About Bambino's Casa De Café
Bambino's Casa De Café is a cafe, located at Jalan Gajah Mada No.15A, Kelurahan Pakualaman, Purwokinanti, Pakualaman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55166, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 9499899 for more detailed information.
Uto Ng
" Visited this place around 2pm, was quiet. It's a place for the local community to hangout if you don't mind the average food and subpar coffee. It's not a place for coffee lover to enjoy a nice relax afternoon. Waiter does not react according to demand end up causing my coffee to get cold. Utensil is less functional as the knife (or a piece of metal that resemble a knife) was blunt and end up having hard time cutting my food. There's no wallplug available, therefore if you planning to stay for a long time, please bring your own powerbank. "
26 May 2018William Pua
" Good place for small family members to meet up, friends to hangout, a lone... have a small coffee bar b beside main entrance. The coffee quite tasty n aromatic. Overall price still can said is cheap. Environment is a must for this type of place. The most important is the business hours is opened till late night. If not mistaken is 0200 in the morning@ weekend. "
11 April 2018Roman Matyushchenko
" Nothing special, the food is just okay. The atmosphere is nice with a fountain inside. "
07 April 2018Gebian Ridho Sadewa
" Dah tutup sekarang "
07 April 2018AMpm
" A great old Cafe. Good cakes, drinks and coffee are equally good. Service is good too. A little pricier... "
16 March 2018Adik Hendra
" Nyaman banget....
05 November 2017Memuaskan "
" Average food only, quite a good place to hang out "
14 October 2017Msi Zaky
" Tempat enak buat nongkrong rame2 "
06 September 2017Rudi Firdaus
" Menu okay, suasana nyaman "
29 August 2017Bambang Purnomo
" Tempat nya lumayan nyaman.... "
04 June 2017JEUNK INA _Natalia Lenny Herlina
" Alternatif bagi segala usia terutama untuk usia dewasa ke atas, menikmati sajian menu makanan yang enak dg harga yg relatif terjangkau sambil menikmati live music allround setiap harinya. "
26 May 2017Taufan Prakoso
" Buat nongkrong bareng temen atau meeting sebentar okelah. "
08 April 2017Agnes Luisia
" Steak dimasak dg sempurna sesuai selera "
11 February 2017Ghiffari Satria
" Tempatnya super nyaman, harga sedeng yaa.., agak mahal cm dibanding pelayanan sebandinglahh... Paling suka kopi yg pake karamel... Jam tutup cm sampai jam 23:00 wib dan senin libur... "
29 January 2017Hendry Sutrisno
" Makanan dan minumannya worth it, dan yang paling berkesan adalah tempatnya nyaman, buat anak kuliahan bisa sambil ngerjain tugas kuliah. Indoor dan outdoor.. "
04 February 2016Esterlina N
" Tempatnya nyaman untuk nongkrong. Kalau mau ga berisik, pilih yang indoor, tapi kalau mau dengerin live music, pilih tempat outdoor. Tapi harganya lumayan mahal untuk kantong mahasiswa. "
02 February 2016