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About Mister Burger Corporation

Mister Burger Corporation is a cafe, located at Yogyakarta, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kotabaru, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 619456, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 22

Dauda Arie

" Enak dan best burger in town "

19 May 2018

Agustina Eka K Wardani

" You can choose any varian of menu. The taste is unique that you'll miss it sometimes. One of my favorites in town. "

01 March 2018

Zakya Jannah

" It's a very unique place, it has several different ambiences, outdoor, semi outdoor, indoor and it has different delicious branded food merchant.. FAB😊😄😙👍💞 "

17 February 2018

Afif Faizul

" Its Burger King, KFC, and McD combined. With half the cost! "

29 December 2017

Dila Rachma

" fourth floor is the best place at night because it's decoration is romantic and outdoor so you can see part of yogyakarta city from top but not for the menu. Many food was offered in there, you can choose from first floor until fourth floor. I like menu in second floor cause food presentation is well and more exclusive. Recommended place to hang out with your friends and boy/girlfriend. "

30 October 2017

Helmi Nurfuadi

" For 6-7 years I live in Yogyakarta I thought this was Mister Burger stall in front of some office or other restaurant building. But turns out the whole building is occupied by Mister Burger. Ugh where have I been..
It’s a cool place to chill out, though. I went here around midnight and there was about dozens of people still enjoying their late night snacks. "

12 October 2017

Arpan Zulfikar

" Good place for hang out with friend, cheap food and always crowd with college student "

01 October 2017

T. Lukmanul Hakim

" Burger dan hotdog favorite istriku. Big size, small money. "

21 September 2017

Putut Puji Utomo

" Nice place at nite... But hot at noon.. "

16 September 2017

Monika Satyajati

" Affordable food and nice place to hang out. But the food quality is average and most of them are unhealthy food "

06 September 2017

Nasrullah Alfarisy

" Nice place with variants menu = food and beverages available here. Pizza, Burger, Kebab etc "

01 August 2017

Sekar Ayuning Pangestu

" Really really realllllyyyy love all the foods in this place. Eventhough i haven't try them all hahahahha 😆😆😆 "

09 July 2017

Rootless Wanderer

" Open 24 hours, comfy and recomended place to find burger, hot's a local brand but so famous.. My fav is Mr Angry Burger which so spicy delicious. U also could find roasted and fried chicken..the price is reasonable..but the store don't have proper parking area for cars..and it was so bad when the customers park the car beside the main road..caused traffic.. "

15 June 2017

Eka Fatimah

" Open 24 hours its ok nice palace, nice food. "

21 May 2017

Dany Ismanu

" One of the easiest place to catch in the city if you are hungry or just want to hangout, even in the middle of the night! Good food, good place, good price. "

13 May 2017

Jual Tanah Bantul

" Satpam/security Berseragam coklat tua MINTA uang parkir Sepeda Motor Rp. 2.000. Tapi ga dikasih karcis parkir. Jadi keliatan bgt orang itu kerja disitu tapi sambil minta2 uang parkir. Selama ini parkir motor disitu gratis. Ini sepeda motor aja 2.000 & orang itu ga bantu markirin/cuma minta uang tok. (Kejadian Senin 8 mei 2017) "

10 May 2017

Mikael Rinto

" Tempatnya nyaman, menu variatif. Dilengkapi live music pada hari tertentu. "

14 March 2017

Java Sindhara

" enakk hehe "

28 December 2016

Gilang Aji Wiratama

" Murah, kenyang dengan menu beragam, namun beberapa menunya memang memiliki citarasa standar. But its fine! "

25 October 2016

Anak Pensil

" Bikin Double Chesse Burger Dong ^^ "

16 October 2016

Indra Aries Pamungkas

" Rasa yg paling enak dari Mister Burger ada disini "

14 October 2016

Yasthil Bhownath

" Mr Angry Burger!!! Get it spicy, soooo good. And a bargain! Best spicy chicken burger from a fast food joint. "

01 September 2016

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