About Laris Abadi Autobody
Laris Abadi Autobody is a car repair, located at Jl. Kayen Raya no. 17, Malangrejo, Sleman, Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 4477018, visit their website www.larisabadi.com for more detailed information.
" Owner nya ramah dan asik buat diskusi, hasil pengerjaan oke dengan harga reasonable 👍👍 "
03 May 2018Rahma Dwi
" Joss pokoke 😂 "
20 April 2018Andy Wiliyana
" Pengerjaan nya rapi n mantab keren pokoknya "
20 March 2018Sanjaya Na
" Sip pokokmen. Saya kesini cuma minta dipasangkan bodykit, bodykit nya saya sudah beli sendiri. Mungkin lain kali klo udh bosen pingin bikin bodykitnya jg disini. Harga wajar, gak mahal "
10 February 201887 Channel
" Bengkel cat mobil, body repair, modif. "
09 January 2018Bernie Adeney-Risakotta
" Highly recommended for an excellent job at a modest price. I have a Toyota Innova that had serious damage to the right front door as well as many smaller dents and scratches. Laras Abadi promised to finish the car in 10 days to 2 weeks. In fact it took them 16 days, in part because there was a lot of rain and holidays. I was glad they took the time to do the job right, in light of the weather. The car now looks "like new". "
28 December 2017Tony R
" Cepat dan rapi harga standart "
08 November 2017Eko Budi Sasmito, ST
" Bagus buat tambahan refrensi "
09 May 2017Tri Wardhani
" Tempat terbaik untuk segala urusan perbody-an mobil, cat, bodykit, repair, dll. "
26 April 2017David Reyza
" Auto body repair "
08 April 2017Andy Sulistio
" Bengkel autobody otomotif "
25 November 2016Sarga Kusma
" Top markotop.. "
24 November 2016Andre Sugi
" Solusi males claim asuransi ke L.A aja. Hasil rapi. Joss "
12 December 2015