About Pamella Tiga Supermarket
Pamella Tiga Supermarket is a supermarket, located at Jl. Wonocatur No.337, Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55198, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 374349 for more detailed information.
Djayeng Card
" komplit dan murah "
18 June 2018Jiwo Laksono
" Parking space is plenty. Location is strategic.
11 June 2018Standard supermarket but complete "
Yanti Fitrianingrum
" Belanja barang kebutuhan rumah tangga. Harga wajar. "
09 June 2018Wanda Nurina
" i enjoyed to groceries shopping here because the price is really cheap of compared with another supermarket in town. "
16 May 2018Nanik Widdy
" Cari apa aja ada, diskon banyak, harga apalagi 😆 "
18 April 2018Canthes Widyawaty
" Murah & lengkap tp kadang harga yg tertera di label gak sesuai dengan di kasir. Pelayanan kurang. "
18 April 2018Aditya Wikan Mahastama
" Place to get everyday needs with a reasonable and sometimes cheap price. Never too high, never too low. The downside is no air conditioning inside, so please bear with it when shopping on a hot day. "
02 April 2018Deddy Junaidi
" Nice place "
01 April 2018Bb Kelor
" Good place for shopping 👍 "
28 February 2018Hammada Mawahab
" Not so complete like the other Pamela, but I think it's enough to buy daily goods here "
19 February 2018Tracemakerr _
" Serve you anything you need, just bring your money, the price? Not too bad "
25 December 2017Guru Sosiologi
" good service "
30 November 2017Viani Liwis
" Mostly The price is cheap and complete but some customers complain about the service. "
18 September 2017Bing Agung Mulyo Suharto
" Ok "
06 September 2017Ardy Suryawan
" Nice "
04 September 2017Andreas Dhony
" Cheap and nice grocery service "
01 July 2017Riz9u
" The complete local supermarket "
22 June 2017Noor Saif
" Tempat belanja yg Lengkap Dan Murah "
29 May 2017Luky Fitriani
" Cheap supermarket "
12 April 2017Oky Satriawan
" Supermarket lengkap untuk kebutuhan sehari2. Walau space berbelanja sempit. Harga relatif murah "
25 February 2017Danang Widiantoro
" enak sih.. cuman sayang toko segede supermarket gitu gak ada AC nya. "
17 February 2017Wahyu Juana Cute
" Disini termasuk komplit untuk kebutuhan sehari2 dan rumah tangga,,tapi untuk baju dan sepatu harganya bisa dibilang rada mahal "
15 February 2017Piniel Hasibuan
" This supermarket offers many kinds of products from groceries, home appliances, clothes, and many more at a very competitive price "
13 February 2017Febi Kristianto
" Murah komplit "
06 January 2017Ok Atokan
" Harga miring.. lengkap "
07 October 2016Irthenk Trooper
" Barang yang dijual cukup komplet juga harganya terjangkau tempat parkirnya juga luas . "
24 August 2016Muhammad Kuntoro
" Belanja lengkap dan.murah "
19 August 2016Suroso Suwito
" Tempat belanja kebutuhan sehari-hari murah dan lengkap "
19 August 2016Boni Soehakso
" Supermarket dengan harga bersaing, tidak jauh berbeda dengan Mirota Kampus "
25 July 2016