Museum Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX
About Museum Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX
Museum Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX is a museum, located at Panembahan, Kraton, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55131, Indonesia
" Learn the sultan life. Very humble and smart sultan "
28 May 2018Kiki Wendra
" the heritage museum of the royal leader Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, Sultan Hamengkubuwono. here stored the Sultan's heritage, and well cared for. "
12 May 2018Ondřej Vykydal
" Information only in local language, if you want get more you have to pay guide "
28 April 2018Erika Aprianti
" Tahta untuk rakyat "
17 March 2018Erny Ludvyani
" a museum located within the Sultan Palace. this museum contains heritage objects from Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X since he was a child until he died. many historic objects and a collection of antiquities there. visitors will be accompanied by a guide who will explain the contents of the museum collection. open at 9:30 am. Do not miss this place if you visit Yogyakarta. You will learn a lot about the history of Yogyakarta. "
27 February 2018Ddy Pra
" Perfect "
22 January 2018Seno Pamardiyanto
" This museum located at the middle part of Palace of Yogyakarta. Items displayed in this museum are properties owned by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and some photograph of life story since Dutch colonization, Japanese colonization, old order (orde lama), and new order (orde baru). Since his services and sacrifices for Indonesian Government are uncountable, items in this museum should be much more than the number of item displayed today "
09 January 2018Nyoman Bagus Adhiwidana
" Beautiful heritage and seems they really maintain them. But if you enter the palace make sure you buy at front entrance because they have also ticket at the back but you can not enter the main palace. "
22 December 2017Esther Estevez
" Palacio y museo del sultán donde ver la historia de la dinastía de sultanes "
30 October 2017Andrew Jansen
" Menarik dan informatif. Sayang koleksinya kurang dirawat "
03 September 2017Myrrr Kth27
" Ayyo ke museum, tolong tambahkan koleksinya lagi "
23 August 2017Mustain Ruddin
" Klasik, adatnya masih terjaga "
12 February 2017Joni Subroto
" Museum yang bagus. "
27 December 2016