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About Jogja Ornamental Fish (Golden Fish Story)

Jogja Ornamental Fish (Golden Fish Story) is a pet store, located at Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 896-8033-3774 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 33

Ditto Hariadi

" Walaupun ga selengkap toko ikan yg koleksi ny lumayan byk...terletak di jln palagan tp..sebelum lampu merah per3 jalan damai.. "

11 April 2018

Yevgeniy Kim

" Overall the food quality is below average. It’s the only place to eat near nipah resort so not much choice.
In particular, we ordered fried rice with chicken and got fried rice with shrimp. The shrimp was spoiled and smelled foul.
The good thing is the view. "

01 April 2018

Kery Yati

" Disana banyak jenis ikan ,tapi sayang aquarium nya cuma sedikit,semoga bisa belanja aquarium banyak dan aku bisa beli "

12 March 2018

Maryonoo 1975

" Bner kalau claim nya ter bersih se jogjaah !! Parkir luas . belanja banyak dpt bonus ikann alhamdulillah .di depan ada stand es coklat . Bisa ngadem sambil liat ikan2 . "

08 February 2018

Rizky Adhi

" Ikanya lumayan banyak. Acc akuarium juga lumayan lengkap. Tapi sayang parkirnya sempit dan sedikit dan panas banget dipinggir jalan raya. Dannnn yg bikin geleng2 yaitu harganya yg cukup mahal tumbuhan airnya mencapai 15rb perbiji, padahal normalnya 5rebuan bahkan ada yg 10rebu dpt 3 "

08 February 2018


" Tempat bersih, pilihan ikan cukup variatif, penataan juga enak dilihat, harga relatif. "

14 November 2017

Aditya Wicaksono

" Tempat langganan beli ikan dari jaman awal toko ini buka. Sekarang sudah besar dan main aquascape "

03 October 2017

Raino Bayu


27 September 2017

Aditya Nugroho

" Ada berbagai macam spesies ikan, harga terjangkau, tempat enak "

24 September 2017

Arief Kristianto

" Ikan komplit "

15 September 2017

Prasetyo Budi Widagdo

" Nice "

05 September 2017

Aziz Saputra

" Lengkap "

25 July 2017

Rh Worker

" Menunya enak2.. good to eat seafood "

07 July 2017

Ike Maryana

" Lengkapnya "

23 June 2017

Vicco Alfarine

" they got 3 hour cruise barelang tour open to public every weekend "

14 May 2017

SMS Video

" Disini tersedia perlengkapan pancing lengkap + alat sport "

08 May 2017

Imam Babaco

" Bagus "

06 May 2017

René Jansen

" Great cheap food and kind service. Their english is not great, and the staff seems to be untrained. "

18 April 2017

Astrid Ceryllia Leesley

" Disini termasuk lengkap untuk menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan ikan "

26 March 2017

Beautiful World

" Good view of the Bridge, nice man made beach "

10 March 2017

Sean Wu

" good food and beautiful scenery and so windy "

27 February 2017

Bayu Anggoro

" Mantappp.. "

10 January 2017

Sumardi Slamet

" The place is quite comfortable, a lot of good spots for photos. But the food is not as good as first..😐😐 "

29 December 2016

Imam Dj.Rahmat

" Best Seafood Restaurant you can find "

01 December 2016

Abdi Sutanto

" Nature is preserved in the AMAZING view setting. Great food too "

15 August 2016

Juni Hartanto

" Tempat oke
Serfis memuaskan
Koleksi ikan banyak
Alat"&pakan tersrdia "

06 June 2016

Cctv Palagan

" Bersih, ramah pelayanannya, banyak bonus. Gratis nya jg ada. Pingin nya balik lg "

09 May 2016

Chris Cunnington

" The restaurant is situated with a great view of the Barelang bridge... The food was good and the beer was cold. The waiter was super clingy and radio'd down for food to be brought which is fine, until all you hear are radio communications between other waitors. It got a little annoying, otherwise everything was good. "

25 April 2016

Perencanaan Balai X

" This hotel suck! We had the worst experience of three weeks staying here. They serve bad food. They are careless about laundry. Poor quality of TV channel. "

19 April 2016

Yudi Siang

" a bad place to visit based on my experience. hotel services were poor and unprofessional, the price of food with flavors derived not appropriate.I choose the wrong place.. "

18 April 2016

Andi Darmawan

" Sebuah toko ikan yg paling bersih diantara toko ikan lainnya di jogja. "

21 August 2015

Banjar Marbun

" Good "

07 May 2015

John Zwinck

" Not only is this a good restaurant with local food, fresh fish, and attentive service, it is also a fine new hotel. No beach access, but good views and reasonable prices. The hotel ("cottages" as they call them, but only for effect) is expanding rather dramatically as of January 2015, from roughly 30 rooms to over 100. "

26 January 2015

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  • Tuesday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM