About Anugrah Carwash
Anugrah Carwash is a car wash, located at Trimulyo, Sleman Sub-District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55513, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 819-0401-6334 for more detailed information.
Anugrah Carwash is a car wash, located at Trimulyo, Sleman Sub-District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55513, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 819-0401-6334 for more detailed information.
Surya Darma
" Hasil kerja lumayan bagus, para karyawan juga terlihat sigap. Untuk lokasi sangat mudah ditemukan karena posisinya persis di jalan lintas timur. Hanya saja daftar menu di kantin yang ada kurang variatif seperti minuman misalnya hanya menyediakan softdrink dan beberapa kopi sachetan yang sedikit nengkhawatirkan.... "
16 May 2018Didy Julesdy
" Clean n Clean "
05 May 2018M Budi Santoso
" Pelayanan yg sangat memuaskan dg karyawan2 yg super ramah..... "
29 April 2018Dwi Purnomo
" Cepet nyuci motor nya tp kurang bersih di bagian pelek ban depan belakang,harap jadi perhatian Boss... "
25 February 2018Tarmanto Alvino
" Bagus "
24 February 2018Willy Naresta Hanum
" Fast car wash services, nice. "
10 January 2018Fiqih Anggoro
" Nice clean but not so detail since this is just a regular car wash "
06 January 2018Rinaldy Hasibuan
" car wash with competitive prices
31 December 201725.000 - 30.000 for small and medium cars
35.000 for large and big cars
Price above Car wash, vacum and tyre liquids
Car detailing also available
Car wax using meguiars
Soft drinks and toilet for customers "
Sarjono Pijat Afiyat
" Servis yang memuaskan, bersih dan kinclong. "
16 November 2017Arif Setiyawan
" Hasilnya bersih,rapi,wangi, operator nya ramah dan gratis softdrink,,,, "
06 October 2017Herumansah Mansah
" mudah terpercaya "
07 September 2017Ervan Vialia
" good.. very clean "
02 August 2017Ivan Tjandra
" Mantap "
27 July 2017Luthfi Irfananda
" If u clean your transportation in here it's so clean "
30 June 2017Adrian
" Average result on washing, the price is cheap. But you can order some detailing services for extra "
28 June 2017Effendi Endi
" Tempat kerja "
13 February 2017