About PT Kanisius (Penerbit & Percetakan)
PT Kanisius (Penerbit & Percetakan) is a book store, located at Jl. Cempaka 9, Jl. Deresan I, Manggung, Condongcatur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 588783, visit their website kanisiusmedia.co.id for more detailed information.
Agustinus Priyono
" Ok "
05 September 2020Inna Jogja
" Recomended for any printing and publishing jobs "
14 June 2020Isa Wasesa
" Good staff, good book, complete store "
31 December 2019Bintang Surya
" If you're looking 4 books which are printed by Kanisius, it is the rite place, then. School books for Kanisius schools, books about Catholic, things are used in Catholic Church (bible, music books, candles, story books like Franklin). A nice bookstore. "
17 December 2019Bintang Surya
" If you're looking 4 books which are printed by Kanisius, it is the rite place, then. School books for Kanisius schools, books about Catholic, things are used in Catholic Church (bible, music books, candles, story books like Franklin). A nice bookstore. "
17 December 2019Antonius Wijaya Simbolon
" it's a good place to find a religious things. "
21 October 2019Prashanti Deviani
" Mostly they sell Catholic books and general books about religion. Sometimes they do bazar and if you're patient enough, you can get good books from the piles with an excellent price. "
20 September 2019Mas Busa
" Good place, you can find many catholic book also some equipment for praying "
01 August 2019Riyan Wahyudi
" This publisher is very great. They have a very large awesome greeny garden. So, i love it so much, so we can spend many times to enjoy the green garden everytime i visit this publisher. "
26 June 2019Riyan Wahyudi
" This publisher is very great. They have a very large awesome greeny garden. So, i love it so much, so we can spend many times to enjoy the green garden everytime i visit this publisher. "
26 June 2019Fauziy Dwi Bimasakti
" a good place to share your idea and turn into a book,the place is very cozy and refreshing "
12 April 2019Fauzy D
" a good place to share your idea and turn into a book,the place is very cozy and refreshing "
12 April 2019Rocca Garden
" Cool n cozy garden to visit, adem di ati... "
03 April 2019LKBH Sarnelli
" Historical site for me in my literacy awareness.... Keep moving forward! God bless... "
03 January 2019Shantea Rasma
" Oke. Lengkap "
24 October 2018Martinus Dwi Marianto
" Nice place, a good book store, there are many trees making the place green n cool "
14 September 2018Adhitya Duta .Dewangga
" Good place to find books or something but it is specially for the Christian.. "
02 August 2018Savitri Wikansari
" Gedung pertemuannya cukup bagus. Tapi tidak utk fasilitasnya, seperti viewer dan kabel sound. Sangat mengecewakan. Mohon dikoordinir lg. "
23 May 2018Claudya Olive
" Kalo mau cari buku atau baca2an rohani gitu yg terbitan Kanisius, bisa langsung dateng aja ke Kanisiusnya.. Pastinya kan lebih lengkap "
23 May 2018Theresia Utik Triningsih
" A nice place to get good books. Many kinds of books are provided here, e.g. religion, children's story, etc. You will have a certain discount if you join the1 membership. "
21 February 2018Sigid Nugroho
" It is one of the oldest book publisher in the country. They've been producing great books from time to time, not necessarily popular ones but definitely good ones. Their Christian spirituality books are one of a kind. "
20 February 2018Ria Anggraeni Kusuma
" I love the bookstore. They sell various books. Especially book from their publisher which is publish religious book at most. They have lot of parking space. Not located in main road. But they have big sign that can guide us to go there. "
10 February 2018Moh. Khatibul Umam
" Extremely recommended for student who is interested in the philosophy, social humanities and art. This is thebbest place for u! I have been a member of this book store since about 4 years. The member called KRC (Kanisius Reading Community) and we could get discount 25% when we buy at this store so that why I encourage the student to have the member card especially for student that lived here, in Yogyakarta. "
23 November 2017Vincent Wanggo
" Nice place to buy books "
13 November 2017Monika Cecilia Wenny Lelliana
" The place are cozy, and many books here, christian catholic books and common books are available. Books for children are abundant. And there are bazaar everyday, where you can buy cheap books, IDR 3000-15000. "
20 September 2017Kevin Chandra Nurwadji
" It is a very good placs to search some book that is cheap yet useable. It is also a good place to buy some philosophy and Teological book. "
06 September 2017Guntur Poerboyo
" Recommended book store "
11 August 2017Yustinus Kristanto
" nice book store "
15 July 2017Thepatrashand Limanpatra
" They keep the natural environment, lots of trees. The book collection is unique, it's like something we couldn't have seen at other book stores. "
02 July 2017Oki Kurniawan
" I like their garden outside the bookstore... "
16 June 2017Iwan Badawy
" Good park "
16 May 2017Grenk Gila
" Looking for some religious book? Specially for Christian, Come here "
12 April 2017Vendi Ferdian
" Good book "
16 March 2017Antonia Ayu
" Nice books! "
06 February 2017Mario Kampes
" Top "
28 September 2016AGUS TRI WICAKSONO
" Good for kids and have book store. Also have green location. "
" Have a nice park and green location "
14 July 2016Thomas Danang
" You can find any kind of book "
07 July 2016MustBE Wangi Nusantara
" Sipp "
29 June 2016Emanuel Arizona
" tempat rekomendasi mencari buku seputar gereja (kanisius karya gereja tepercaya) "
08 June 2016Patricius Bryan
" Salah satu penerbit dan percetakan di jogja yang memiliki kualitas mumpuni. Memiliki showroom untuk mendisplay produk. Suasana nyaman tersaji di sini dlm berbelanja buku terbitan PT Kanisius. "
" Lumyan "
19 May 2016Rikka Welhelmina
" Laparaskopi... Demi sebuah nyawa... Thanks to dr widad Spog... @klinik permata hati rs dr sardjito yogyakarta "
21 August 2012Juan Sumampouw
" Buku. Membaca. Hijau. Hangat. Inspiratif. "
20 July 2012Juan Sumampouw
" wrong place! for the exact location, please search "penerbit percetakan kanisius". "
07 July 2012