About Plaza Agro Gadjah Mada
Plaza Agro Gadjah Mada is a convenience store, located at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Agro, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 6411691, visit their website plazaagrougm.com for more detailed information.
Tiara Nugraini
" Just like another minimarket that sell our daily product but the different are they sell dairy product like milk, thai thea, yogurt, and also jamu "
15 November 2017Angga P Wijaya
" You can find various milk here with affordable price "
14 October 2017Renata Eggy
" It sells unique goods such as milk, kefir, yogurt, thai tea, and so on. Goods originally from UGM. Nice and cheap! "
06 October 2017Miss Indah
" It is a shopping place for fresh and natural products. There is so many unique products here, has a cheap price, and completely "
04 September 2017Timur Girindra Wardhana
" Cheap, fresh, locally produced. Heaven on earth. "
23 July 2017Shakka Ariyani
" Favorite place which selling local dairy products from local farmer "
10 July 2017Deddy Ramadhani
" If you are craved for fresh dairy products, here's the right place to come. "
19 April 2017Puput Riani
" Find student product here. Healty milk sale in here. Available ATM BCA, BNI, also Mandiri. "
29 March 2017Jajang Jakaria
" Yogurtnya recommended "
08 March 2017Yunan Zainuddin Afandi
" Biasa beli susu disini, ada atmnya juga "
14 January 2017Matheus Prabowo
" Mau cari susu dan yogurt segar dan murah ya di sini tempatnya. Banyak pilihan susu dan yogurt. Es krim susu kambing juga ada. Selain produk susu terdapat bahan makanan seperti beras, gula, dan lainnya. Perlengkapan sehari-hari ada di bagian belakang. Jika Anda butuh kertas warna berlogo UGM, di sinilah tempat jualnya selain di Kopma UGM. "
03 January 2017Syakilla Fithria
" Menyediakan banyak olahan susu.. Es krin. Yoghurt. Susu segar.. Susu macha... Enak.. Ada pizza. Onigiri. Bagus.. Ada atm juga di dalamnya. Memang blm ada tempat duduk (untuk sekadar makan snack) tapu cukup asik.. "
29 November 2016Untari Ramadhani
" One of the best place in town to get fresh milk, yogurts or locally made cheese "
25 August 2016Vita Kharisma
" Yogurt dan fresh milk nya recommended ! "
24 May 2016