About ChaChaMilkTea
ChaChaMilkTea is a cafe, located at Jalan Taman Siswa no.92, Wirogunan, Yogyakarta, Wirogunan, Mergangsan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55151, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-2799-7518, visit their website www.chachamilktea.com for more detailed information.
Lintang Panjerina
" Good place to have sweet talk with your friend. Don't worry about price, from 10K you can have to enjoy your meal. You must try to visit this place. "
30 March 2018Techa Delinda
" let's get bubble. cozy place :D "
05 March 2018Taufiq Muhammad
" The place is spacious, there are many chairs ranging from short wooden chairs, bar-style chairs with long tables, to couches in the corner. in the outlet here is rarely really queue until long. For its own Milk Tea variants there are all sorts: bubblegum, mango, lychee, taro, guava, etc. as well as provided complementary food menu also ... "
08 February 2018Dzihni Nadhifa
06 January 2018Fida Kharisma
" It's a small drink bar you can visit with your friends. It's a bit hard to spot from the street cause it's located in the corner, but you can always google it. The price is just right with various kind of drinks from smoothies to milk tea with toppings you can choose yourself. It provides free wifi. Unfortunately it has no air conditioner so be prepared for the heat. "
01 January 2018Abdurrachman Azis
" Another alternative place to hangout, but sometimes it goes hot inside (2pm above) "
09 October 2017Atikah M -
" Love their bubba pop topping "
07 October 2017Lathif Puspo
" nice milktea with lot of topping "
31 July 2017Natalia Natalia
" Nice place to hang out and the price is affordable "
26 July 2017Maria Vita Oktavia
" too small and doesn't provide food "
13 July 2017Dhea Detara
" This place is small and the tables are way too close to each other. Though the milk tea tastes good and the price is reasonable, the snack here is a bit pricey. "
04 July 2017Singgih Yuntoto
" Nice place to visit "
28 June 2017Paulus Tanoyo
" Biasa aja "
04 June 2017Achest LBF KLP
" sip..... "
02 June 2017Ryeska Fajar
" Piliham menunya beragam hanya trmpat duduknya kurang nyaman untuk nongkrong lebih lama. "
30 May 2017Syamuel Fathier
" Ok "
27 May 2017Hanifah Fikri 'Aisyah
" Rame, parkir siang jok motor ga dikasih kardus dan tiap mau balik....You know lah how it feels "
18 April 2017Diahayu Okta
" Green tea always be my favorite! Sayang terlalu bising dan tempatnya sempit jadi nggak terlalu asik buat nongkrong lama untuk kerjain tugas "
13 March 2017Bayu Joh
" Rekomen buat tempat nongkrong di pringsewu "
03 March 2017Livsa
" Tempat nyaman, wifi ada, minumannya enak "
02 December 2016Ines Nisa
" Cocok buat nongkrong "
21 October 2016Dika Apriyanto
" Tempatnya nyaman desain interiornya lumayan bagus aneka makanan dan minumannya juga enak dan menggoda lidah recomended untuk di kunjungi "
01 October 2016Cahya Nugraha
" Hazelnut Milktea nya favorit ! "
12 July 2016Yuda Pamungkas
" Minumannya enak apalagi saat musim panas seperti ini. Harga termasuk terjangkau dan pelayanan yang cepat. "
21 May 2016HANAN YUSUF
" Hmm... "
18 April 2016