About Giant Express Urip Sumoharjo
Giant Express Urip Sumoharjo is a supermarket, located at Jl. Urip Sumoharjo, Klitren, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55222, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 550905, visit their website www.giant.co.id for more detailed information.
Antonit Nit
" Buka pagii... Jadi yang mau blanja pagi2 sangat membantu "
09 June 2018Nur Latifah
" In the early month would be rather crowded as everyone goes to buy monthly needs. The place is quite convenience but the price is a little bit high compared to other. "
03 June 2018Anthony Kok
" Very convenient, open 24 hours "
01 June 2018Yudhi Aryakusuma
" Good for quick shopping visits. "
27 May 2018Nina Amelia
" Lokasi strategis. Satu lokasi dengan mc. Donalds dan gramedia juga 5 àsec. Ada bbrp makanan lainnya juga. Jajanan seperti surabi, pastel dan cendol keraton juga ada. "
27 May 2018Devara Herayasa
" Customer rame. Antri panjang tetapi kasir yg dibuka hanya 1. Pelayanannya kurang memuaskan hanya dikarenakan kasir tidak ramah pada customer. "
20 May 2018Jhendra Samodra
" Free parking, relatively complete and affordable price. Just what you need from a decent supermarket. "
20 May 2018Dian Prakoso
" Good to buy fresh farmers' product here "
11 May 2018Fajrin Armawan
" Tempat nyaman untuk berbelanja, ada mainan playland untuk anak2 "
08 May 2018Franciano Lengkong
" Usual Giant express as others, only now they have giant fried chicken, using space for small restaurant....big parking..... "
08 May 2018Mevi Widiati
" Ada playland jadi tidak khawatir kalo bawa anak belanja. Harga menarik dari promo2nya "
05 May 2018Dian Ramdhoni Dian
" Ok "
02 May 2018Tyan Rise
" Fresh fresh fresh items "
01 May 2018Rajan Govind
" Awesome shop. Like too "
01 May 2018Potluri Vijayasree
" Giant Express is the GIANT super market satisfying the need of every common people. Compared to others, they offer the products at reasonable prices. But in my area no Giant at least within two km, so expecting it's expansion "
24 April 2018Yepril Salim
" Convenient Store which sell alcohol drinks "
21 April 2018Yanti Kasmin
" As far as I know, except Giant Express Mega Legenda & Tanjung Uncang (heard almost closed), this is another Giant Express located in Bengkong,Batam. Vast parking area,filled with aneka rujak (indonesian mix fruit salad with crushed brown sugar dressing). This shopping center also provides quite a lot of daily necessities & basic groceries with some discount for certain products. "
20 April 2018Rahmattullah ALMaghribi
" Harga bersaing, cukup lah untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari disana "
20 April 2018Fitri M Mariani
" Lengkap dengan area bermain anak "
18 April 2018Somik Khan
" Good for regular shopping. Limited stock though. "
18 April 2018Milo Cat
" Ok "
15 April 2018Shinta Rikardo
" Ok "
07 April 2018Dwi Ari Hamdani
" Giant is one of biggest retailer ini Indonesia with standardized hospitality, goods and supply chain. Located in Siak Sari Residence area, it helps people on Siak Sari for daily need, from consumables, food and home appliances. Wide car park is a competitive advantage of this place "
27 March 2018Awdi Aquila
" Nice "
20 March 2018Taufan Alfarabi
" Nice price for fastfood and grocery "
17 March 2018Arshad Mahmood
" Peaceful "
11 March 2018Yuanita Safitri
" Free parking, a lot of good stuffs, there's qfc to eat when hungry, and also snacks outside. "
08 March 2018Hary Samudra
" Murah dan lengkap "
05 March 2018Ng Nai Meng
" New looking "
03 March 2018Olivia Ananta Asri
" Free parking, and nice to shoppig daily stuff "
28 February 2018Ayu Lestarie
" They are getting better in services and the product as well, some product more cheaper then others supermarket. "
25 February 2018Erny Ludvyani
" Located in the downtown, offers you various kinds of products; food, beverages, meat, toiletries, home appliances, toiletries, etc. It is on one way street in Urip Sumoharjo Street or Jalan Solo. The parking area is narrow. Not far for jalan solo shopping center. It has good products and offers big discount especially on weekends. They provide fresh meat, food, and vegetables. Near the entrance, some food stall will welcone you and sell pempek, chinese food and fried chicken with affordable price. "
24 February 2018Fear News
" Ok "
18 February 2018Asih Widhiarti
" Good, has a big parking area. But so hot "
18 February 2018Sandra Jogya
" Good place good prices, get your fruits here "
15 February 2018Arshad Mahmood
" Easy shopping "
31 January 2018Henny Dosmayanti
" Only come here for their special promo. Other than that, much cheaper to shop at local store. "
27 January 2018Febriliyan Samopa
" Good place for buying groceries, but parking space is rather limited "
22 January 2018Os P
" Mini-sized supermarket to have your quick groceries purchases "
21 January 2018Ariefbudiman Uie
" On display printed Rp 7000, after we pay, being Rp 20.000, almost bankrupt, over price, to high n expensive "
19 January 2018Akst Ang
" A good place to pick up groceries "
15 January 2018Charlie Siahaan
" Ok "
15 January 2018Ilia Tivin
" Good sized supermarket, more aimed at the local population rather than expat one so some might not get what they are looking for.
02 January 2018Selection is good, on the juice portion and dried and frozen goods, fruit and vegetable selection is also nice. Cheese and meats selection is extremely lacking. "
Daffy Widyatama
" Good place to shopping "
01 January 2018Sri Wahyuni
" suitable for quick grocery shopping, prices are slightly higher except for the promoted items of Giant in the respective period. usually no or short queue only. on the lower ground there are restaurants, food/drink stalls, Gramedia book store and laundry service. One of the restaurants is McDonald which open 24 hours. "
29 December 2017Endah Wahyuni
" Our favourite supermarket.... you can find fresh veg, fruit etc with a cheap price "
27 December 2017Muhamad Arief Nurhikmat
" Quite cheap price supermarket to drop by and shop, offering discount stuffs oftenly, not to crowded place to shop "
24 December 2017Bobby Mizutani
" Good supermarket for buying daily needs. Price is competitive. "
23 December 2017Devie Citta Permanasari
" Sepi tempat nya.. gak tau klo midnight yaa.. byk kejutan promo kali. Tapi ada wahana permainan nya skrg di pintu masuk. Jd suka klo ajak anak2 ke giant "
21 December 2017Bintang Kejora
" Lengkap n murah "
08 December 2017Salehudin Zuhri
" Tempat belanja segala kebutuhan rumah tangga tempat nyaman mudah dijangkau "
07 December 2017Aulia Ramadani
" Giant Express sells fruits in reasonable price and all fresh. It also has complete range of groceries. "
05 December 2017Deden Sidik
" Banyak promo...karena banyak barang gk laku jadi pada sale. Kasihan kek nya mau bangkrut "
24 November 2017Tito Satrio
" Ay, you know sum’? There’s a gym center upstairs, and they say the next avatar trains there. Unfortunately, he disappears often. "
21 November 2017Rudi Rasyid
" Nice "
11 November 2017Rizaldy Canon
" Shoping belanja bulanan "
28 October 2017Jun Zhou Lee
" Long queues, slow cashiers. Small range of products "
26 October 2017Ariyadito Wicaksono
" Daily needs in one stop "
24 October 2017Mas Kribz
" I like this place because it have fried chicken.😁😁😁 "
22 October 2017Suhra Ilyas
" One stop shop to get your daily needs. I enjoyed their Empek Empek and fried Chicken in their food court "
14 October 2017Ardhian Pratama
" Strategic place, slightly difficult to park your car because sometimes too crowded. Have a lot fish product choices "
11 October 2017Bintang Fajar
" Barang murah-murah "
06 October 2017はやしけいいち
" Expressといってちいさめのジャイアントのスーパー "
05 October 2017Alex Puah
" Small supermarket to get your basic grocery needs. Limited choice of fresh meat and seafood. The location where the fresh vegetables were placed is not ideal as it's directly under the air-conditioning blower, and the vegetables become dry and wrinkled quickly. "
03 October 2017Hari Ginardi
" A lot of helpful and competent staffs are ready for you there "
02 October 2017Herman Chong
" Mini mart "
02 October 2017Jay Zoulster
" Wide range of groceries can be easily found here. Location is excellent and convenient due to long opening hours "
30 September 2017Dewi Lestari
" This place is so quiet... "
28 September 2017Md Yusuf
" Worked here for a week and now I'm a student in this school. Time flies "
28 September 2017Arris Lee
" good place with strategies place "
27 September 2017Edwin Ramadhani
" I can easy to seek my stuff for monthly. Sometime I got more discount for buy some food and drink, there are food corner as GFC (giant fried chicken) and coffee "
25 September 2017Dinah Cherie
" Tale tale of rodents are everywhere "
20 September 2017Robi Ardiansyah
" Pusat perbelanjaan lengkap dan murah. "
18 September 2017Tan Sandy
" Good service but crowded "
17 September 2017Arif Widiyanto
" Ok "
16 September 2017Willy Yappy
" a bit more expensive than usual supermarket "
13 September 2017Dedy Setyo Afrianto
" One stop shopping.. gramedia, mc d, giant and stuff.. "
12 September 2017Josep Atmadjaja
" Sepi, harganya sedikit lbh mahal dr tempat lain "
12 September 2017Hari Samudra
" Sangat murah "
11 September 2017Wirda Octania
" Banyak promo nya . Termasuk tempat berbelanja favorit . "
10 September 2017Desi Wahyuni
" Not sure about the 30th September 2017 "
09 September 2017Yu Been Lim
" Cannot compare to the store in IMM, but many items on offer by main store are available here. "
04 September 2017Fitri Ariani
" Only goes here if they're offering weekend sales! "
04 September 2017Renny Ell Arimanus
" Harga tdk sesuai dgn yg di tempel "
04 September 2017EKcO Adys
" Tempat belanja kebutuhan keluarga, murah dan lengkap "
28 August 2017Dikdik Salahudin
" Low price but the goods less complete "
27 August 2017Wilson Chang
" Nice convenience store "
25 August 2017Suci Amaliah Ginita
" Sad. I did stop at 7pm but there is no fresh vegetables "
21 August 2017Ralph Rodrigues
" A very nice place to get mostly all yr household items all under one roof "
15 August 2017TAT Rizal
" Tempat ini emank tmpat pemblenjaan yg sangat murah dan cepat..... Ayo smua nya kunjungi giant siak sari residence di jl. Pemuda "
07 August 2017Okto Suprianto
" Karena belanja di sini murah dan lengkap "
07 August 2017Lutfi Arya
" Compact supermarket, which is all of goods sell here. But, i came here just for giant fried chicken "
07 August 2017Lely Liz
" Komplit and easy access from gejayan "
06 August 2017Lekcung Bugilyes
" Ok "
06 August 2017Ferry Senja
" directly on jl soekarno hatta, but so little visitor "
05 August 2017Subhrajit Samanta
" 2nd most favorite place for students of NTU to shop after prime super Market, although you can get almost anything but the queues can get little long as there's only one cashier most of the time. "
03 August 2017Rico Yanuari
" kelebihan :
03 August 2017Lumayan. satu satunya Giant di Jember
kekurangan :
parkir mobil tidak ada atap, sehingga panas kalau siang
advantages :
Not bad. one and only Giant in Jember
disadvantages :
Car park no roof, so hot if noon "
Affandi Ariffin
" Convenient to shop for groceries and daily needs "
23 July 2017Achmad Zahir
" Tempa belaja murah ya hanya diGiant pemuda residence "
22 July 2017Zakaria Ab Razak
" 24 hours. Next to car park, very convenient. "
21 July 2017Ray Blobs
" Very helpfull "
18 July 2017Fadelmapel Mapel
" supermarket yang bersih rapih, parkiran luas, mudah di akses dan ada tempat jual rujaknya (like fruit salad) "
18 July 2017Muhammad Rizki Prawiraatmadja
" I can always able to find my favorite Fresh Milk brand here, so... Obligatory 5 star :) "
18 July 2017Joselito Yam Alcaraz
" A decent selection of goods. You can buy canned goods, dairy products, instant noodles. There are also school supplies available here. They sell liquor up to 10:30pm and the store closes at midnight. However, I was looking fkr a trash bin and shower curtain I needed for my room, but I did not find those in here 😅. "
17 July 2017Rahmad Adinata
" Sepi pembelinya... "
14 July 2017Fahnur Rosih
" cheap prize, complete "
08 July 2017Beleky Guk
" Good place to buy daily products "
05 July 2017Devi Liem
" Just okay, not so big but quite complete for shopping groceries. There is a cafe downstairs and some place to eat. ATM also available, Gramedia bookstore is just next door. And like any other Giant supermarket they have Guardian pharmacy in the same location. "
30 June 2017Yohan Manthovani
" Interest for the promotion..it's really good price "
27 June 2017D. Yuda Linardi
" Nothing specials.. "
25 June 2017Debby Gusrita
" Kesini cm buat beli gfc doank buat makan siang dikantor.. Hehe "
20 June 2017Samim Zarin
" A pretty decent supermarket. I shop here a couple of days per week. Price is ok and and the sortiment is better than other places. You'll find the normal household goods but won't find any "exotic" goods. "
19 June 2017Rambu Jalan
" Previously known as Hero. Good place for grocery shopping. Nearby you can find another Giant whih offer more product selection (botani square and sentul city). But this place is less crowded - which can save you the husstle if you only want to go for monthly shopping or quick visit "
18 June 2017Syafriadi Hepi
" Just as it said this is express version of giant hypermart, so its smaller. However its stocks are complete enough for your daily needs. Parking space is terrible, but you can use street side with a bit longer walk. "
17 June 2017DEFRY MASRI
14 June 2017Michael Tengkey
" Soso minimarket "
13 June 2017Anthony Harry
" Singgah beli-beli sesuatu. "
08 June 2017Yeow Boon
" Really convenient with decent selections of goods. However the queue during peak hours are crazy "
06 June 2017Dody Junadi
" Tempatnya tenang... Ga terlalu rame pengunjung "
30 May 2017Aldo Ronaldo
" Good prixe when promo "
27 May 2017Vipin Verma
" They stock all necessary items of daily needs. "
12 May 2017Roswitha Muntiyarso
" Nice place with a lot of options for dining too. Spacious parking space. Located at the center of the city. "
10 May 2017Ferry Wijaya
" Great grocery shopping here.... place is clean, fruits are good enough quality, snacks are complete, lots of variety that you can find anything here....
08 May 2017Aisles are spacey and comfortable...
Parking is enough when it is not too crowded... "
Suzzy Allure
" Standar.... sayuran ga komplit sih. Ga ada lettuce" jadi berasa kaya minimarket sebelah. "
12 April 2017Yolla Fitriananda
" Sepi. Kurang lengkap. Baiknya harga sayuran ikat dsini murah. "
05 April 2017AGALIVIR Asotnes
" Smallest Giant imho "
02 April 2017Yulia Rahmawati
" In the basement and sell various items, almost complete. Another choice if you are too lazy to go to supermarket in the mall. "
01 April 2017Erwin Prayoga
" Murah murah disini "
24 March 2017Nebojša Bogdanović
" Good offers even on beers, nice staff. The store itself is nicely arrange so it is easy to find the article you need. "
21 March 2017Satya Marhandhi
" pinggir jln utama,harga bersaing dg lainnya "
19 March 2017Abhishek PH
" Nice grocery store within college. Recommended if you stay in campus. "
18 March 2017Dzulfikar Luthfi Al Manfaluthi
" It's just like another Giant market as usual. Nothing special. "
18 March 2017Aaron Carnefix
" Smaller than stores off campus, but convenient if you need groceries while on campus. "
17 March 2017Gusvananda Imanullah
" A quite complete supermarket with a reasonable price. "
11 March 2017Irfan Rosandi
" supermarket nya kecil "
11 March 2017Jian-Lin Lee
" Convenient place to shop for groceries in campus but I note that the stuff are a little more expensive than NTUC hypermart in JP. Worth it if u need to take a bus out to JP. Not a very big supermarket though. "
04 March 2017Prima Nursyami
" Tempat parkir kurang nyaman, sempit, apalagi kalau gedung di sebelahnya (suryakencana) sedang ada acara "
01 March 2017Rhesadi E
" Lots of stuff that aren't expensives. Helpfull staff "
23 February 2017Rajawali Robert
" You can search for your need here. It's not big but quite ok. The price is ok. Sometimes there is discount usually on Friday. "
14 February 2017Efni Indriamirna
" Big parking & price promotion every week "
10 February 2017Vinno Alexander
" serba fres....unik,, "
07 February 2017Fandi Marco
" Minimarket skala menengah yang berada di kompleks perumahan Siak Sari Regency "
26 January 2017Tan Tuan Poh
" Ok "
15 January 2017Francis Wibisono
" Nice place to get groceries, comparative price, and therefore, recommended. "
29 December 2016Christian Yonatan
" Not really a big supermarket, just nice for student "
28 December 2016Fandi G
" Quite complete modern store. But i found export only product that sold here. Lol "
24 December 2016Hakim Lao
" Giant mmg oke... "
07 December 2016Oscar Dwi Marjuwan
" Convenience, a bit pricy than Fair Price "
04 December 2016Eki Handoko
" Tempat asyik untuk belanja murah.abis belanja bisa nongkrong sambil pesen empek2 kamto ato mentengchef "
21 November 2016Qucheng Yan
" It opens every day, even some of the important holidays like Chinese New Year. "
10 November 2016Johan Zola
" saya kira tempat berbelanja hanya khusus untuk perumahan sari residance,ternyata semua bisa belanja disana :) "
25 October 2016Dody Irwin
" kurang menarik "
07 October 2016P. Mike
" OK For a supper market but go next door to Ada, about 20% cheaper on most everything "
07 October 2016Ali Sentosa
" Lebih baik langsung ke giant nangka "
04 October 2016Panin S.
" A life-saver supermarket for NTU students and staffs. With a longer operating hours than other supermarkets in the surrounding areas, this place is crowded even at night. "
04 October 2016Sandeep Mandarapu
" Indian Food stall in can 2 delivers biryani at a good priceis good. "
17 September 2016Hamdan Dahlan
" The size and assortments are in between minimarket and supermarket. Nice choice for Apartment's residents. "
10 September 2016Wisma Pakuan Facebook.com/hotelwismapakuan/info
" Nice groceries store with huge varieties of products at reasonable prices. "
05 September 2016Ryan P
" Belanja kebutuhan harian disini. Tempatnya nyaman "
03 September 2016Lyana Tan
" selamat malam. disini saya sebagai costumer ingin complen. kasir yang ada di giant exapress jalan soekarno hatta sangat lah burukkkk. tidak menghargai pelanggan. malam ini tanggal 25 agustus 2016 saya tidak dilayani dengan baik. bahkan saya di marahi nya! cuma karna mintak minyak sania 8 bungkus tidak di kasih. bahkan dia bilang. kalau tidak mau ikut peraturan yaudah gak usah beli! kasir apa macam begitu. tidak ada sopan santun nya. jika tidak ada pelanggan siapa yang mau beli punya kalian? dan kasir ini juga gampang di sogok dengan uang. karna kakakak saya sendiri melihat nya di depan kepala nya. dengan kasir bernama MELISA NASUTION "
25 August 2016Purwanto Sianturi
" Berbelanja murah dan hemat. Capai belanja bisa makan di restoran fast food. Ayam goreng crispy yg jauh lebih murah dibandingkan dengan kf* ataupun m*do*nald. Sembari belanja anak-anak bisa bermain di tempat permainan video game semacam time zon*. "
16 August 2016Fitria Amathonthe
" Lumayan promo buah "
12 August 2016Benny Herlambang
" Lumayan "
05 August 2016Onne A
" Ok :) "
01 July 2016M Salman Al Farisi
" well, cukup lengkap buat belanja dengan bermacam diskon "
21 June 2016M Salim
" Ok "
03 June 2016Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Good "
14 April 2016Daniel Aan
" Big parking area. Easy to access "
14 March 2016PaSXPascal
" Berada di seberang Empire XXI sehingga kadang sering mampir kesini. "
30 January 2016Ipinrossa Ismono
" Supermarket Giant. Barangnya lengkap diskonnya hebat. Parkiran luas dan aman "
25 December 2015Antoni Wiguna
" Dulu hero sebelum jadi giant "
27 November 2015