" Offers a beautiful view of sugar cane fields, especially when their flower bloom. "
26 September 2019
Rahmat Hidayat
" This seasonal tourist destination is absolutely a great choice for you when you're passing by!
The wide range of sugar cane plantation, especially when its flower is blooming, is adorably elegant!
Not to mention that there are still few people who know this place too, so do not worry of being difficult to capture good moments.
I visited this place in May. Normally it blooms on that month.
I hope the spot to take pictures can be moved or elongated to the middle of the garden. Cause the recent one is not very strategic "
14 July 2019
Luthfi Rambe
" Amazing view "
02 January 2019
Dyah Didy
" Such a very beautiful place to release your stress. We came here after the place drenched by rain, so it added the freshness with the petrichor scent. You'll easily find the field on the path to Kiskendo cave or Sky Swing Watu Jaran. "
25 December 2018
Rachmat Aji Pambudhi
" nice view "
21 May 2018
Mastoko Jati
" Ada gazebo. Tempat parkir tersedia, meskipun sempit buat mobil. Pemandangan bagus. Lokasinya juga gampang karena cuma dipinggir jalan. Semoga yang berkunjung tetap menjaga kebersihan. Dan tidak merusak kebun "
18 May 2018
Nur Azmi Ainul Bashir
" Area parkir terbatas, tiket masuk gratis, biaya parkir wajar, tersedia gazebo dan tempat duduk serta lapak minuman. Hati-hati saat berjalan di tepi jalan, karena terletak di sisi jalan kabupaten lintas Godean-Purworejo.
Cukup bisa memanjakan dari kepenatan kota. Meskipun pemandangannya tidak terlalu istimewa, namun sedikit tidak biasa karena perkebunan tebu ini berada di dataran tinggi sehingga tidak hanya terlihat datan, namun menyesuaikan tinggi tanah. "
02 May 2018
Garda Damastra
" Pemandangan bagus, lahan parkir tersedia meski hanya di pinggir jalan, semoga kebersihan selalu terjaga dan selalu tertib "
29 April 2018
Margareta T Kusuma Hastutik
" Bagus , tp pastikan datang ketika musim kembang "
05 March 2018
Bayu Shafar R
" Nice view "
15 February 2018
Lutfi Anita
" Ada gazebo di tepi jln dekat dgn kebun tebu Jatimulya....bisa rehat sambil menikmati pemandangan disekitarnya "
10 January 2018
Chairul Suwasono Prambudi
" Tempat asyik buat selfie selfie dan berolah raga "
26 September 2017
Wahjoe Koesoemo
" Asri dan tenang "
11 August 2017
Ali Husaini
" Setiap Bulan april - mei bunga tebunya menawan "
Mochammad Akbar
" Offers a beautiful view of sugar cane fields, especially when their flower bloom. "
26 September 2019Rahmat Hidayat
" This seasonal tourist destination is absolutely a great choice for you when you're passing by!
14 July 2019The wide range of sugar cane plantation, especially when its flower is blooming, is adorably elegant!
Not to mention that there are still few people who know this place too, so do not worry of being difficult to capture good moments.
I visited this place in May. Normally it blooms on that month.
I hope the spot to take pictures can be moved or elongated to the middle of the garden. Cause the recent one is not very strategic "
Luthfi Rambe
" Amazing view "
02 January 2019Dyah Didy
" Such a very beautiful place to release your stress. We came here after the place drenched by rain, so it added the freshness with the petrichor scent. You'll easily find the field on the path to Kiskendo cave or Sky Swing Watu Jaran. "
25 December 2018Rachmat Aji Pambudhi
" nice view "
21 May 2018Mastoko Jati
" Ada gazebo. Tempat parkir tersedia, meskipun sempit buat mobil. Pemandangan bagus. Lokasinya juga gampang karena cuma dipinggir jalan. Semoga yang berkunjung tetap menjaga kebersihan. Dan tidak merusak kebun "
18 May 2018Nur Azmi Ainul Bashir
" Area parkir terbatas, tiket masuk gratis, biaya parkir wajar, tersedia gazebo dan tempat duduk serta lapak minuman. Hati-hati saat berjalan di tepi jalan, karena terletak di sisi jalan kabupaten lintas Godean-Purworejo.
02 May 2018Cukup bisa memanjakan dari kepenatan kota. Meskipun pemandangannya tidak terlalu istimewa, namun sedikit tidak biasa karena perkebunan tebu ini berada di dataran tinggi sehingga tidak hanya terlihat datan, namun menyesuaikan tinggi tanah. "
Garda Damastra
" Pemandangan bagus, lahan parkir tersedia meski hanya di pinggir jalan, semoga kebersihan selalu terjaga dan selalu tertib "
29 April 2018Margareta T Kusuma Hastutik
" Bagus , tp pastikan datang ketika musim kembang "
05 March 2018Bayu Shafar R
" Nice view "
15 February 2018Lutfi Anita
" Ada gazebo di tepi jln dekat dgn kebun tebu Jatimulya....bisa rehat sambil menikmati pemandangan disekitarnya "
10 January 2018Chairul Suwasono Prambudi
" Tempat asyik buat selfie selfie dan berolah raga "
26 September 2017Wahjoe Koesoemo
" Asri dan tenang "
11 August 2017Ali Husaini
" Setiap Bulan april - mei bunga tebunya menawan "
03 May 2017Fiqie Firdausya
" Such a beautiful lovely place 💖 "
24 April 2017