About Pantai Ngrawah
Pantai Ngrawah is a lodging, located at Kanigoro, Sapto Sari, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55871, Indonesia. Visit their website www.survive-giezag.org for more detailed information.
Pantai Ngrawah is a lodging, located at Kanigoro, Sapto Sari, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55871, Indonesia. Visit their website www.survive-giezag.org for more detailed information.
Eri Prasongko
" Good places for relax 😆 "
02 May 2018Rown Nee
" Pantai nya masih sepi dan bersih. Cuman kendala di petunjuk2 arah pada waktu trekking. Melewati ladang2 penduduk yg banyak percabangan. Saya sendiri pada waktu pulang sempat tersesat muter2 jauh sekali. Tempat parkirnya juga ada 2 yg masing2 saling berjauhan. Sangat membingungkan. Saya rekomendasikan kalau berkunjung kesini jgn cuman berdua, tpi rame2 bareng teman2 yg lainnya. Masing2 saling mengingat2 jalan yg dilewati sehingga tdk tersesat spt saya kmren. "
24 April 2018Joko Supriyono
" Sangat recommended untuk menenangkan diri, ombaknya juga besar. "
28 March 2018Rizkyana Tisni Andjarwati
" It was quite far from the parking lot to the beach
09 October 2017Lack of signs (got lost a few times)
You have to bring foods and drinks before coming here
No bathrooms
You can simply come to one area with three different beach (Peyuyon beach and Widodaren beach)
It really is a 'private' beach
Nice view along the roads
Not really a 'kids friendly area', the access wasn't too easy for children (rocky roads, long walk)
You can ask civilian if you got lost, the are very nice "
Dimas Adi
" Baguss masih alami "
03 August 2017Ferdian Lutfi
" Pantai bagus, tapi sedikit kotor "
25 March 2017Afrizal Hidayatullah
" Private beach!!! "
15 February 2017Majid Rahardi
" love "
09 September 2016Hilmi Reyhan
" Almost got there :)) "
21 June 2016Eko Setiawan
" Cocok buat yang ingin melihat indahnya laut.. "
14 March 2016Imam Ma'ruf Fuady
" This beach fit for those who want to feel a different sensation of beach "
04 March 2016Eri Pradiptya
" Masih sepi 😱 cocok buat camping. "
15 February 2016Bachtiar Eka
" extrem pokoke "
03 November 2015Rizal Bulugh
" 14 April 2015 Aku berhasil menginjakkan kaki di Pasir Pantai ini... Alkhamdulillah.. "
18 October 2015