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About Omaina Smart Cookies

Omaina Smart Cookies is a restaurant, located at Jl. Nitipuran No.372 Rt.10 Ngestiharjo, Yogyakarta 55182. They can be contacted via phone at 087838518666, visit their website for more detailed information.

Gluten Free


Omaina Smart Cookies made from arrowroot strach and gluten-free. It is the best natural source of carbohydrates and contain fiber which is good for the body. Arrowroot starch produces smooth flour and easy to digest, it also makes cookies become crunchy and delicious, as well as safe to consume by all people either for the one who suffers gluten allergy or children with special needs.

Omaina Smart Cookies berbahan dasar pati garut dan bebas gluten. Merupakan sumber karbohidrat terbaik alami dan memiliki kandungan serat yang baik bagi tubuh. Pati garut ini menghasilkan tepung yang halus dan mudah dicerna, selain itu juga membuat cookies menjadi renyah dan lezat serta aman dikonsumsi semua orang, baik bagi mereka yang memiliki alergi Gluten ataupun bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK)


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