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About CGV Jwalk Mall

CGV Jwalk Mall is a movie theater, located at J-Walk Mall Lt. 3, Kawasan Sahid Jogja Lifestyle City, Jalan Babarsari No. 2, Caturtunggal, Depok, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 2800700, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 35

Raedi Luzman

" Yang ok di sini coman cgv nya ajah, haha "

31 May 2018

Aliya Imadudeen

" good cinema theatre with budget price, also to whom wanted to find seat when crowd is full, in this theatre we can always find empty seat especially when near midnight schedule, one thing though, sometimes the mall elevator not working after watch movie at midnight schedule "

30 May 2018

Niwan Sutungpol

" This shopping mall is unique..! And thanks God, there is CGV here.
Yesterday was the 2nd time i watch movie here and watching The Avenger Infinity War was became a really amazing experince.
Although this mall is not finished yet, but CGV make it better. :D "

11 May 2018

Ika Nur Halimah

" Tempat parkir ada di basement, namun remang remang. Pengunjungnya sedikit, rata rata hanya ingin menonton. Harga yg diberikan juga lebih murah. Tapi tempatnya sangat sepi. Jadi berasa sangat horor. Tapi kalau sudah sampai cgv ada yg jual makanan, dan cukup ramai. "

06 May 2018

Widhie Jogja

" Good theater, perfect sound, and lower ticket price. Also, they have a nice 3D theater too. That is quiet great, isn't it? "

04 May 2018

Nova Tri Cahyono

" I was visited to watch movie, this place an unfinished mall, and too quiet parking area also store still empty.
I see event with collage student, like drama or poem, i dont know this, it in the night.
If you want to watch movies with cheap price, this cinema recommend to visit and also booking seats via online aplication in play store. "

28 April 2018

Vesti WK

" Nice place for hangout before the movie starts. Though it wasn't my fave to watch at a small theater as usually the walls reflected few lights as it nears to the screen. "

26 April 2018

Indra Cipta

" Pelayanan buruk, disaat bertanya promo dengan kartu dbs (buy 1 get 1) di cgv jwalk jogja. Petugas tiket memberikan info sedang gangguan, kemudian mengatkan tidak ada promo, setelah kami membeli via tiket otomatis dan menanyakan lagi promo tsb petugas lainnya mengatakan bahwa promo memang tersedia dan petugas sebelumnya tidak mengetahui. Sungguh mengecewakan cgv tidak memberikan knowledge yang baik kepada seluruh karyawannya. Not recomended "

14 April 2018

Abee Sukarna

" The cinema concept was really nice. Very young and fresh. They have ticket box and popcorn zone in different spot, so it makes people easy and don't stuck in line. CGV also has Self Ticketing Zone. "

12 March 2018

Satrio Ghaffar

" Slow service, took me 30 minutes just to buy a ticket (the queue line was longer when I was at xxi, but it only takes 10 minutes to get the ticket) you have to buy the ticket at the snack bar if you only bring cash. Same price as empire xxi but with worse service

I came here because this is the only cinema that shows ghibli movies "

28 January 2018

Reyhan Pradantyo

" Why the hell would they think it’ll be a good idea to combine the ticket box with the snack bar?! Sure make it look extremely crowded with stupid long lines. Terrible management, would never recommend! "

29 December 2017

Yennu Ariendra

" If other movie theaters full, maybe you can get tickets here. The only bad thing here is because they combined ticket box and food stall together, make a long queue. Also sometime, ticket machine not working "

16 November 2017

Antique Version

" Right choice to watch movies, Chip prize but unique desain. "

16 October 2017

Clara Avila

" Nice place. So instagramable "

07 October 2017

Johnny Appleseed

" The cinema was clean & comfy. But the listed price for a beverage i order was different from the actual price i paid. Not much, but still.. i paid more than the listed price "

30 August 2017

Mila Ardja

" It can be very crowded when new box office movies come in. The place is nice and comfy, though the mall itself is pretty much empty. Perhaps when new tenants come it would make the place more lively. "

08 August 2017

Umarul Mukhtar

" its seating has nice legroom.. probably best in the city.. "

03 August 2017

Alfian Finuria

" Best cinema in town. They have so many promo program. "

07 June 2017

ConsLife - F

" The ticket price is afforable .The Movie selection is huge from anime movie to Western Movies "

03 June 2017

Awmahendra 17

" Nice cinema. Cozy place. But, they just have 2 models cinema, 2d or 3d. "

11 May 2017

Nurul Hidayati

" Not close enough from UGM, but quite ok. And there is a Trans Jogja shelter, so you can go there by public transportation. "

22 April 2017

Alina Putri

" The mall has not opened yet. However, I really like spending my time watching my fav movie here because this place is cozy and not too crowded "

29 March 2017

Khairul Anwar

" Easy to access, good movie selections, nice sound system, cozy sofa & not crowded. =) "

01 March 2017

Sakurai Evsa

" One of the best place to watch movies. Has more than 3 different studio types. "

24 February 2017

Agus Sugiharto

" Good place to watch movie. Many promo and sometomes give a special price. "

08 February 2017

Asa Rahmana

" Good movie, good seat (they have seat for couple), better sound (comparing to 21 Ambarukmo Plaza, XXI, & Cinemax Lippo) "

18 January 2017

Fidensius Prasojo

" This plaza is in construction but for who want to watch a movie with a low budget I actually recommended this place. By make a member card u'll get a point and can use it to get the other ticket for ur mates "

09 November 2016

Yudhi Sutopo

" Masih sepi mallnya "

23 October 2016

Runo More

" Container style cinema with cozy halls and upper seats for couples (ask the cashier if you prefer that). Very nice lobby, especially the upper floor, although it should have an AC. "

04 October 2016

Faisal M

" Tidak terlalu ramai "

28 September 2016

Radityo Pambudi

" Bagus bersih nyaman "

09 September 2016

Lisana Husna

" Nice place to watch movies. Ticket's price is competitive. Simple and reliable online booking system. "

31 July 2016

L Pratama

" Nice place to watch some movies here. Not so crowd because it's located in urban area. The ticket price is so-so but you'll get the sensation of watching movie in your own private theatre. "

19 February 2016

Afif Alfianto

" Nice place... "

29 December 2015

Victor Goi

" Good place for you who love movies, they'r update such as anime from japan, thai movies, korean movies etc. "

11 December 2015

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