About Kedung Pengilon
Kedung Pengilon is located at Petung, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55751, Indonesia. Visit their website www.bantulkab.go.id for more detailed information.
Kedung Pengilon is located at Petung, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55751, Indonesia. Visit their website www.bantulkab.go.id for more detailed information.
Putik Dewi Nurahmawati
" Another gem in the middle of Yogyakarta, the flow wasn’t strong because the picture taken on summer time "
10 May 2018Rahmat Irwansyah
" Akses nya sudah bagus dah pas buat berenang renang ria "
05 April 2018Robert Stitson
" Nice place to swim and jump into the deep pool. "
08 March 2018Flames Of Rega
" good place if you can swim! but do not try if you can't. because when rain season is coming is more higher than you think! "
18 January 2018Ritwhan Setiawan
" It is a beautiful place, new tours destination, it's not famous place but have a good view and good sunrise. The water is blue, and the deep is 8 meters. You may swim here but I am not recomand it because there is no safety jacket and no first aids box. I suggest you must careful if you want to swim "
15 January 2018Risang Pujianto
" Popular spot to bicycling. The waterfall debit depend season, less facilities, need to improve to be more attractive "
04 November 2017Konan Susanto
" Calm and quiet place... Small waterfall with sweet view "
16 July 2017Alfian
" interesting place but need more secure because this place are dangerous for new people who don't know anything, 👍 still natural, need some help especially to develope this place to better place for spent weekdays... love it "
15 July 2017Rizky Kurniawan
" Nice place. Good people. It has 5meters depth. "
30 April 2017Budi Santoso
" Good place to escape. "
09 April 2017Sinonna Erlyne
" Wisata keren yg masi asri di wilayah bantul.
26 March 2017Air memang bagus ketika musim hujan, namun sayangnya kl habis hujan jalan menuju lokasi atau pas di lokasi mjd becek dan tanahnya lengket di sendal (semacam tanah liat) "
Ahmad Nuryani
" Alternatif buat wisata air di Bantul, bagi yg belum mahir / blm bs berenang harap hati-hati dan sebaiknya tidak usah renang dikarenakan kedalaman Kedung ini dalam sekali, info dari masyarakat menginfokan bahwa kedalaman Kedung ini antara 8 - 15 meter untuk kepastian kedalamnya Kedung ini blm pernah di ukur kedalamannya. Yg penting harap hati-hati. #Localguide "
08 February 2017Emma Safitri
" Wah sepi coy cocok buat yang suka menyendiri "
04 February 2017Fabianus Hidayat
" Wisata alam yang asri & menyenangkan buat alternatif liburan di alam "
18 January 2017Pak Ardi
" Project "
01 November 2016Andriana Diah Kumaladewi
" Yuk yang mau liat cantiknya kedung pengilon. Saya bisa anter "
17 August 2016Savirio Antoni
" Kerren gaan. Sendang pengilon "
06 August 2016Sholeh Kurniawan
" Mantab gan "
04 July 2016R Indar
" Tempat yg asik buat cliff jumping "
14 June 2016Fauzan Adinugraha
" pretty good spot to visit. :D "
09 March 2016