Matahari Department Store Galeria Mall Yogyakarta
About Matahari Department Store Galeria Mall Yogyakarta
Matahari Department Store Galeria Mall Yogyakarta is a department store, located at Galleria Yogja, Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Terban, Gondokusuman, Terban, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 636534, visit their website for more detailed information.
Steven Lim
" Typical anchor store, as also in Malioboro Mall. Lots of clothing options for the family, including the younger ones. Do look out for discounts, which can be up to 50 per cent. "
19 February 2020Reinha Angelika
" Nice place to shop "
12 January 2020Azka Raditya
" Good place for shopping, sometimes in this store had a great diskon "
09 January 2020Meida Rosa
" Still the best retail store with reasonable price and up to date fashion. "
09 April 2019Meida Rosa
" Still the best retail store with reasonable price and up to date fashion. "
09 April 2019Kurnia Fajar Ramadhani
" very crowded but the staffs were nice and respond to me quickly "
26 March 2019Kurnia Fajar Ramadhani
" very crowded but the staffs were nice and respond to me quickly "
26 March 2019Dyah Utari Hastrarini
" You can find clothes, make up, bags, and beauty product here. This place also has bunch of promos "
05 March 2019Dyah Utari Hastrarini
" You can find clothes, make up, bags, and beauty product here. This place also has bunch of promos "
05 March 2019Dee Marian
" Good choice for shopping clothes, shoes, make-up, accessories, etc. There are a lot of brand to choose. Affordable price as well as giving lot of promo and discount on special occasion. It could be crowded during several occasion like Lebaran or new year sale. Overall it's a great place to enjoy the day. "
11 August 2018Widhie Jogja
" The collections are quiet complete. All kind of fashion style that you need are provided in the fair price here. "
22 June 2018Kyla Mahesita
" Suasana nyaman, hanya saja area parkir kurang luas. Area mall juga terbatas. Tidak terlalu banyak toko tenant. Sebagian besar dipenuhi dengan store makanan dan pakaian. Untuk area Matahari dept. Store nya tidak terlalu luas juga tapi lumayan nyaman dan barang lumayan variatif. "
01 June 2018Ayu Merlita
" Nyaman untuk berbelanja, jumlah koleksi tidak sebanyak di mall hartono, banyak diskon juga. "
29 May 2018Rizky Oktavianto
" Berburu kaos murah "
29 May 2018Maria Lanny
" Not too busy mall, perfect for those who wants to enjoy less crowded shopping mall "
18 May 2018Shakka Ariyani
" Nice place for fashion shoping. A lot of choices with affordable price. Matahari also have a lot of promo and diskon. "
16 May 2018Kana Utami
" Nice place looking for stuff "
07 May 2018Dawa Ra
" Ok "
05 May 2018Ovina Felita Christie Wulandari
" Good service.... "
03 May 2018Susanti
" Shopping again yeahh "
01 May 2018Elizabeth Widy
" Favorite mall "
27 April 2018Anggoro P
" Lokasi nya sangat mudah dicapai. Banyak pilihan baju yang bisa dipilih. Diskon nya lumayan tinggi..barang bisa dibeli kapan saja. Dan apabila tidak cocok ukuran dan warna bisa di tukar maximal 7 hari dari tanggal pembelian .. "
13 April 2018Adysabzan Tomario
" Tempatnya sama seperti Department Store lainnya. Tapi terakhir kesana agak berantakan penataannya. Kerdus dan lain-lain malah menutupi pajangan sepatu lainnya. Jadi susah kalo mau nyobain. Semoga semakin baik lagi deh. Harganya standar sih. Masih jadi salah satu pilihan terbaik lah.
13 April 2018Translated by Google:
It's the same as any other Department Store. But last there somewhat messy arrangement. Kerdus and others even covering other shoe displays. So hard if you want nyobain. Hopefully the better the deh. The price is standard anyway. Still one of the best options is. "
Nofi Ratih
" Matahari di jogja yg paling sering dikunjungi. Gak terlalu berjubel "
12 April 2018Leni Suryantari
" Suka tmpnya kecil tp makanan di Foodcourd nya lumayan enak enak "
22 September 2017Bayu Dewanto
" Paling suka disini. "
15 September 2017Arief Setiawan
" Belanja Puas Harga Pas.. Love it "
09 September 2017Rossy Kusuma
" Lumayan ~ "
16 July 2017Lintang Restu Gumilang
" Koleksinya banyak yang casual, sukaa... Sering banyak promo diskon, atau beli 1 gratis 1, beli 1 gratis 2 "
21 June 2017Ulat Bulu
" Koleksi banyak, hanya saja menurut saya untuk model bajunya tidak terlalu up to date. Tapi bahan dari pakaiannya enak dipakai, footwearnya juga banyak koleksi, sering diskon, tempatnya bersih, terjaga, rapi "
15 June 2017Mikael Rinto
" Produk cukup lengkap dengan petugas ramah dan melayani "
14 April 2017Kinanti Chrisanti
" Deket kota jadi sering jalan2 kesini "
12 April 2017Aziz Setiawan
" Tempat nya lebih kecil dr pada yg lainnya, tp legendaris sih.. Deket kampus, jd kalau butuh baju mepet langsung kesini aja.
17 March 2017.
Oh iya,jika cari jaket khusus hijaber bisa Tengok di IG kami @jaket.premium atau hub WA 0852-8877-1703 "
Rahmad Kurniawan
" Mainan anak e lumayan lengkap... "
08 March 2017Gojek Jogja Driver
" Banyak diskonnya "
01 January 2017Wana Grafika
" Kalo pas discount dapat baju bermerk yang murah. Kalo beruntung "
15 October 2016Cahya Nugraha
" Kemeja 50%nya idola ! "
12 July 2016Nur Rokhman
" Selalu ada diskon "
12 March 2016