah meriah di Jombang. Buka hingga larut malam. Menu andalannya tentu saja ketan berbagai rasa. Favorit saya adalah ketan bumbu kacang kedelai. "
07 August 2017Rizky Febriyanti
" Yummy! BUT! You have to get in line for order because it's very crowded. Recommend the durians one. "
05 August 2017Afifah R. Salma
" Delicious food! Affordable price. If they have a bigger place would be perfect. "
04 August 2017Andi Brata
" Watung yg tidak pernah sepi dikunjungi pendatang atau untuk orang Batu sendiri. Mulai dari ketan original hingga banyak pilihan macam dicampur dengan durian, coklat, keju dll. "
17 July 2017Intan Primadewati
" This place is always full everytime I got here. We need to queue to get our table. Their sticky rice is delicious, cheap, and have many selection of topping. "
06 July 2017Welly Susanto
" Benar2 ketan legend....maknyus top markotop,tempatnya nyaman buat kongkow2 "
04 July 2017Al Kuruni Zahro
" Tempat nongkrong asyk ditemani musik live "
02 July 2017Andiana Renata
" Rame dan antri nya kebangetan, siap siap ekstra sabar kalo kesini "
30 June 2017Ye Rachma
" Nice taste "
23 June 2017Michael Engelbert
" I don't know why, but for me, their sticky rice(a.k.a "ketan") is really delicious. They combine the traditional food with some sort of modern toppings such as cheese, chocolate sprinkles, condensed milk and even durian! Amazing "
23 June 2017Ahmad Youtube
" Cepat lezat murah "
10 June 2017Fransis AF
" Like it's name,they serve ketan (sticky rice) with various topping,like chocolate,durian,cheese,etc.Delicious and you will want it more and more. But you must be patient before taste it,because it always has long queue. "
20 April 2017Stevan Halim
" tradisitional food & modern toppin is awesome , you must be eat if you come to batu malang "
07 April 2017Taufiqullah Jaya Ramdhani
" One of malang's legendaru cullinaire, must try.. "
09 February 2017Muhammad Zahdi
" Yummy "
29 January 2017Kusuma Wijaya
" The combination from the traditional food and modern topping was brilliant. It was cheap and the dish is so light "
10 January 2017Ahmad Azhari
" This place serves a traditional food of Indonesia named ketan. There are many kind of ketan here.
07 January 2017Ketan is matching serves with Original Milk. You can also find milk here.
Suitable for personal or group. Family or company are also suitable.
Reservation is available here.
Great food, great milk, and great view. Overall is Good! Recommended! "
Petry Purenia
" I order "ketan ayam pedas" and it was delicious! "
05 January 2017Rahman Putra
" This is a must to eat culinary in Batu, they're offering cheap traditional snacks called ketan and they got some fresh milks. And the price is super cheap :) Best enjoyed late at night :) "
29 December 2016Evan Prajongko
" Made from the finest glutonious rice and coconut milk, this snack is very awesome. But, you need to patiently wait the queue, and this is what I don't like. "
11 December 2016Yonattan Sentosa
" duriannya enak "
11 November 2016Kartika Arrum
" Super tasty, yet super cheap. Beverages are great and warm, very nice against Batu cool air.
22 October 2016Best for hang out at night. At Weekends everybody needs to be patient cause a lot of people want the legend! "
Agung Pramudhita
" Best place to eat ketan in batu "
30 September 2016Habyb Palyoga
" enak namun antriii "
26 September 2016David Herlianto
" The ketan station ever. Ketan in here has many topping, there are chocolate, cheese, etc. But, this place is too crowded, especially holiday. Open at night. "
26 September 2016Arief Rachman Ashar
" This is the famous place in Malang. You can order ketan. The ketan is delicious, especially the durian ketan. The price is normal, and worth it. "
04 September 2016Irwah Yudi Laonga
" Ketan bubuknya ngangenin coy... 👍 "
27 June 2016Mas Adi Nugraha
" Bener2 ketan legenda...
15 June 2016Ramenya kalo weekend antriannya bisa 20 orang....
Harga masih sangat terjangkau.
Tapi porsinya menurut saya semakin lama semakin berkurang. Mungkin untuk menekan harga jual.
Tapi rasa nya joss. Kalo demen ketan dikasih topping kudu coba kesini "
Bahiratul Nahdliyah
" Bikin kangen "
14 June 2016Ritchie Sebastian
" Sticky rice with Durian... Just Awesome.... "
10 June 2016Jane Cornelia Dinata
" Like its name, this place is a legend. They open at 4 pm and people are willing to queue as long as they get the sticky rice. I can say no more about this place, the best. "
17 May 2016