About Bakpia Pathuk 25 Kulon
Bakpia Pathuk 25 Kulon is a store, located at JL. Aipda KS Tubun No.93, Ngampilan, Yogyakarta, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55261, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 512385 for more detailed information.
" Nice place. It is a big place and we can find some of oleh2 here and also we can see the process when bakpia is made. "
22 June 2018Nurul Dwi Sabtia
" Bad Service for Local Citizens
09 December 2017When they get a lot of out-of-town tourists, the service to local Jogja buyers is very bad, probably because they are forced to give different prices. "
Budi Santoso
" Tempat Belanja Oleh Oleh khas JOGJA
Beraneka Rasa Bakpia nya
Enak - Kenyal Kenyal - BeraZzza bgt BUMBU nya
Tempat pemberhentian terakhir TRIP # 3 kami
Toilet ada
Tempat Makan Ada didepan "
Ferry Muliawan
" Taste better and more variety compared to other brand Bakpia. "
29 June 2017Anakisida Huda
" Bakpia Pathuk Jogja yang paling enaks, legit, kulit tidak terlalu tebal dan tdk terlalu keras. Pokoknya kalo ke Jogja harus nyobain bakpia yang ini. Tapi jangan kaget dg harga, karna memang sedikit lebih mahal dari yg lain "
21 June 2017Jevy Saga
" Lengkap. Semua oleh2 khas yogya ada disini "
24 May 2017Fathur Rohman
" one of the best products bakpia Yogyakarta. Also you can see live cooking process "
26 January 2017Equsa Anggra
" Salah satu sentra oleh2 yogya sekaligus pabrik bakpia 25. Anda bisa bekanja dan melihat langsung proses pembuatan bakpia. "
04 January 2017Batang Berkembang
" Pusat oleh oleh "
31 December 2016Fadjari Wibowo
" Iki bakpia ne enak lho.... "
17 July 2016Suryadi Hertanto
" This is the most delicious Bakpia.
12 June 2016Don't miss it. "
Bagus Zakaria
" Ada Harga Ada Rasa. Paling enak. "
08 June 2016Sulhan Qumarudin
" Oleh-oleh khas Yogyakarta. Bakpia nya enak. Kualitas terjaga. "
21 November 2015Muhammad Mahfudl
" nice pia "
24 August 2015