About Hotel Bifa
Hotel Bifa is a lodging, located at Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.87, Pandeyan, Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55161, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 417630 for more detailed information.
Eni Sukristianti
" Nice place.. "
18 March 2018Yuliana Triarini
" Ethnic place, comfort bedroom, nice service. But no breakfast "
05 March 2018Ilmal Alifriansyah Rahardjo
" Looking for peace. This is it. "
15 November 2017Donnie Panji
" Nice "
10 September 2017Estu Teguh Biakto
" Standart services "
05 July 2017DansLicious
" Ok for moderate budget, old School decoration, unique. "
17 May 2017Hafizh Izzuddin
" The hotel was unique. The decoration was nice and looks cultural. But still very comfortable to spend days and nights here. "
20 April 2017Agnes Luisia
" Unik eksotik "
27 March 2017Tri Broto
" Etnic hotel "
28 February 2017Wana Grafika
" Hotel gaya klasik, dengan tarif terjangkau "
09 October 2016Radio Persatuan
" Interior khas jawa "
25 September 2016Suryantoro S
" Hotelnya unik, nuansa antik ditampilkan dari furniture di dalamnya, tekstur dinding bata eksposnya memberikan kesan alami dengan suasana yang tenang di dekat sungai Gajahwong yang melintasi kota Yogya. "
24 July 2016Antok Suryaden
" Klasik "
16 June 2016Widie MoMo
" Lumayan.. "
07 June 2016HANAN YUSUF
" Ok "
17 April 2016Leo Marsono Hartadi K
" Nyaman... "
28 October 2015Sewa Mobil Yogyakarta 7EFA3DE1, 082145250866
" Is the best hotel "
10 October 2015