Airy Monjali Sleman Palagan Tentara Pelajar KM 9 Yogyakarta
About Airy Monjali Sleman Palagan Tentara Pelajar KM 9 Yogyakarta
Airy Monjali Sleman Palagan Tentara Pelajar KM 9 Yogyakarta is a lodging, located at Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar KM.9, Rejodani 2, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 804 111 2479, visit their website for more detailed information.
Fitria Mustika Dewi
" Tempatnya nyaman Dan suasanya dibuat seperti hutan, Ada beberapa hewan yg dipelihara. . "
23 April 2018Mukhlasin Kafa
" Nyaman dan Tenang "
17 April 2018Andre Santoso
" Budget hotel thematic dengan design yang menarik, kebersihan yang baik, serta pelayanan staff yang ramah.
27 March 2018Pros:
-Lokasi mudah dijangkau, dekat dengan objek wisata kaliurang dan candi prambanan
-Area hotel bersih dan nyaman
-Fasilitas cukup lengkap seperti kolam renang, restoran, dan area parkir luas
-Penerangan area hotel sepertinya perlu ditambah "
Devita Kurniastuti
" Ok "
21 March 2018Sultoni Daswand
" I like the concept of this hotel. Garden in or zoo hotel. Honestly the only thing that i hate so much was mosquito and unfortunately there are many mosquitos here in this hotel. I enjoyed so much swim in the pool but because the weather isn't good at that day, I couldn't swim at night. I am night swimmer as you know
03 January 2018This hotel has dusty living room or rest hall in the second floor. I wish the owner will concern much about it. I like the menu and the staff. They know that i am scary man and they help me when the electric was off. Oh ya one thing, you should buy Genset or generator so when the electricity off ,you have a power man.
Okay so far I love this hotel and enjoy my time there, but as I told you in the review at first, you should prepare everything like mosquito lotion and everything.
Enjoy 😎
Sulton😘 "
Nugroho Dedy Pratomo
" Tempatnya nyaman, sarapannya enak, tp kamarnya ada beberapa kendala, 1. Anduk bau kaporit pdhl dlm keadaan blm terpakai, 2. Pintu agak error, pas mau ditinggal pergi setelah ditutup dr luar kadang pintunya bisa dibuka tanpa kartu, 3. AC kamar pada malam ke 2 ga kerasa dingin (mungkin freonnya abis). "
20 October 2017Annisa Tria
" Bagus. Pelayanan baik "
19 October 2017Agus Budiman
" Biasa saja "
28 February 2017