Jeep Lava Tour Merapi, Lava tour Merapi, Merapi Volcano Tour
About Jeep Lava Tour Merapi, Lava tour Merapi, Merapi Volcano Tour
Jeep Lava Tour Merapi, Lava tour Merapi, Merapi Volcano Tour is located at Sambirejo Raya No.23, Condong Catur, Depok, Yogyakarta 55283. They can be contacted via phone at 08156868141, visit their website for more detailed information.
Paket Lava Tour Merapi, Jeep Lava Tour Merapi, Merapi Lava Tour jeep willys dan Merapi Volcano Tour
JavaBali Adventure Menyediakan Paket Wisata Lava Tour Merapi, jeep Merapai Lava Tour, Jeep Offroad Lava Tour Merapi, Paket Sunrise lava Tour Merapi, Sunset Merapi Lava Tour, Merapi Volcano Tour,Merapi cycling Tour, Kaliadem Merapi cycling Tour, Jeep Willys Lava Tour Merapi. Petualangan Lava Tour merapi - Cave tubing Pindul, Merapi Lava Tour - Borobudur trip, Wisata Lava Tour Merapi-Prambanan tour, Wisata Pedesaan di Merapi, Bersepeda di kaliurang.harga Paket Lava tour Merapi Mulai: rp 300 ribu sd 600 ribu. Rute Merapi Lava Tour: Museum Ulen sentalu kaliurang, Kali kuning, desa jambu, desa Petung, kali gendol, Batu alien, Kali adem, rumah mbah maridjan, museum sisa hartaku, Makam masal Korban erupsi merapi, finish di Museum Gunung apai merapi kaliurang. Kantor kami di Kaliurang. Contact person Lava tour Merapi Mas Minto . Telpon: 08156868141. Pin : 32D729A9
Fatimahzahra Myinspiration
" Merapi Lava Tour offers you some tour package, just choose and go 😀 "
27 May 2018Ghufron Zaida
" Enjoy the view of mount Merapi is the way to experience ourselves to feel how mystical the volcano is. By taking a jeep to take tour suround the former of eruption area
23 May 2018#LetsGuide "
Fitrah Derry S
" Banyak sopir ugal-ugalan, padahal konsep sebetulnya sudah bagus "
22 May 2018NanCus Explorer
" Seru bngt kalau ikutan merapi lava tour, bs keliling merapi naik jeep, bs offroad jg keren dan gk cape kaki kalian buat ngedaki "
10 May 2018Iwan Setiawan Dasuki
" Recommended. Bapak bapak ramah. Tour guide yang sangat baik. Menerangkan semua hal yang berkaitan dengan merapi. Petualangan yang sangat seru. Apalagi pas masuk sungai. Lebih seru daripada wahana buatan. Walau basah tapi setimpal. Kalau lebih seru lagi start dari pagi. Sekalian melihat sunrise. Top top top "
29 April 2018Dania Sunshine
" Good place for a great adventure! Ride a jeep with crazg driver who will shake shake your body during the trip. You can choose the package and for how long this jeep tour goes. But you will get the local scenery, museums of what left behind after a huge earthquake. There are some picture about what happened at that time, visit Mbah Maridjan's house and see howss the story. And visit the Banker, which more dramatic, scary and sadly story at tham time. And last you can play a little at Kalikuning make yourself wet hahaha. Have fun with your family, or coworkers or friends in this adventure! You will appreciate about what happened in Jogja at that time. "
20 April 2018Usadi Heru
" Ok "
14 April 2018Zahra Maulida
" Explore Merapi and get the fun! Lots of historical places and living evidence of Merapi "
10 April 2018Ega Pandu
" Trip to lava tour 👍 "
06 April 2018Fajriani Amalia
" the services from Belantara jeep is very nice, me nd my friends so excited while boarder with Belantara jeep, the driver very friendly "
06 April 2018Nanda Annisa
" Seru, wajib dicoba kalau ke jogja "
04 April 2018Reef Chan
" Historical place with nice guides "
03 April 2018Bramantya Mahendra Agus
" This the underrated tourist attraction in Yogyakarta.
05 February 2018Very recommended for those who is bored with Yogyakarta's tourist attraction "
Brenda Maulidina
" interesting place for enjoying your holiday with a little adventure in mount of merapi, you can see the history, residual relics, and a little adventure in merapi with the jeep's driver "
30 January 2018Vera Himawan
" Not expecting in Yogyakarta there are these attractions. It's cool and stunning. We are invited along the beautiful nature. We ride a jeep car along the area around Merapi. TheLast, we are down the river and the car speeding over the water "
24 January 2018Dania Sunshine
" Really adventure experience ever! Good place to spend holiday in here with family, or friends or company outing! "
21 January 2018Ristina Bundanyaelnando
" Wisata yang bener2 memacu adrenalin,jeep yg super keren pokoknya,ga sia2 kesini,TOP bgt dah "
13 January 2018Guntur Poerboyo
" Recommended city or offroad tour "
03 January 2018Ichsan Fachri
" Historical place "
29 December 2017Bima Jati Birawangga
" Best way to enjoy incredible Merapi Mount "
27 December 2017Shafira Nurul Ramadhani
" you can enjoy merapi mount view clearly if the weather nice, in here the guide will bring you to sisa hartaku museum, alien stone, and bunker near the merapi mount. "
26 December 2017Fachri Reza
" this actually our second time riding a merapi lava tour, unfortunately we got an untalkative driver and not so guiding. the wet part is quite nice. "
26 December 2017Laila Mubarokah
" Very challenging and it's really fun to see merapi by riding jeep "
26 December 2017Tjokro Patriot
" Amazeeed .. best laaaah "
22 December 2017Dania Sunshine
" A place where you can visit to some points and places that tell you about Merapi with a jeep and they will shake shake your body while do enjoy an adventure!! "
19 December 2017Seputar Harga
" terpercaya saya barusan kesana untuk mencobanya aman dan nyaman kok "
17 December 2017Annisa Halimatus Sa'diyah
" Paket lava tour merapi disini nyaman dan terpercaya "
05 December 2017TopikNugroho Dot Com Blog
" Sangat terpercaya dan nyaman untuk ngejeep lava tour merapi. "
05 December 2017Edi Warsito
" I lke "
21 November 2017Rossiana Annisa
" A very fun tour! We get to know the history of Merapi erruption too. "
26 September 2017Petrusagustinus Hermawan
" Perjalanan offroad yg mengasyikan, Pemandangan gn. Merapi yg luar biasa indah, sayang pas nunggu sunrise td terlihat spt yg diharapkan. Yg pengin kesana jgn lupa persialkab baju ganti, masker dan tutup kepala "
01 September 2017Erik Glanspen
" Its So Fun But Theres Rock Everywhere The Jeep Is Shaking Like A Mad Man "
24 August 2017Assalafus Sholih
" Sangat Wajib banget ke sini kalo liburan ke Jogja, Saya cuma pilih yang short distance pun sangat puas, mas nya yg nyetir sangat ramah kalo mau berhenti foto tinggal bilang, view nya keren keren, sayang saya ke sana pada saat cuaca berkabut jadi Merapi gak terlalu keliatan, but overall perfect. "
06 August 2017Steve San
" Paket lava tour sunrise sangat cocok untuk mendapatkan view terbaik merapi, di pagi hari gunung merapi di sisi Yogyakarta ini terlihat jelas tidak tertutup awan "
02 August 2017Herry Bergers
" Seru terimakasih "
27 July 2017Herry Bergers
" Jeep wills idola, terimakasih lava tour merapi "
27 July 2017Jit Bose
" Roads are bad but the trip in open jeeps are awesome. Head out in the morning. Do stop by at the museum. "
24 July 2017New Speed Racing
" terima kasih udah dianter keliling merapi pulange kita basah basahan :D "
21 July 2017Feri Prihantoro
" Exciting tour and nice lanscape "
19 July 2017Riyad Filza
" Challenging route with fun Jeep. We also can see the scenic view of Mount Merapi. "
18 July 2017Dafi Kusuma
" Petualangan merapi lava tour hari ini seru menantang, nextime perlu dicoba dengan teman teman komunitas civic type r jogja "
15 July 2017Pradipta Tyaga
" Interisting and fun, if you want to have a merapi travel in a jeep, i recommend you to have a sit at back, because you'll enjoy all the trip. "
13 July 2017Haidhar Achmad
" Ada harga ada barang, makin mahal makin mengesankan jika menggunakan jasa ini. Tapi kalo bisa murahin dikit hehehe "
11 July 2017Wicak Pin
" Lumayan rutenya, challenging, great scenery, good price, lot of places for choices "
09 July 2017Vibe Elnovo
" challanging vehicle and route. 👍👍👍 "
03 July 2017Dina Novita
" Walau harus merogoh kocek agak dalam kalau mau wisata jeep, tapi pengalaman ini sangat berharga. Tuhan menciptakan gunung merapi.. gunung api yg aktif yang terkadang dapat memberi bencana, namun sesudahnya memberi kesuburan n rezeki pada masyarakatnya. "
30 June 2017Kairos Production
" Selalu ada yang beda setiap naik jib "
26 May 2017Vedy Pudiansyah
" Tour nya seru "
21 May 2017Wiryawan Punkq
" Seru "
20 May 2017Dafika Kusuma
" hari ini habis jajal wisata jeep adventure merapi, keren gokil.. memacu adrenalin "
17 May 2017Sulastri Sulastri
" Tempat traveling yang menyenangkan, recomended bgt bagi yang suka adventure menggunakan jeep "
17 May 2017Lolik Nganchux.2
" Cool "
14 April 2017Steve San
" best lava tour merapi.. "
12 April 2017JARI Car Rental
" Muantap brow "
08 April 2017Wira Cr
" meetup "
22 March 2017Fitri Wulandari
" The Present is the key of the past Pict : Ulfa_Rahmiani #viwuld "
05 March 2017Ahmad Jubaedi
" Salah satu tempat penyewaan kendaraan Jeep untuk wisata ke gunung Merapi "
16 February 2017Vimaladhithan Balasubramanian
" Nice Jeep ride :) free drink and very friendly driver.. "
27 January 2017Heri Pamungkas
" Keren abis....rugi kalo belum mencobanya... "
05 January 2017MustBE Wangi Nusantara
" Good "
11 September 2016Iwan Resmawan
" Awsome!! "
31 August 2016Ilham Cahyoputro
" Buat adventure "
29 July 2016Nami Lurihas
" Treknya kalo masih nggak rata jadi lebih ciamik berasanya...
23 July 2016Mantul2 di jeep... lebih berasa offroad nya.
Trus pas masuk sungai...dan ngerasain cipratan air sungai nya bakal lebih wow. "
Dwi Antoro
" Tak terlupakan "
10 July 2016Arif Triad
" top "
15 June 2016Ferarananda Agustino
" apek tenan c "
01 February 2016Hermanto Dafa
" Pengalaman tak terlupakan "
12 December 2015Agus Purwanto
" Manttaapp "
04 December 2015Hiram Sutanto
" Ngjeep bakerrrano ing k a l i u r a n g .......h e h e h e......... "
22 July 2015Endang Wardhani
" Off-road by 4x4 "
04 January 2015