About Apotek Wahidin Online
Apotek Wahidin Online is located at JL Dr Wahidin, No 12, Mlati Botoijan, Sendangadi, Mlati, Sleman, Sleman 55285. They can be contacted via phone at 085100310689 for more detailed information.
APOTEK WAHIDIN berdiri sejak 2005 berlokasi di sebelah barat makam pahlawan nasional dr Wahidin Soedirohusodo. buka jam 8 -21. lengkap , murah dan terjamin
A BrawiyuDha
" Rumayan lebkap "
11 March 2017Arif Lukman Hakim
" Mau tutup "
13 October 2016Cahyo Budiyanto
" Good map and clear direction "
20 July 2015