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About Candi Ijo

Candi Ijo is a hindu temple, located at Sambirejo, Prambanan, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55572, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 40

Bobby Sumarkho

" Smaller temples around Jogja are amazing and Candi Ijo is one to visit. Situated on the top of hill overlooking Jogja, Candi Ijo is magnificent during sunrise or sunset or even day time. A small complex consists of a main temple and several others. Ticmet contribution is USD 0.50 per person. Clean & well maintained. "

20 June 2018

A 6 USM Moen

" Salah satu warisan budaya zaman dahulu yang menakjubkan dengan lokasi diatas perbukitan dan dikelilingi rumput yang hijau..
Begitu banyak peninggalan sejarah didaerah sekitar sini termasuk candi prambanan dan lain lain..
Mudah mudahan bisa dikelola dan dikembangakan agar bisa menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata yang menarik..
Tidak jauh dari situ terdapat tempat tempat menarik yang lainya diantaranya tebing breksi,tebing banyu nibo,batu papal dan watu payung.. "

19 June 2018

Winny Rahayu Yulianti

" Its located on Gumuk Ijo Hills,the area of temple so clean and in west side there is beautiful scenery like paddies rice fields,villages and Adi Sucipto International Airport.Must seen temple if u were in Jogja😍 "

02 June 2018

Alexius Adhitya Khrisnatama

" This temple has a great view of sunset in East Yogyakarta. I prefer this place rather than Ratu Boko temple for seeing sunset. "

09 May 2018

Johanes Jenito

" Another ancient history has been captured on here. Located in the high level area, it's nice to see the sun has been setting down in the afternoon. That's what I love the most "

06 May 2018

Oak Khaoropt

" View from almost the mountain top, looking down to the old airport during clear sky day. Lot of tourists and hard to get goid shot. View must be very nice for sun rise / sun set. "

29 April 2018

Bima Jati Birawangga

" salah satu tempat wisata yang berada di daerah perbukitan Yogyakarta.
tempatnya lumayan bagus untuk foto karena terdapat view kota Yogya dari ketinggian dan cocok banget buat kalian yang ngejar sunset

HTM terkahir 5000 rupiah untuk wisatawan lokal dan 10000 rupiah untuk mancanegara

lahan parkir cukup terbatas, kira2 hanya muah belasan mobil saja dan sepertinya bis besar seperti yang 60 seater gabisa naik tapi tenang aja karena sekarang lumayan banyak akses transport dari tebing breksi yang ga jauh lokasinya

Tips : datang lah di pagi hari atau sore hari, karena view bagus di waktu tersebut dab cek cuaca sebelum berangkat. untuk kendaraan coba dicek kesehatannya terutama rem, karena trek nya naik tinggi banget dan turun curam banget. "

26 April 2018

Kaskus Fourus

" Nice. Bersih. Pemandangan hebat. Perjalanan menanjak terbayarkan "

25 April 2018

Angga N

" Great view, beautiful temples and fresh air near brexi cliff. Very recommended. The ticket is only 5k rupiah per person above 5 YO "

10 April 2018

Gregorius Gagat Handoyo

" Great places to see the sunset. The temple has a very strong good vibes "

04 April 2018

Angga N

" Great view, beautiful temples and fresh air near brexi cliff. Very recommended. The tickets is only 5k rupiah "

26 March 2018

Anthracius Bacilius

" Didn't manage to see the sunset here because of the bad weather but still managed to see planes taking off and landing from the airport. It was quite misty but fortunately the entrance ticket is not too pricey like Ratu Boko. Better check the weather forecast before coming here if you want to catch the sunset. "

21 March 2018

Dave Rares

" A gift from past civilization.. placed in high place where you could observe runway of Adisucipto airport from distance.. this place is worth to visit for view.. government take a good care of this historical site.. "

15 March 2018

Gangsar Isworo

" There are several temples here, one big temple and some smaller temples. It is believed that this temple complex is built in 9-10 century.
Another main attraction is that this place is good to see sunset in Yogyakarta. It is located in hill that has elevation of 427 m, so you can see also Yogyakarta from above.
The entrance office in open until 5 p.m. but this place open until sunset or until you hear siren sounds. Toilet is available here. Wheelchair is not accessible here and also not recommended for wheelchair user because you need to use stair and also most of temple area is not paved. "

03 January 2018

Gilang Wahyu

" Best place to see a sunset but still save your wallet, best view to see jogja from above "

26 October 2017

Rahmat Hidayat

" Very affordable price of tourism place in Yogyakarta, it is only 10k (for foreigner) and 5k (for local). You can see the city view from here, bcs it is located in a high land area.
The breeze will make you feel relaxed as well! Very recommended!

Just make sure you bring any jacket, cuz it is a bit colder. And be careful when you come here, bcs the road is a bit higher "

21 October 2017

Mas Aji Gustiawan

" The best spot to see almost entire Yogyakarta, with very less effort. The facilities also are well-maintained. It also the best spot to take a sunset. "

09 October 2017

Cis Antono

" Never gets bored visiting Candi Ijo. Perfect place to watch sunset. If the sky is clear enough, you can even see airplanes taking off or landing at Adisucipto airport.

Don't forget to bring your jacket since it is cold and very windy. "

17 September 2017

Dede Winasis

" ticket fee @5000/person (local tourist)
tikcet fee @10000/person (foreign tourist)
and free entry in This august 2017 (due to Indonesia Independence day).
Gate open at 6 o'clock and last entry at 17:30 (local time). i suggest that better if you come to this place as morning as you can. "

08 August 2017

Saka Adjie

" Nice place to visit. Good view you can enjoy sunset from here. Free tickets too "

19 July 2017

Awmahendra 17

" Small temple, but it's nice and clean. Good view too. Can see a sunset too. Free tickets.
Just pay a parking area. Enjoy "

03 July 2017

Annisa Dina

" good place to visit. this is a historical heritage from Yogyakarta. You can see a beautiful scenery from here. best option to enjoy sunset in the evening. but when you decided to go there please check your vehicle condition bcz you should across uphill road "

16 June 2017

Putri Adini

" Last time I visited this Hindu temple, I saw various renovation because of the invention of a new temple near to Ijo. A good place to watch the sunset. Too pity I have to pay the registration fee. It's okay. "

06 June 2017

Budi Santoso

" Great historical temple on the top of the hill. I suggest you come here befor sunset you will see beautiful sunset from here. That's why there are always full by sunset cather. "

22 May 2017

Ahmad Khomaeni

" Newly opened. View is one of the best. You can see yogyakarta city from above when the weather is clear. You can also see sunset from here. Be careful when driving here, its road has 45° slope "

21 May 2017

Metha Wijayanti

" It's faaaarrr from city...and so hiiiiiggghhh...hahahaaa...the views great!!!U better make sure Urself and Ur car or bike in optimal condition since the road kinda shaaaaky​😵😵😵 "

13 April 2017

Agung Rulistianto

" My favorite temple complex so far. It's located on top of the gumuk ijo hills. The atmosphere and scenery somehow reminds me of dieng temple at wonosobo. A must visit place! "

19 March 2017

Ali Baba

" Quiet cold place, maybe because it in high place. Nice place for waiting sunset. Scenery from ancient temple which still exist and some of that only remnant of temple. This place have a green grass (usually in rain season) but will change to be yellow to gold grass in dry season. "

09 March 2017

Dwi Setiyoko

" The highest (place) temple in Yogyakarta. The track is better than a few years ago. Todays this temple becomes a favorit place to see sunsets. "

26 February 2017

Ardita Indah Wulandari

" The highest temple in Yogya. The track is bad. But not really bad. You can see the beautiful view of Yogyakarta from here. "

15 February 2017

Dinnu I

" This temple is the highest temple in Yogyakarta. You will get better scenaries on sunset. From thia place you can see the Yogyakarta city and the airport of jogjakarta. "

07 February 2017

Inggita Notosusanto

" Candi Ijo ("Green Temple") is a complex of Hindu temples up the hills - it was not as crowded as the other temples (Prambanan, Sewu), and the temples in this complex are quite well maintained. They view from this temple to the city of Yogyakarta below is quite spectacular. The trip up here is quite far from the city. "

07 February 2017

John Abel

" Off the beaten track - meaning a lot less tourists, Candi Ijo is a little gem and well worth a visit. On a good day there are very nice views down to Yogyakarta "

31 January 2017

Jara Kada

" It's claim as the highest temple in Yogya. Located near airport and the famous breksi stones point. Best time to visit, golden and blue hours. "

22 January 2017

Dede Tisno

" This is one of highest Temple in Yogyakarta . From here you can see Adi Sucipto airport and city of Yogyakarta. This place very amazing when sunset come. Very calm, beautiful and feel Peace. You must try to come here before sunset and feel the atmosphere. "

07 December 2016

Adinda Arianti

" Still not as crowded as Borobudur. Located high in a mountain so it's got a nice view. And it's free :) "

14 August 2016

Cornelius Hanin

" Beautiful Hindu temple. And very nice for fotos "

13 July 2016

Andy Priyantoko

" The best temple for sunset photography. You see the Jogyakarta city and Adi Soecipto airport from here. "

12 July 2016

Imam Ma'ruf Fuady

" Nice unique temple located in the highest Point beetween other temple in Prambanan and Boko temple complex "

20 April 2016

Yant L

" Bakso bakare enak "

16 February 2016

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