PT. PAHALA KENCANA Terminal Giwangan
About PT. PAHALA KENCANA Terminal Giwangan
PT. PAHALA KENCANA Terminal Giwangan is a travel agency, located at Jl. Imogiri Timur No.195, Giwangan, Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55163, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 410033, visit their website for more detailed information.
Fomy Berian
" Well good place but not clean enuff "
24 May 2018Anitri Hastanti
" One of the biggest bus terminals around Jogja Jateng since it offers many routes. Not a fan because I don't feel like the environment is properly treated. "
20 May 2018Supriono Supriono
" Jam 1 malam masih ada bus ke Purwokerto, Surabaya, Kebumen, Purbalingga. "
08 April 2018Arif Murdianto
" Nice place "
19 March 2018Cak AHen
" One of the major bus terminals in the Central Java area, as a transit to the west, to the city of Magelang and Cilacap, or north and east direction, to the city of Solo, Semarang, even to Madiun and Surabaya. The existence of a conventional taxi is still there, so it must be a bit far out of the area to order an online taxi. Cleanliness of the terminal is poorly maintained. "
11 February 2018Asep Mustofa Ikhwanul Jamil
" Tak Pulang Rindu... "
01 November 2017Ahmad Syahid
30 October 2017Station is otherwise dirty and dilapidated. Good for taking buses in and around Yogyakarta, as well as elsewhere in Indonesia "
Akha Zakariya Fuadi
" Situated not too far from city center, this bus terminal is helpful for traveler who want to explore Yogyakarta and beyond. Book the ticket in advance is highly recommended to avoid calo (illegal ticket officer). "
08 August 2017Khanya Silvilia
" Good transprot good looking good people..... "
28 July 2017Nur Aini
" A little dirty.. "
02 July 2017Puji Kurniawan
" Good "
27 June 2017Mujib Mujib
" Karna telat tyang jdi g ketinggalan bus "
24 June 2017Yonathan Sebastian
" not so good. Dirty also. "
22 June 2017Tangkas Budi
" nice bus station.... "
08 May 2017Joe Hans
" Armada busnya kurang terawat. Kursinya banyak yg rusak sandaran kakinya. Lubang ac ada yg lubang tanpa penutup "
03 May 2017Andi Irawan
" Terminal yang menjadi pusat akses ke kota Yogyakarta, "
23 April 2017Yahya Hafidz
" Sometimes this place is smelled "
29 March 2017Siti Patonah
" Modern "
04 March 2017Dimn Harits
" Good "
03 January 2017Nunung Setyawan
" Semoga bisa lebih rapi dan bersih. Konsep nya cukup membuat calon penumpang berputar-putar mencari parkir bis. "
21 September 2016Dimas Itho
" fs "
07 September 2016Muchamad Sarifudin
" udah jadi kotor gak kayak dulu bersih "
06 August 2016Yanuar Affandhi
" Ilove you "
28 July 2016Suryono
" Luas namun kotor "
22 July 2016Windi Anto
" banyak sampah. "
17 July 2016Mahmud Fadil Mappiasse
" Terminal ini menurut saya sudah bagus, fasilitasnya utamanya, sayangnya kurang dirawat. Jadi dibeberapa sudut ada yang bau pesing.
14 June 2016Pertama kali saya ke sini waktu mau ke Malang untuk kegiatan #IAAS
Waktu itu jadwal bisnya jam 20.00 tapi kami (berdua) baru tiba didepan terminal sekitar jam 19.50. Jadi kebayang gak tuh paniknya kami? sampai harus lari-lari. "
Robi Pradana
" Cukup bersih, pelayanan baik "
07 June 2016Rhewoock Cronosh
" Like.. "
29 May 2016Wahyu Masfiqih
" Good "
05 April 2016Luthfi Ersa
" deket rumah ku hehe "
01 April 2016M Nur Hambali
" Orang2 di dalam ramah2 khas jogja, sayangnya kotor, toiletnya jorok. "
18 January 2016Muhamad Amin Arifin
" Bintang 2 "
10 August 2015