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About Pondok 71

Pondok 71 is a lodging, located at Jl. Pugeran Blok MJ2 No.71, Suryodiningratan, Mantrijeron, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55141, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 380551, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 18

Indah Yulianti

" Nice place but old room "

19 April 2018

Eva S

" Nice budget hotel "

16 April 2018

Paijo Bakul

" Nice hotel, strategis location, beautiful room and i like service "

05 February 2018

Bu Wulan

" Pondok 71 one of the cheapest lodgment in Yogyakarta. The location is on Pugeran street. There are 2 types room. First, room with air conditioner, which the budget about 80K - 100K. Second, room with fan, which the budget about 70K. This lodgment is usually full, especially on holiday season, and the prize will be doubled. Each room has bathroom. I like it because clean and tidy, also cheap. It recomended for backpaker. "

27 November 2017

Ariski Wira

" Good place for just a rest. Its cheap! and can be accessed by TransJogja!!! "

05 August 2017

Nofriagara Davit Harnawan

" Murah "

22 April 2017

Farrady Widhiasto

" owner are not nice "

01 April 2017

Agung Rulistianto

" Just a nice place to lay down and rest after a full day trip around yogyakarta. Couldn't expect more since the highlight of this place is only the price tag. "

19 March 2017

Puji Astuti

" Tempat nya nyaman bwt bayi jg..bersih n ibu nya baik bgt...d dpn nya bnyak tmpt makan..gak pusing lg nyari tempat makan...dan yg psti murah bgt penginapan nya "

08 February 2017

Fatih Ajib

" Sip "

08 February 2017

Therka Marka

" Terbaik! Dengan harga yg relatif sangat murah, sudah mendapatkan fasilitas AC, dispenser, kamar yg luas, king size bed, lokasi relatif dekat malioboro (depan alun-alun kidul).. Recommended! Penjaga ramah, dan utk meluruskan opini orang lain yg tdk memperbolehkan utk melihat kamar, jutek dsb dsb, ya jelas siapa yg boleh membuka kamar yg telah terisi orang lain..Juga utk kamar yg full, jelasss krn ini penginapan termurah, bnyk peminat! Jadi pesanlah kamar jauh hari, dan bayar down payment.. sehingga tdk ada yg kecewa krn penginapan pasti penuh ketika tiba di tempat.. So far, this is the best sesuai harga.. toh tujuan backpacker akan jalan2, meninggalkan penginapan.. Dannn.. ada angkringan di depan penginapan, jahe anget nya the best! Terima kasih Pondok 71, stay the best! :) "

12 September 2016

Baiin Suharta

" Nice for bacpackers "

31 July 2016

Rizky Wardhana

" Suasana nyaman tidak bising kendaraan diluar jalan, pemiliknya ramah, cukup nyaman untuk beristirahat. Di depan ada angkringan, bisa pesan makan jg nasi pecel, ayam geprek, mie instan. Didalam penginapan jg tersedia dapur. Recommended. "

25 July 2016

Yunk Ilusiont

" Cheap but small and a little dirty "

30 June 2016


" Weeh...haha... "

20 May 2016

Ratna Octodinata

" For low budget travelling this place could be considered as a good one. The room is comfortable enough to sleep. Bathroom is okay as well. Near to transjogja bus stop, so you can easily go anywhere. They also provide motorbike for rent. They don't have room service, clean up and everything will be your responsible. One that I don't really like is the booking system, you have to reserve by phone exactly one month before you check in. And you have to confirm again 2/3 days before you really check in, by phone. That's because they do it all manually. Well, it is very cheap though, so it is acceptable. "

19 May 2016

Anwar Maulana

" Keren "

12 May 2016

Novan Arifiandy Putra

Saya dan keluarga tanggal 26 Desember kemaren dari bandung ke jogja, susah nyari penginapan karena memang udah penuh semua, maklum liburan akhir taun. Dan akhirnya, hasil browsing di google mengarah ke Pondok 71. Pas nyampe sana, yang jaga cewek, gak ramah sama sekali. Masa mau liat kamar aja gak boleh??? Numpang toilet juga gak boleh!!! WTF???!!!
Kalo gak kepepet amat, hindari penginapan ini kalo gak mau kecewa. Yang ngasih review bagus2 sebelum saya, itu pasti antek2 mereka.
Go to hell, Pondok 71!!! "

12 January 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Tuesday 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Wednesday 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Thursday 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Friday 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Saturday 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Sunday 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM