About Bakpia Djava
Bakpia Djava is a store, located at Jl. Laksda Adisucipto KM.8,5, Maguwoharjo, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 489358, visit their website www.bakpiadjava.co.id for more detailed information.
Andika Brama
" good place but the price is lil more expensive than the other "
01 May 2018Dimas Irawan
" Located at Jogja-Solo street, strategically located especially for local tourists heading home through Klaten/Kartasura/Solo city using private cars.
31 March 2018Providing well known Jogja snacks, especially Bakpia (their chocolate variant is one of the best). "
Fitriani Reyta
" Price a lil bit expensive and taste so so "
31 March 2018Winata Panjaya
" The bakpia taste is standard with price of Rp 35-65k, but others souvenirs product relatively expensive. "
27 March 2018Ening Nurjanah
" A place to buy "oleh-oleh" i Jogya, selling some local food, cake and others. "
27 March 2018Monika Dini
" Nice "
16 February 2018Argon Wisnu Handoko
" Good service.. nice place.. friendly price. "
16 February 2018Wahyu Riyanto
" Ok "
27 January 2018Omar Abdulloh
" Good "
02 January 2018Syhefira Chandra
" A good place to buy bakpia "
14 December 2017Gatot Dariswanto
" Bakpia Djava yang cukup terkenan ini berada ada di daerah pathuk Kota Jogja.
06 December 2017Bakpia Djava ini memberikan berbagai macam rasa yang berbeda.
Maca rasa ini adalah varian dari rasa original yaitu rasa kacang ijo.
Selain bakpia ada pula makanan khas lainnya yang ditawarkan di sini.
Setiap pengunjung diberikan tester agar mencobanya sebelum membeli.
Akses jalan cukup mudah akan tetapi parkirnya cukup luas.
Bus pariwisata pun bisa masuk ke dalam.
Rasa bakpianya pun tidak kalah enak enak dengan bakpia yang lain.
Semua itu tergantung selera. "
Kukuh Dwi Kurniawan
" Sip "
24 November 2017Abu Naufa
" I like this bakpia better than another "
22 November 2017Roni Smith
" delicious bakpia, good place. but a bit expensive and the bakpia is rather small "
10 November 2017Hidayat Samiaji
" Place is easy to find , various kind of javanese traditional snack/cookies , and realy good and fast service . "
07 November 2017Clumsy Pootis
" Best bakpia I've ever tasted. Price is acceptable at Rp. 35000,- per box of 15 for such a premium quality. "
13 October 2017Gethaf Sianturi
" pusat oleh2.. "
20 September 2017Kharits Maulana
" The bakpia was delicious. But other souvenirs from this place is more expensive than local market "
05 September 2017Thomas Soseco
" Main road, large parking area, large store, able to accomodate tourist bus passengers "
27 August 2017I Komang Tapa Sila
" Tokonya lengkap pia sd roti, camilan lainnya juga ad, stoknya selalu baru
13 August 2017Parkir cukup... "
Hanami Anita
" Many variant of snack, the bskpia is good "
" Large place but the price is a bit higher than othee "
29 June 2017R. Nur Waluyo Jati
" Bakpia nya selalu hangat, enak, cocok buat dibawa pulang dan oleh2,tempat parkir luas dan ramai "
27 June 2017Ropik Hidayat
" Sepiii g ngantri.. "
04 June 2017Chris Hemasurya
" Quite good place to buy goodies souvenirs "
04 June 2017Merina Asnawi
" bakpianya enak bgt "
28 May 2017Hilda Oktaviani
" The price is not really friendly "
15 May 2017Annisa Rachmanda
" The place is quite big and the parking lot is also big. "
27 April 2017Bagas Kusuma Jati
" Meh "
10 April 2017Erys Samiaji
" One of recommended bakpia "
25 February 2017Rinto Setiawan
" Love it.... one among the original bakpia makers in Jogja area. A bakpia with a long history "
23 February 2017Wijianto Wijianto
" Tempat KKL kewirausahaan. Bisa lihat langsung proses pembuatan bakpia pathok 😊😊😊 "
19 February 2017Wahyu Wicaksono
" Parkirannya besar bs muat 7 bis. Toilet dan kamar mandinya besar. Mushollanya besar, bs muat 60 org. Makanannya lengkap dan variatif, tp spesialisasi nya Bakpia.
18 February 2017Its parking lot can fit up to 7 big size buses.
A lot of toilet and bathroom.
Quite big musholla (praying room) up to 60 persons.
Complete and wide variety of snack, but their homemade specialization snack is Bakpia. "
Damar Kahono
" Salah satu perusahaan kue bakpia yang booming karena team marketing yang handal dan rekanan agen tour & travel yang banyak. variasi bakpianya banyak. "
10 January 2017Haryono Dwi Warmanto
" pusat e oleh-oleh bakpia di jogjakarta dengan kesederhanaannya..
11 December 2016rentcar + guide city tour jogja 5B7A5F08 / 083869467522
Salwa rentcar & travel guide "
Hermawan N. Imsya Setyoko
" Salah satu bakpia enak di jogja "
18 September 2016Prama Rezamudra
" For Rp.30k and You can get a good quality of Bakpia. "
17 September 2016AG
" Nice place to buy bakpia, and the taste is really awesome! "
17 July 2016Rino Haryanto
" nice place to buy bakpia "
11 July 2016Si Dik
" murah "
26 June 2016Fahmi Auliya
" + Menu oleh-oleh lengkap
04 June 2016+ Bakpia yang paling saya suka
+ Bakpia selalu fresh, bisa lihat langsung proses pembuatannya
+ Parkir luas & gratis, bus besar bisa masuk
+ Ada musholla dan toilet
+ Pembayaran bisa cash atau kartu. "
" minta no kontak ninis "
26 May 2016Nuto Tohay
" Dri tasik otw djava "
23 April 2016Fido Cellular
" enaaaaak bingit...!!
21 April 2016minta alamat toko online.y dong gan... "
Tangguh Dwijayanto
" Oleh oleh disini lengkap "
08 April 2016Yudi Ahmad
" Cari oleh2 khas jogja banyak disini "
03 January 2016Coco Meo
" Tempatnya besar, rapi pelayanan ramah "
06 August 2015Muhammad Ridha Bintang
" My favorite bakpia !!! So yummy, soft and have a great taste... !!! :) "
20 July 2015Ina Yah
" ENAK!!!!!!!!!!!! "
14 July 2015