About Pertamina
Pertamina is a gas station, located at Jl. Imam Bonjol No.313, Teladan, Kisaran Tim., Kabupaten Asahan, Sumatera Utara 21211, Indonesia. Visit their website www.pertamina.com for more detailed information.
Pertamina is a gas station, located at Jl. Imam Bonjol No.313, Teladan, Kisaran Tim., Kabupaten Asahan, Sumatera Utara 21211, Indonesia. Visit their website www.pertamina.com for more detailed information.
Tju Wang Yauw
" Spbu Pasti pas "
14 June 2018Purnama Abadi
" Pelayanan sangat bervariasi di tiap spbu. "
12 June 2018Bepeha Migas
" SPBU 44.507.09 Jalan Solo-Semarang KM 8 "
11 June 2018Marco Orias
" as another gas station "
11 June 2018NuX MG Channel
" Ada ATM mandiri, JNE, dan pengisian Nitrogen ban 👍 "
11 June 2018Endroez Xpayz
" Mantab banget "
09 June 2018Andy Rachman
" beautiful place "
07 June 2018Aak Ryan
" Pelayanannya bagus dan stok BBM nya lengkap. Dr mulai premium,pertalite,pertamax,pertamax turbo maupun dexlite semuanya ada. "
05 June 2018Susanto Kris
" My work "
05 June 2018Djuned Subarkah
" Situasi menyenangkan, cuma agak kecil jadi kelihatan sumpek "
03 June 2018Pri Hinkap
" SPBU satu-satunya di kawasan industri SIER. Sering menjadi jujugan untuk isi BBM. Lokasi mudah dijangkau. Toilet bersih. Sering antri tapi masih wajar, maklum kawasan industri, lebih banyak konsumen yang butuh mengisi BBM juga. "
03 June 2018Boga Anasto
" Cleaned and reliable. "
31 May 2018Anton Nugroho
" Aip "
31 May 2018Fajar Handayanto
" Tertib "
31 May 2018Khairuddin Hutasuhut
" Biasa pelayanan cukup bagus terpisah u roda dua dan roda tiga atau roda empat ke atas. "
30 May 2018Ubay Raya
" Ok "
28 May 2018Fajar Ferdhina
" Real services with great asisstance "
27 May 2018Athar Rasyid
" ok "
22 May 2018Asri Widianingsih
" Usually in the early morning, Pertamax is depleted "
21 May 2018HyperXT 123
" Pelayanan cukup baik dan cepat dalam melayani pembeli. Jeleknya yah itu antrian pembeli bensin cukup panjang, jd musti sabar-sabar mengantrinya. "
20 May 2018Rully Yunanto
" some unfriendly officers. some hood servicd "
19 May 2018Cakra Diaz
" One of me fav servo, has free digital airpump service. "
19 May 2018Ahmad Dwi Artadi Putra
" Saya pernah mengisi BBM disini. Tempatnya sangat ramai karena cukup dekat dengan pusat kota. "
19 May 2018Ahmad Kosasih
" Ok "
18 May 2018Kembar Batubara
" Karyawan nya ramah "
17 May 2018Hendra Suhendra
" No vomet "
17 May 2018Gojekjkarta Driver
" Ok "
17 May 2018Boby Adiputra
" Ya kalo disini sih enak, nyaman. Pegawai ramah. Pasti pas. "
17 May 2018Tantan Hidayat
" Ok "
16 May 2018Eko Hendra Susanto
" Ok "
14 May 2018Pri Hinkap
" Pombensin yang tidak seberapa besar di pojok jalan, sering dijadikan jalan pintas bagi pengendara sepeda motor bandel dan tidak sabar untuk menghindari kemacetan di perempatan jalan Kertajaya. "
14 May 2018Yusuf Hadi
" Nice "
14 May 2018Nurul Hidayah
" No Comment. 😥 "
14 May 2018Maemunah Mae
" Plyanann y ok "
12 May 2018Muhamad Ridwan
" Lumayan "
12 May 2018Stiyo Stiyohadi
" Ok "
12 May 2018Agustino Mulyono
" premium not available "
12 May 2018Ricky Mano
" Tempat pengisian bahan bakar di Entrop. Jayapura Selatan. "
12 May 2018Prasetyo Budi Widagdo
" Just a normal petrol station in strategic place "
11 May 2018Fadhiel Muhammad
" Gas station located in Jl. Raya Cikampek. There is ATM center and convenience store "
11 May 2018Faizal Istanto
" Joe "
10 May 2018Faridh Fuaddin Firmansyah
" no comment "
08 May 2018Angelina Paskalia
" Ok "
08 May 2018Yoni DelviRa
" Fast Service "
07 May 2018Putut Agung
" Ok "
06 May 2018Fahmi Amhar
" Ok "
05 May 2018Tito Alfaqir
" Ok "
03 May 2018Mhmmd Rivani
" Ok "
03 May 2018Chairul Anam
" Hmmm.... Rest "
03 May 2018Adi Bruno
" Ok "
02 May 2018Ardie Putra
" Good and clean gas station "
02 May 2018Musa Paradisiasa
" Ok "
02 May 2018小锦林
" My favorite gas station in west surabaya, good service, complete facility "
01 May 2018Ridwan Utomo
" Ok "
01 May 2018Riza As
" rest area before you go to another city "
29 April 2018Irfan Hermawan
" Ok "
28 April 2018Dida F. Khrisna
" A major improvement from the previous owner, definitely now is better because it also completed with Dunkin Donuts and Indomaret. Also, the place is clean. "
27 April 2018Hari Djoko Pamilih
" Ok "
26 April 2018Darmawan Hartoyo
" Ok "
24 April 2018Billy Prakoso
" Seger pertamaxnya "
24 April 2018Julie Pink
" Oke pelayanannya .. terutama untuk isi dan tambal ban nya "
24 April 2018Ab P
" Motor dan m9bil gabung "
24 April 2018Hary De Walk
" Ok "
23 April 2018Azis Pamungkas
23 April 2018Adam Taufik
" Always no premium here "
22 April 2018Aloysius Putra
" Ok "
22 April 2018Cak Parto
" Pom bensin dengan pelayanan bagus. Toilet bersih dan tidak dijaga, artinya kesadaran pemakai lah yang harus memasukkan uang operasional dan pemeliharaan.
22 April 2018Ada kursi pijat listrik yang cukup asyik bagi pengemudi yang mungkin lelah. Pemandangannya cukup indah tapi harus memutar, andai disediakan secara husus pastilah ini jadi promosi bagi pom sendiri "
Nurul Hidayat
" Nice place "
21 April 2018Dony Pentol
" Gosoline fill "
20 April 2018Fitria R. Chusniah
" nice place "
20 April 2018Jaya Andrias
" Its have a pleasant 🕌 mosque "
19 April 2018Bakhtiar Johan
" ok "
19 April 2018Leolisa Nicko
" Ok "
19 April 2018Yushan Yusuf
" Ok "
18 April 2018Gus 2asuun
" Good Place "
18 April 2018Lailatus Sa'diyah
" Ok "
18 April 2018Bayu Sapto Nugroho
" Sempit "
17 April 2018Nuru Ahdini
" Nice "
17 April 2018Arif Suryanto
" Good "
17 April 2018Gilang Arizky Ramadhan
" Nice Place to Visit "
17 April 2018Ujang Suhardinata
" ok "
16 April 2018Annisa Aisha And Cuplis Artik Sandi
" Ok "
16 April 2018Kahlil Zafran
" Top "
13 April 2018Aryz Bronxoz
" Gasoline's and Rest Area "
12 April 2018Franciscus Valentinus
" Goood "
12 April 2018Vanessa Beryl
" Ok "
12 April 2018Yongky Lesmana
" Ok "
10 April 2018Aufa Ibrahim
" Tidak buka 24 jam "
09 April 2018Nereus Rajagukguk
" Setelah di renovasi spbu ini semakin bersih dan nyaman, dengan mesin pengisian bbm yang baru serta fasilitas penunjang yang baru, seperti dunkin donut, toilet yang bersih, mushola dan atm. Selain pertalite juga tersedia pertamax 92 dan pertamax turbo "
08 April 2018Master EDP
" IDK "
07 April 2018Alvino Mahameru
" Good place "
06 April 2018Sitri Sorga
" Isi bensin "
05 April 2018Ferry Winarno
" Good "
05 April 2018Muthiah Khoirunnisaa
" Good service "
04 April 2018Meys Sandro
" Ntaps "
04 April 2018Eman Sulaeman
" Ok "
04 April 2018Santoso Widjaja
" Not bad "
03 April 2018Santoso Widjaja
" Not bad "
03 April 2018Aljanah Permata
" Good "
03 April 2018Rasyid Muhammad
" Good place..! "
02 April 2018Ikra Dewantara
" Tidak ada isi angin gratis dan pertamax plus "
02 April 2018Bobby Kuncoro
" Toiletnya Bersih "
02 April 2018Ayam Bakar Kalasan JOGLO
" tersedia indo maret dan atm centre "
01 April 2018LS. Sirapanji
" In addition to gasoline, there are also atm and mini market "
01 April 2018Gerry Anes
" It is large enough and that could minimize the queue. There are also ATM centre choices which is not every gas station provides as much as this gas station. Unfortunately the toilet is not quite clean and we have to pay to use the toilet at 2000 IDR per person. And for you bikers, you will find a long queue at around 5 pm on a working day to fill the fuel, many bikers want to refuel after they done working. "
01 April 2018Made Panter
" Pertamina ini komplit menjual segala jenis BBM termasuk solar sarana yg tersedia di area SPBU ini toilet ,ATM ,isi air radiator,angin nitrogen termasuk LPG bright gas plus mini market yang buka 24 jam, pengalaman saat isi BBM di tempat ini lancar² saja. "
30 March 2018Nununk Nanung
" Good sercice "
30 March 2018Imaaam Saputra
" Ok "
30 March 2018Riskal Bayu Saputra
" Perlu di tingkatkan lagi pelayanannya "
29 March 2018Efdi Hendra
" bersih "
" Premium mulai kosong. Layanan oke "
28 March 2018Hary De Walk
" Ok "
28 March 2018Mp Gy
" Good enough tp gersang ... "
27 March 2018Gan Muhammad Rizqan
" Oks "
25 March 2018Андрей Александрович
" good services "
25 March 2018Ulung Jantama Wisha
" Good "
25 March 2018Ibrahim 240685
" Transit "
24 March 2018Ahmad Rosyidi
" tersedia premium jujur antri panjang "
23 March 2018Carlos Broke
" Toilet not too clean, Rather Small but still can get good service for fuel. "
23 March 2018Ricci Azhari
" Ferry good "
23 March 2018Emogoth Kidz
" Hmmm "
22 March 2018Anwar Channel
" Good "
21 March 2018Lisna Vivin
" Good services. Strategic location to fill fuel. There are ATM and mini mart so it very helpful "
20 March 2018Bunga Kusuma
" bagus "
20 March 2018Aan Prastya
" Nothing special. Stopped for short break. "
19 March 2018Leo Tjoa
" Great pump "
17 March 2018Jack Paat
" Slow serve "
16 March 2018Dian Toko
" Top "
16 March 2018Firmanto Lazuardy
" Great Gas Station. Friendly service. "
15 March 2018Bagus Pria Ambada
" fast moving place "
15 March 2018Ricky Adrian
" Not bad "
15 March 2018Charlie Siahaan
" Ok "
14 March 2018Aditya Noor
" Good place for fuel "
14 March 2018Agung Kurniawan
" This spbu sell many type of fuel. "
13 March 2018Acep As'ad Rosadi
" Ok "
13 March 2018Ali Ar Rasyid
" Always air compressor in this place can't be use "
12 March 2018Sonny Prasetya
" Spbu yang terlengkap ada toko dan fasilitas lainnya.. Plus pelayanannya bagus "
10 March 2018Cahya Gumilar
" Well, if you bring your car to fill your gas here, don't be surprised if you in same line with ferocious motorcycle rider 😥 "
10 March 2018Yves Frombelgium
" This small gas station is located on a crazy busy crossroad, entry only via jalan Dharmawangsa... There's a public restroom in the back "
09 March 2018Rizky Wijaya
" Nice "
09 March 2018Indra Lesmana
" strategic location to fill some fuel "
09 March 2018Indra Utama
" Baru dan bagus, jenis bahan bakar lengkap. toilet bersih. "
08 March 2018Har Toto
" Tempat pengisian bahan bakar yg nyaman "
07 March 2018Suraji Suraji
" Ok "
05 March 2018Nanda Al Iradah
" Ok "
26 February 2018Muhammad Ikhsan Bastian
" Baik "
25 February 2018Yusi Satriyo
" Near place with telkom university "
25 February 2018창비정
" Not bad, good services... "
25 February 2018Andi Purnomo
" Good. A typical gas station, at least the queue wasn't very long. "
25 February 2018Suprie Anto
" Ramah2 cepat sipp "
25 February 2018Erik Brow
" Ok "
23 February 2018Sujatyoko Utomo
" Stopped for awhile to refuel "
21 February 2018Dany Prawoto
" Ok "
19 February 2018Nr Rahman
" Tempat pengisian bahan bakar diujung selatan Jakarta "
19 February 2018Erny Ludvyani
" So crowded in the morning and evening. Clean. The staffs are friendly "
18 February 2018Diah & Kimmy
" Jumlah literannya ga sesuai yg dibayarkan "
17 February 2018Argo Kusworo
" Good service "
16 February 2018Putri Wulandari
" gas station with dunkin donuts,what else do I need.. :) "
16 February 2018IR. Hoan S Mulyono
" Ok "
16 February 2018Dilip Kumar R
" Toilet is available for urgent matters "
15 February 2018Asmu Share
" ok "
15 February 2018Frans Prasetya
" Ok "
14 February 2018Muhamad Muslih
" Ok "
12 February 2018Syahrir Rahmadi
" Strategic loc. N hve inconvenient store. "
11 February 2018Edy Suhartono
" Good "
08 February 2018Nicky Aldyano
" it took a lot of renovation to make this place as good as others "
07 February 2018Dody Taruna
" Nice "
06 February 2018HERBAL SURABAYA
" Tempat pengisian bahan bakar yang memiliki tangki pengisian bahan bakar yang banyak, toiletnya bersih, pelayanan pramuniaga nya sopan. "
05 February 2018Iwan Priyatno
" Fast "
05 February 2018Mahendra Clinton B
" Ok "
04 February 2018Purdiawan Pur
" Ok "
04 February 2018Dian Ekawati Suryaman
" SPBU dengan toilet bersih. Bisa bersih karena harus lepas sandal/sepatu sebelum masuk ruangan toilet. Tapi toilet laki dan perempuan gak dipisah. Toiletnya bayar 2000 kalo yang VIP 5000, belum tau juga sih bedanya apa dengan yang biasa.. Tersedia juga musholla dan swalayan kecil untuk beli makanan/minuman ringan. "
04 February 2018Dewi Shanti
" Hmmm "
04 February 2018Dody Luhansa
" SPBU lawas. Kecil dan kerasa kayak ketinggalan dibanding lainnya. Lumayan lah. "
03 February 2018Shemoe Izeckson
" Its ok. There is shop and food ( dunkin d ) around. "
03 February 2018Wonk Linglung
" Ok "
02 February 2018Komunitas Gobis Cheker Grabbike
" Ok dehhhhh "
29 January 2018Aditya Afriansyah
" Good "
29 January 2018Muhammad Aldhiansyah
" old gas station, with enough facilities like a toilet, atm, and tire control station "
29 January 2018Loka Nando
" Like usual Indonesia gas station. Big enough "
28 January 2018Bahasa Hanief
" The staff is friendly and the gas meter is good.. "
26 January 2018Taufik Adi Wijaya
" One stop shoping gas station "
25 January 2018Tony Widakdo
" Drive safe.... enjoy Teh Gardoe..... "
24 January 2018Arvi Puspita Sari
" Pom bensin nya sudah direnovasi jadi baru..
23 January 2018Lebih luas dan lengkap fasilitasnya buat singgah sementara. "
Erny Ludvyani
" Nice service and no queue "
22 January 2018Antonius Robin
" This is a great petrol station. The petrol station has a quite large size. It can fill a lot of car at the same time and it has stores inside as well as som repairshops.
22 January 2018I think this is one of the best petrol stations in Jakarta at least in terms of facilities. You can search things, tire replacements, and so on at a single petrol station. It is very convenient
This store is not only filled with facilities. This store is also clean and the staffs are professional. It makes the atmosphere great.
I hope more and more people would be able to enjoy this great perrol station "
" Good Service "
21 January 2018Leo Sihura
" Tolong disediakan toko "
20 January 2018Alexiz Crepz
" Ya biasa aja "
19 January 2018Sony Cobra
" Ok "
17 January 2018M. Ahsan Sandy Firmansyah
" Nice service with nice conversation to customer "
16 January 2018Aris Utama
" Good quality gasoline "
15 January 2018Veddy Nasviandy
" Pelayanan bagus... "
15 January 2018Danang Sugiarto
" Nice "
15 January 2018Soeko Djojo
" 👍👍👍 "
15 January 2018L Otariyandi Hayyi Yunata
" This Gas station have very clean WC and Nitrogen for your tire. "
15 January 2018M. Ali Ridla
" Spbu ini ramai dikunjungi pelanggan karena pekerjanya ramah "
14 January 2018Bram Thomas
" Good gas station "
14 January 2018Benny Fikti
" Ok "
14 January 2018Galang Wicaksono
" Nice gas station "
14 January 2018Hartan Xia
" nice gas station but too small for big vehicles "
13 January 2018Arif Rahman
" Ok "
12 January 2018George Pardamean
" Always 24hours. Nice. "
11 January 2018Adlin Eduardo
" Waw "
11 January 2018Ian Sofyan
" Ok "
11 January 2018Widarti Hadi Suprapto
" Good "
10 January 2018Auditha Sugara
" Good service "
10 January 2018Fedy Nugroho
" Buruk "
10 January 2018Indra Firdaus
" Salam 3S is missing, no free air anymore. Long queuing when in a busy time even there is more gas pump. "
08 January 2018Ferry Susanto
" Helpful place for refill the gasoline "
07 January 2018OREO 'n Friends Band
" Our perfect and good service gas station.u can use card here. "
06 January 2018Yales Kurniawan
" Cleanliness good enough "
05 January 2018Dandy A. Nugroho
" This place is a gasoline refuel, not bad and clean. Good service and lot of antree "
05 January 2018Brian Brigg
" Quite good and surrounded by small food outlets and ATM's. "
04 January 2018Kuntoro Budi Prasetya
" Bbm komplit.. "
04 January 2018Susilo Sulistiyo
" Nice place to fill up your gas. With vast place. "
02 January 2018Khamim Fariyanto
" Like another gass station. Toilets, ATM, EDC for cashless are available. I don't know about the nitrogen tyre if available here. "
31 December 2017Mohwek Menjura
" Seharusnya nmr spbu 34-12602 "
30 December 2017Darma Mulya
" Prayer room is to small & the toilet floor is to slepprey "
29 December 2017Bip Finadm
" Good services "
26 December 2017LAGU JAWA
" Good "
25 December 2017Muahammad Rifki
" Good gas station "
25 December 2017Ahmad Yasin
" Great service, free toilet's superb! Clean, neat and homy "
24 December 2017Hari Tadili
" Good place but the service - "
24 December 2017Ashari Adhitama
" Pertalite and pertamax here is almost empty everyday. Which is not nice "
24 December 2017Eko Cahyono
" t u m b a s b e n s i n "
23 December 2017Lintang Laras Kinanti
" It's fine "
23 December 2017Go Kilat
" Ok "
21 December 2017Andreanto Harto
" SPBU nya bagus akan tetapi giliranmu tambah angin pelayanan publik yang satu ini lho nggak pernah diperhatikan mau tambah angin aja susah Ada yang berbayar tapi kalau dilihat lebih jeli lagi teknis yaitu nitrogennya cuma kompresor aja jadinya gimana gitulah dinilai sendirilah "
20 December 2017Defa Bagas
" Jan jooss😂😂 "
17 December 2017Hernanda Bayu
" Sebenarnya secara keseluruhan baik. Cuma ada 1 staff yang mengecewakan inisial U yang tidak baik terhadap saya dengan bertindak melebihkan order bensin saya dan menuntut utk membayarkan kelebihan tersebut. Saat saya menolak oknum ini malah melontarkan ujaran dengan merendahkan saya sebagai customer. Dan kasus seperti ini sudah terjadi ketiga kalinya pada oknum yang sama. Mohon ditindaklanjuti. Terima Kasih. "
17 December 2017Khoirina Annisa
" Goood services. "
17 December 2017Priyuni Antoro
" Petugas tidak jujur dlm melaksanakan tugasnya, tolong ditraining ulang biar custumer tidak dirugikan, terutama dibagian sepeda motor "
16 December 2017Surya One
" Good gas station, "
16 December 2017Lutfan Ardani
" Not bad "
" Ok "
11 December 2017Nayla Maharani
" Tempatnya bersih "
11 December 2017Jevan Nurandi
" There are only each one restroom for male and female "
10 December 2017Rie Lowest
" Place MANAGE by PERTAMINA RETAIL ”Pasti PAS" Tuntasnya 👌”Self Service” PERTAMINA Products:
09 December 2017PREMIUM is a clear yellowish color distillate oil. Premium 88 RON is the most popular fuel for motor vehicles in Indonesia. Premium in Indonesia marketed by Pertamina with a relatively cheap price because it obtains a subsidy from the state budget. Premium is the lowest octane fuel or Research Octane Number (RON) among the BBM for other motor vehicles, which is only 88.
In general, use premium fuel for motor vehicles powered gasoline, such as cars, motorcycles, outboard motors, and others. This fuel is often also called motor gasoline or petrol. In high-compression engine, will cause the engine to experience knocking or ngelitik. Therefore, Premium in the vehicle engine will burn and explode does not fit with the piston movement.
Knocking causes engine power to decrease, resulting in inefficiency.From a financial point of view, prolonged knocking causes piston damage; so the motor vehicle must be replaced.
PERTALITE is Pertamina's new fuel oil with RON 90. PERTALITE launched on July 24, 2015 as a new variant for consumers who want fuel with quality over Premium , but with a cheaper price than Pertamax, this type of fuel mediates between Premium and Pertamax
Pertamax is Pertamina mainstay fuel oil. Pertamax, like Premium, is a petroleum product from petroleum processing. Pertamax 92 RON is produced by adding addictive in the processing process at the oil refinery. Pertamax was first launched on December 10, 1994 s a substitute for Premix 1994 and Super TT 1998 because of MTBE elements that are harmful to the environment. In addition, Pertamax has several advantages over Premium. Pertamax is recommended for vehicles with compression 9.1-10.1, especially those that have used technology equivalent to Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) and catalytic converters ( catalytic converters ). PERTAMAX it has high octane can receive pressure on high compression machine, so it can work optimally on piston movement. Pertamax is RThe result, engine power that uses Pertamax more leverage, because fuel is used optimally. While on machines that use Premium, BBM burn and explode, not in accordance with the piston movement. These symptoms are known as 'knocking' or 'ngelitik' machine.
Pertamax Plus is Pertamina's fuel oil production. Pertamax Plus 95 RON, as well as Pertamax and Premium , is a petroleum product from petroleum processing , generated by the addition of additives in its processing at the oil refinery . Pertamax Plus is a fuel that already meets the performance standards of International World Wide Fuel Charter (IWWFC). Pertamax Plus is a fuel for vehicles that have a compression ratio of 10.1 to 11.1, as well as using Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) technology, Variable Valve Timing Intelligent (VVTI), (VTI)Turbochargers, and catalytic converters.
PERTAMINA DEX (abbreviation of "Diesel Environment Extra") is one type of fuel PERTAMINA production that is used for motor vehicle with modern diesel engine. PERTAMINA DEX has advantages compared to baka for other diesel engines, including:Having high performance numbers with Cetane Number Minimum 53 (highest in class).Has the Lowest Sulfur Content in Indonesia (max 300 ppm) which serves to avoid injector blockage and produce more environmentally friendly exhaust emissions.Has Additive that serves to clean and also protect the vehicle engine.
Pertamax Racing 100 RON Fuel as a racing fuel capable of producing high power and torque without causing detonation, so that the racing vehicle responsive and stable performance, and high durability. This product is a high grade fuel quality that is environmentally friendly (containing bioethanol & lead free / TEL) and specially formulated for fuel racing vehicles and modern vehicles that have high compression engine that is above 10: 1 so safe for the engine, not generating emissions that endanger the health of mechanics, racers and spectators of racing events "
Rie Lowest
" Place MANAGE by PERTAMINA RETAIL ”Pasti PAS" Tuntasnya 👌”Self Service” PERTAMINA Products:
09 December 2017PREMIUM is a clear yellowish color distillate oil. Premium 88 RON is the most popular fuel for motor vehicles in Indonesia. Premium in Indonesia marketed by Pertamina with a relatively cheap price because it obtains a subsidy from the state budget. Premium is the lowest octane fuel or Research Octane Number (RON) among the BBM for other motor vehicles, which is only 88.
In general, use premium fuel for motor vehicles powered gasoline, such as cars, motorcycles, outboard motors, and others. This fuel is often also called motor gasoline or petrol. In high-compression engine, will cause the engine to experience knocking or ngelitik. Therefore, Premium in the vehicle engine will burn and explode does not fit with the piston movement.
Knocking causes engine power to decrease, resulting in inefficiency.From a financial point of view, prolonged knocking causes piston damage; so the motor vehicle must be replaced.
PERTALITE is Pertamina's new fuel oil with RON 90. PERTALITE launched on July 24, 2015 as a new variant for consumers who want fuel with quality over Premium , but with a cheaper price than Pertamax, this type of fuel mediates between Premium and Pertamax
Pertamax is Pertamina mainstay fuel oil. Pertamax, like Premium, is a petroleum product from petroleum processing. Pertamax 92 RON is produced by adding addictive in the processing process at the oil refinery. Pertamax was first launched on December 10, 1994 s a substitute for Premix 1994 and Super TT 1998 because of MTBE elements that are harmful to the environment. In addition, Pertamax has several advantages over Premium. Pertamax is recommended for vehicles with compression 9.1-10.1, especially those that have used technology equivalent to Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) and catalytic converters ( catalytic converters ). PERTAMAX it has high octane can receive pressure on high compression machine, so it can work optimally on piston movement. Pertamax is RThe result, engine power that uses Pertamax more leverage, because fuel is used optimally. While on machines that use Premium, BBM burn and explode, not in accordance with the piston movement. These symptoms are known as 'knocking' or 'ngelitik' machine.
Pertamax Plus is Pertamina's fuel oil production. Pertamax Plus 95 RON, as well as Pertamax and Premium , is a petroleum product from petroleum processing , generated by the addition of additives in its processing at the oil refinery . Pertamax Plus is a fuel that already meets the performance standards of International World Wide Fuel Charter (IWWFC). Pertamax Plus is a fuel for vehicles that have a compression ratio of 10.1 to 11.1, as well as using Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) technology, Variable Valve Timing Intelligent (VVTI), (VTI)Turbochargers, and catalytic converters.
PERTAMINA DEX (abbreviation of "Diesel Environment Extra") is one type of fuel PERTAMINA production that is used for motor vehicle with modern diesel engine. PERTAMINA DEX has advantages compared to baka for other diesel engines, including:Having high performance numbers with Cetane Number Minimum 53 (highest in class).Has the Lowest Sulfur Content in Indonesia (max 300 ppm) which serves to avoid injector blockage and produce more environmentally friendly exhaust emissions.Has Additive that serves to clean and also protect the vehicle engine.
Pertamax Racing 100 RON Fuel as a racing fuel capable of producing high power and torque without causing detonation, so that the racing vehicle responsive and stable performance, and high durability. This product is a high grade fuel quality that is environmentally friendly (containing bioethanol & lead free / TEL) and specially formulated for fuel racing vehicles and modern vehicles that have high compression engine that is above 10: 1 so safe for the engine, not generating emissions that endanger the health of mechanics, racers and spectators of racing events "
Munier Muhammad
" Mulai dari Nol "
06 December 2017Cntv Asia
" Selalu ready kalo beli di sini. Apalagi sekarang semakin mudah dan murah. "
06 December 2017Rury Rofiani
" Isi bensin dong masa isi kenangan "
03 December 2017Riris Hartanti
" Strategic location by the highway, friendly service "
02 December 2017Mustajib Umroni
" temaptnya strategis buka 24 jam "
01 December 2017Gunadi Kr
" Easy to access because they located at the T-junction "
29 November 2017Fransiscus Purba
" SPBU dengan toilet unik.. ada Toilet VVIP dgn tarif masuk 10.000
28 November 2017ATM Lumayan Banyak.. "
Abubakar Siddiq
" Although strategically located in a very busy road , this gas station seems to be quite. I rarely go to this place to fill my car.
28 November 2017They have good service and the place is quite clean. "
Aldi Riansyah
" Good "
24 November 2017Virmantino Rossi
" Isi bensin cepat "
23 November 2017Dina Maharani
" Only pertamax available here. So sad "
22 November 2017Muhamad Sulistiyo
" lap..futsal pas belakang spbu "
22 November 2017Samuel Noviano Indarto / SNI
" good place for refill BBM "
21 November 2017Abiad Jaller
" I like the layout. My actual concern is the tap water. It is so salty, not sure if because of chemical contamination or just the water itself. Hopefully the one who responsible to the environment will do something. "
20 November 2017Arif Purnawan
" PlYanany ok "
16 November 2017Syarif Mauluddin
" Good fuel 👍 "
14 November 2017Hasyim Abdurrahim
" Pelayanannya memuaskan literannya pas kembaliannya juga selalu pas... "
13 November 2017Aries Aprillia
" Nice and wide place "
12 November 2017My TraveL
" Fasilitas tempat ini oke juga tersedia ATM. toilet + mushola.. warung makan ada meskipun menunya terbatas.. dgn pemandangan laut cocok untuk bersantai2 di sore hari menjalang petang "
11 November 2017Dyota Yung Jun
" This gas station is pretty new building after being renovate a couple a months ago..
11 November 2017Ga terlalu besar dan sejak ada bebek pak slamet jd ada alasan kenapa orang lama mampir di spbu ini.. Ya buat makan bebek "
Prasetyo Adi
" Petugas nya ramah n santun "
10 November 2017Karina Djie
" It has toilets, praying room, mini groceries store, a couple of food restaurants, donuts stall, ATMs, and travel shuttle. "
09 November 2017Muhammad Hasan
" Have an ATM center, Indomaret (mini market), restroom, and gas station (of course!) "
05 November 2017Surya Ramadhan
" Gas station in surabaya "
05 November 2017Didik Kurniawan Saputra
" Ok "
04 November 2017Ari Samuel
" Pelayanan yg baik,byk burung yg bgs2... Apalagi duriannya br berbuah....mantap "
31 October 2017Rendy Swasono
" Good "
29 October 2017Rokhmat Subandi
" Saya sering isi bensin di SPBU ini, tapi untuk pengaturan Antrian harus lebih diperbaiki lagi 👈 "
28 October 2017Igor Yonastomo
" Seharusnya beroperasi 24 jam spy masyarakat makin nyaman "
27 October 2017Joko Suryantoro
" Ok "
27 October 2017Eko Prasetyo
" Ok "
26 October 2017Fuad Jauhar Zuhri
" The most complete, and the most trustable gas station in Semarang "
24 October 2017Fissure
" Meteran bergerak terlalu cepat, sehingga bahan bakar masuk bersamaan dengan udara(salah satu teknik kecurangan spbu), biasa isi 10rb bisa sampai garis, ini gak sampai... "
24 October 2017Ahmad Bin Muhardi
" Moderate facilities, has praying room, moderately clean "
19 October 2017Ahmad Firdausi
" I can pay with Pertamina Card here, so it is good. "
18 October 2017Indra Purnama
" Clearly "
18 October 2017Wahyu Nahdianto
" Old gas station. The location is exactly at T-junction of Prapen toward Jemursari and Margorejo. "
18 October 2017Zaimul Wafa
" Gas station with ATM, minimarket and praying room (mushola) "
16 October 2017Steffi Hariyanto
" Good gast station. Kind workers and it also has kebabs and mini market. Also a futsal stadium. "
16 October 2017Doles Elbicnivni
" Bad "
13 October 2017Wawan Andoko
" Pelayanan ramah, ganti shift cepat, meski antri cepat Pelayanannya.. Parkir luas, ada atm bni, mushola, toilet bersih. "
12 October 2017Ginanti Nistantya
" just here to fill the gas "
12 October 2017Wawan Andoko
" Pelayananya ramah, masih muda-muda, sop pasti pas mulai nol, Mushola dan toiletnya bersih "
09 October 2017Angga Gunawan
" Pertamax gas refuel pump is too difficult. "
07 October 2017Pabu Wahyudin
" Kami tdk pernah antri..masuk langsung diisi. SPBU yg pertama melayani produk Dexlite,,yg bisa bebas isi.. "
06 October 2017Putri Rizka
" The best you can find "
05 October 2017Cakra Diaz
" Average, nothing special. No electronic air pump. "
05 October 2017Rizal Fachrurozi
" Ok "
04 October 2017Siddik Driver
" Ramai "
03 October 2017Yulita Varani
" The staffs are friendly in service. The toilets are clean. The musholla is quite clean. There's ATM. "
02 October 2017Ciptaz
" T.O.P banget "
02 October 2017Forlan Salmon
" Good for the reat area "
02 October 2017Sedot Wc Murah Surabaya Mitra Sedot Wc
" God "
01 October 2017Pian Brastasi
" Clean and had a big parking lot... but too dark because some of light is off... "
30 September 2017Desman Laoli
" Ramai "
27 September 2017YU GO
" Nice "
27 September 2017Kabelarang Siregar Abel
" Hanya singgah mengisi bbm "
27 September 2017Wati Frissa
" Ok "
27 September 2017Ananta Kharismadi
" A lot of fuel choice, minimarket, atm "
26 September 2017Lucia Renyta
" Fast service "
25 September 2017Inge Ong
" They have the most trustable meter gas station in town "
25 September 2017Wahyu Widodo
" Love this. "
22 September 2017Rahmat Akoeng
" Pelayanan prima "
21 September 2017Gian Fajar Gemilang
" Pom bensin baru. Tempat nyaman, lingkungan bersih, letak cukup strategis. "
18 September 2017Sandy Critsz
" Slh satu pom bensin yg slalu gw hindari Walopun dekat dgn rmh.
17 September 2017Dari dulu kalo ngisi bensin di sini dapetnya di bar motor gw slalu lebih dikit dr pd spbu lain. "
Utari Prawestari
" Good "
16 September 2017Mainix Sondakh
" Ok "
15 September 2017Vikhanisa Yewook
" Cukup bersih, ada atm, toilet. Tp ga ada minimarket "
15 September 2017Aprie Adi
" Parkiranya luas "
14 September 2017Emerlandy H
" Have a BNI Atm "
14 September 2017Setia Budi
" tempatnya cukup luas, fasilitas toilet ,kamar mandi dan mushola cuma sayangnya tidak ada mini market dan depot makan "
14 September 2017Andri Susanto
" Good service "
09 September 2017Zulkarnaen Een
" Isilah bbm andam karena jarak antar spbu relatif jauh "
06 September 2017Hokky Setyabudi
" Perlu perawatan baik office, toilet dll. Tempat bagus , strategis "
06 September 2017Adolfus O'Deecue
" Clean toilets and good service are offered here. "
06 September 2017Abdul Rojak
" Pelayanannya ramah "
05 September 2017Farhan Fauzi
" Good "
04 September 2017Nito Kristian
" Gelap banget "
03 September 2017Muhammad Duharsyah
" Toilet perlu perhatian.. "
02 September 2017Andi Setiawan
" Pertamina Pasti Pas gas station. We can find several ATM and also Dunkin Donat at one location. "
02 September 2017Rohmat Adi Nugroho
" Lengkap, pas dan penuh kicauan burung dr pemilik/owner. "
31 August 2017Sagita Galih
" Good "
31 August 2017Aditpkcompany
" Wide choices of gas, clean restroom, atm and nitrogen pump ready "
30 August 2017Gasley Jawa
" recomend "
30 August 2017Paul Mukidi
" There's a convenient store with a bit expensive compared with similar stores. "
28 August 2017Emmanuel Kurniawan
" Good Service. It will be better if there're more lights "
" Kadang antriannya sangat panjang di bagian pengisian bensin premium dan pertalite.
26 August 2017Tersedia : kamar mandi, mushola, ATM, mart. "
Mersya Ristanty
" Good job "
26 August 2017Yudhi Dwi Saputro
" Fasilitas yg lain udah oke . .
25 August 2017Cuma slang tambah anginx dach bocor . . Kw bisa d ganti donk . . "
Putra Sutarno
" Pusat pengisian bbm "
24 August 2017Helmi Nurfuadi
" There are several bathrooms (not just toilet) available. So when it's emergency you can crash in and touch yourself up without much of a hurry. "
22 August 2017Antonius Franciscus
" Bio solar available here "
22 August 2017Dian Permadi
" Good place but we should pay for toilet "
21 August 2017Argya P. Budihandojo
" Just like any other Pertamina gas station in Surabaya, good service and clean place. However, the toilet needs more care as it is frequently wet or dirty. The gas station closest to the industrial area. "
19 August 2017Argya P. Budihandojo
" Just like any other Pertamina gas station in the surrounding areas. Clean and fast. Staff members are kind too. "
18 August 2017Emi Habib
" Pelayanannya ramah sekali.
17 August 2017Dan petugasnya memakai baju adat, sepertinya khusus hari kemerdekaan.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 "
Josef Gunawan
" It has a convenient store, a doughnut cafe and a small cafeteria. So it's nice to have all these stores by the gas station. "
17 August 2017Faiz AsySyarief
" Mohon untuk menambah air di tiap wc, karena kurang air. "
13 August 2017Ar Wic
" Just like other standardized Pertamina gas station. Good service. "
12 August 2017Hamimnova Adila
" Good serve "
11 August 2017Heri Wibisono
" normally not too crowded and fast service too... "
10 August 2017Ikhsan Martadi
" Ramai, tapi pelayanan kurang memuaskan, karena tidak ada jalur khusus untuk pembelian premium dan pertalite. "
09 August 2017Mega Lina
" Pom paling bagus pasti pas lah "
07 August 2017Wibisana Jusuf
" An overcrowded Pertamina gas pump serving gasoline & diesel. Padang restaurant, convenience store & other services available. "
06 August 2017Subianto Masbianto
" Good service "
04 August 2017Ari Saleh Ali
" Best petrol station in Semarang, manage by PT Pertamina Retail "
03 August 2017Dendlys Sandira
" Good job "
03 August 2017Muhdi Anto
" Good. Complete gas station. Nice serve. "
02 August 2017Sandy Wijaya
" Jam 21.00 sudah tutup! Padahal jalanan antar kota. "
02 August 2017Mostoples Rinelan
" fasilitas lengkap dan memadai, ada ATM Bank Jateng, kantor pos, parkir luas, dan lain - lain. BBM ada solar, pertamax, petralite, dan premium. "
01 August 2017Sigit Ari Wibowo
" Just like another gas station, with standart public service (rest room, musholla, etc) nothing special. "
31 July 2017Rizky Eka Saputra
" Pertalite - pertamax turbo ready gan :v "
30 July 2017Liston Sirait
" Yes "
30 July 2017Mansur Setiawan
" Tersedia toilet yang bersih, pelayanan cepat, suasana adem karena banyak pepohonan. "
29 July 2017Eko Hnugrohoo
" Ok "
28 July 2017Hendra Liu
" The service is okay and enough space for parking "
28 July 2017Naruto Uzumaki
" Good "
27 July 2017Vian Dias
" Nyaman santai luas, berhati-hatilah ketika masuk ke spbu ini karena banyak pengendara sepeda motor dan mobil yang ngebut dijalan masuk spbu "
26 July 2017Samuel Ekanata
" good service & large place to fill your gas "
26 July 2017Aprianto Nugraha
" Tempatnya cukup strategis, sayangnya tidak terbuka 24 jam. "
25 July 2017Erlyn Novita
" Ok "
25 July 2017Rendy Gata Saputra
" Good place "
25 July 2017Deni Sopiana
" ok "
23 July 2017Desta DENA
" Nice service. Nice view "
23 July 2017Dendy Rizky
" Tempat isi bahan bakar, terdapat toilet dan mushola juga mini shop.. "
22 July 2017Aldiza
" Agak kotor wc nya "
21 July 2017Blue Siberian
" It provide gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas or LPG, motor oil, and minimarket. It COCO or company owned company operated by pertamina. I often refuel gasoline of my motorcycle and my car there. "
21 July 2017Ashar Pratama
" karuawannya kurang kayaknya.. motor sam mobil selalu antri panjang pas jam pulang kantor "
18 July 2017Agus Wahyudiono
" Isi bbm dulu, pasti pas, fasilitas lengkap...tempat parkir luas. "
18 July 2017Ofeck Tux
" SPBU bugih "
17 July 2017Triwikanta Yowana
" Pelayanan prima, toilet bersih "
17 July 2017Muhammad Afif
" Nice service "
16 July 2017Ratno Setiyawan
" The refueling place is located in strategic place. Place of relief and parking quite wide. There is a minimarket and an ATM. "
15 July 2017Biren Shah
" Its always no long queue in here "
14 July 2017Luki Andreas Wibowo
" This gas station is good enough for filling up gas tank of vehicles. But it doesn't provide air pump for tires "
14 July 2017LOLingboy Fahrezi
" It's good, provides standard facility of gas station, it's on the side of a one way road so watch where you're going there from.. "
13 July 2017Ferra Hendro
" Lumayan bagus pelayanan.. karena punya pertamina langsung kali y... "
12 July 2017Kate Grealy
" Just am average petrol station "
11 July 2017Kartono Indrowidodo
" No comment "
10 July 2017Aris Setyawan
" Standard "
10 July 2017محمد دین ذو القرنين ناسوتيون
" Bagus, rapih, pelayanan motor ngantri parah! "
09 July 2017Felix Nugraha K
" Accurate meter of gasoline, sell gas non subsidion "
09 July 2017Ags Son
" Gas Station "
" Isi pertamax disini "
09 July 2017Muhammad Jeckha
" You can get Fuel here "
08 July 2017Toyota Avanza
" Toilet dan musholla bersih.
08 July 2017Petugasnya ramah.
Disediakan sandal kayu untuk ke toilet dwn wudhu.
#puas berhenti di sini "
David Rijanto
" Takes card for payment "
07 July 2017Mansur Setiawan
" Pertailet 7.000/ltr "
06 July 2017AGOes Setiawan
" Mushola bersih,toilet tersedia,
04 July 2017Dispenser banyak,pelayanan lumayan ramah "
Prisma Pratista
" Tempatnya nyaman, lokasi strategis, fasilitas (kamar mandi dan mushola) lengkap dan bersih. Sukak 👍 "
04 July 2017Khoirul Huda
" top "
03 July 2017Pak Nur
" Lumayan Lega, sekarang ada Kantor Pos nya "
03 July 2017Teguh Susanto
" Nice "
03 July 2017Erik Irlianta
" Nice gas station "
02 July 2017Pompy Prabowo
" airnya agak bau "
02 July 2017Yani Andriyana
" Therw is alfamart here. Very convinience "
01 July 2017Myzz15
" There's no other officer on duty, just 1 person in charge, make long queues to get the fuel "
30 June 2017Fari Mexico
" Ok "
29 June 2017Sugeng Haryadi
" Semua BBM ada "
28 June 2017Ibad Gendeng
" Komplit bensin,pertalit,pertamax "
28 June 2017Anov Siradj
" Gut, clean and bug toilet "
27 June 2017Ilham Junior
" Nicee place "
23 June 2017Firman Dirgantara
" SPBU buka 24 jam... Dengan fasilitas lengkap... "
23 June 2017Mohamad Tri
" Ramah "
22 June 2017Rohmah Safina
" Nice "
21 June 2017Timotius Clement
" Pelayanan baik "
21 June 2017VILA Kerudung
" Helpful enough but prefer find another spbu than here. "
20 June 2017A Google User
" Bbm komplit, mini market, stan nitrogen+ganti oli, air+angin gratis. "
19 June 2017M4h1r Pakpahan
" open 24 hours "
19 June 2017Suryo Wibowo
" Certified SPBU Pasti Pas by Pertamina. Easy access, complete facility. Often fill gas here "
18 June 2017Sugeng Shalendra
" Parkir kurang luas "
15 June 2017Yophi Wejasu
" SPBU yang halamannya sangat luas "
15 June 2017Mas Agus
" So far so good lah ya "
15 June 2017Rudie S
" Good. My neighboors. So easy.. "
15 June 2017Mukhamad Afwani
" Langganan isi bensin (premium) "
14 June 2017Erick Hardi
" Full service and also a nice place to hangout "
11 June 2017Bagas Prasta Dewa
" Apaan aja deh :v "
09 June 2017Yanzkee Kornieken
" The only one gas station in this area, good service for gas,also there is a Nitrogen gas service for tires "
08 June 2017Yudi Oke
" Disini jual bbm jenis: premium, bio solar & pertamax. "
07 June 2017Agus Mubarok
" Nice pom bensin.. "
06 June 2017D. Hermawan.s
" Sangat membantu "
06 June 2017Ini Rizalar
" Iki sing endi yak "
04 June 2017M Ramdlani P
" Cuma disini ada ptx turbo "
04 June 2017Mohammad Bagus Sasmita
" Cocok untuk rehat sejenak "
01 June 2017Stenhart Nelindra
" A bit underspaced, but 24/7 is what people need. 👍 "
27 May 2017Arif WiBolang
" do its job as gas station "
26 May 2017Kosmas Mahendra
" Well, it's just like another gas station runned by Pertamina. "
26 May 2017Budhi Rubiandi
" Dekat dgn rumah.. "
22 May 2017Gideon S
" Spbu (petrol station) with a clean toilets "
21 May 2017Arif Zen
" layanan cepat "
15 May 2017FAIZAL AS
" Pelayanan perlu ditingkatkan, dan beberapa fasilitas penunjang perlu ditambah. Toilet 🚽, mesin debit dll. "
15 May 2017Vanda Van
" The place so Helpful "
14 May 2017Agustiana Zhen
" They have a few tenants in their building such as, travel tenant, bakery tenant, and food tenant. Near public transport (Trans Jakarta). "
14 May 2017Enda Sembilan
" Takaran sesuai, aksesnya jd sulit akibat ssa jln dr rajiman "
13 May 2017Arief Prabowo
" pros: good services, cons: every wed and thu can't pay by debit card. "
12 May 2017Herry Sukotjo
" Good service "
12 May 2017Rochmat Ibnu Achmadi
" Ok "
09 May 2017Charles Gunawan
" Just ok, cmon this is gas station.. what else? "
09 May 2017Reviditta Harmawan
" Good place for quick stop and fill the gas "
09 May 2017Isro
" Ok "
09 May 2017Andie Mjs
" Group mayangkara emang selalu istimewa dlm pelayanan.. "
07 May 2017M Rahman
" Spbu nya sudah sesuai dengan standart spbu yg diijinkan di indonesia "
06 May 2017Bagas Kusuma Jati
" Meh "
05 May 2017Firmansyach Koestardiono
" Slow service "
02 May 2017Wilmart Arisandhie
" Rest Area n Vespa Gallery "
01 May 2017Yöga Raditya Agustyanto
" Nyaman dan bersih "
29 April 2017Yonas Zais
" Good service "
28 April 2017Nur Muhammad Sholikhun
" Alat pengisi bensinnya sudah tua, sebaiknya diganti agar pelayanan lebih Prima "
27 April 2017Fredi Gunawan
" Ok "
26 April 2017Dheka Dap
" Pelayanan ramah, fasilitas lengkap, dari minimarket, mushola, toilet dan anjungan atm. Bisa bayar via card non cash. Bisa juga buat langganan perusahaan atau kantor yang memiliki armada transportasi. "
25 April 2017Yami NoSagiri
" 5 star if more gasoline types available!! "
25 April 2017Luluk Fauzan
" Lengkap wkwk "
24 April 2017Budi Sikumbang
" Ok "
20 April 2017Mohammad Bagus Sasmita
" Strategis dan ramai "
18 April 2017Vie Keys
" Di perbaiki dr beberapa bulan yang lalu dan sekarang baru jadi. Tempatnya luas dan bersih. Pelayanannya juga ramah "
17 April 2017MustBE Wangi Nusantara
" Bad "
13 April 2017Yulia Rahmawati
" Small fuel station or SPBU, so not suitable for truck or bus. Quite crowded because located in main road, near campus and in the border of Kota and Kabupaten Bandung. Have mushola, BNI ATM. "
12 April 2017Adyt Tambun
" Hatop do bahhh "
12 April 2017Ana Ramadhani
" There are so many people who wait for fuel in the morning "
12 April 2017Masnatan Penerjemah
" good service accurate scaling "
12 April 2017Tim ET
" Numpang sholat dan sarapan by gofood "
11 April 2017EM Farih
" Good service.. but the place is not strategic.. because it's near trafficlight.. also the musholla is too deep.. "
06 April 2017Junior Jap
" Always closed for unknown purpose, even though gas is important and urgent needs for most situation "
05 April 2017Sellyna Femeilia Sopandi
" When you need gasoline, you should come here. The workers are good. But sometime they don't even smile. But it's a nice place. And here's a minimarket too. Also you can find nitrogen in here. "
04 April 2017Valentino Gratia
" COCO Company Own Company Operate QUALITY! Prove by yourself! "
02 April 2017Anugerah Marsudinata
" Selalu isi bbm disini karena pas isinya dan pelayanannya bagus "
02 April 2017Pipin Novitasari
" Kalo pergi kemana mana mampirnya ke spbu durenan. Soalnya toiletnya nyaman dan gratis. Bersih dan rapi. "
31 March 2017Sriyono Leonard
" Bagus "
31 March 2017Habibi Yusuf
" Seperti halnya pom bensin biasa, blm ada yg istimewa, hanya terletak di kaki gunung merapi "
31 March 2017Eko Pramono
" SPBU yang cukup lumayan bersih. Sayangnya toiletnya hanya ada 2, jadi harus rela antri "
28 March 2017Wira1 Haka
" Ok "
27 March 2017Chandra Gunawan
" One of gas station in central of semarang city.. friendly services.. and always crowded.. "
25 March 2017Rajendra Lubna
" tempat isi pertamax "
25 March 2017Joko Mulyadi
" Tempat isi bbm "
23 March 2017Papa Hana
" Kumplit bbm nya "
23 March 2017Salfin Wares Tata
" Sering isi bensin di sana dan pelayanannya cukup baik. "
19 March 2017Kunjung Sri Herlambang
" Ok untuk singgah sejenak "
19 March 2017Aniek Puspawardani
" Too narrow "
16 March 2017Gojek Surakarta Driver
" SPBU ini terletak di tengah kota Surakarta bisa dijangkau dari segala arah, menjual bahan bakar premium pertalite Pertamax Pertamax Dex Solar, parkir yang cukup luas, memiliki tempat Resto tersendiri, ada layanan ATM, toilet dan mushola "
16 March 2017Sigit Priyanto
" Management baru dibawah PT Pertamina retail "
15 March 2017Aan Eko Saputro
" Average fuel station. Clean toilet and good services. Hope that their management provides working air pump. "
15 March 2017Haryo Setiawan
" Right place to buy gasoline and fuel your hungry vehicles. :-) "
15 March 2017Louis Lane84
" My eks work "
14 March 2017Slamet Dingun
" Not bad lah "
13 March 2017Thio Sukarto
" Tempat pengisian BBM yang tidak terlalu mengantri "
10 March 2017Wernawati Westhi
" pelayanan Ok, sarana lumayan, sayangnya sedikit terganggu dengan akses jalan yang rusak, dan kendaraan yang datang dari arah atas harus sedikit memutar untuk bisa masuk ke sini "
09 March 2017Fippi Aprila
" Usually not crowded, but their service is good. "
08 March 2017Zainur Rahman
" Tempat Pengisian bahan bakar yang jujur "
05 March 2017Dicky Priandana
" Spacious pertamina own station. There are many fuel pump with different types of fuel "
04 March 2017Popot Jonni
" Pelayanannya bagus "
02 March 2017Tito Fauzi
" A spacious fuel station with a lot of fuel pump. And there are many variant of pertamina fuel. Pity, the operator is not that many. "
28 February 2017Binuko Edi
" Strategic and good measurements "
26 February 2017Edward Julianus
" Tempat yang tepat untuk mengisi bahan bakar di daerah Entrop dan sekitarnya "
26 February 2017Purwo Waluyosejati
" Spbu jalan utama solo semarang, bisa utk rest area "
23 February 2017Anugrah Setiaji
" Good :) "
15 February 2017Lina Salviana
" Ok "
13 February 2017Panca Nugroho
" Bagus luas "
12 February 2017Denmas Munawantonino
" Good. "
12 February 2017Afida Nett
" Lokasi strategis , sarana kamar mandi (toilet) dan musholla lengkap dan bersih "
10 February 2017Adi Mu
" Tmpat kurang luas, tapi BBM nya bagus "
06 February 2017Azda Fajri-Zaini
" Just OK "
06 February 2017Anjar Brahma
" pombensin coco. always good "
05 February 2017Muflih Kholidin
" Not server premium, "
03 February 2017Limpapat Pattansedtakarn
" Good Sevices "
03 February 2017Moch IRSAD
" Ok "
02 February 2017Jari Handy
" Gara2 jalan jadi searah jadi susah mau isi bensin disini :( "
02 February 2017Djagoan Internet
" Best place too use Fuel "
01 February 2017Siswo Caroko
" Isoma "
01 February 2017Randiie Wijaya
" Ok "
30 January 2017Dede Yanuarez
" There are so many fuel pump, but less operator. You have to be in queue. "
29 January 2017Ujang Ikhlas
" Lumayan luas "
25 January 2017Sigit Priyanto
" Management baru dibawah pt.pertamina retail "
24 January 2017Ugan Nugraha
" Ok "
24 January 2017Stefendy Handoko
" Kadang antri "
16 January 2017Vinsensa Radita
" Mini market, tires fixing, car wash, atm machines. But only 2 toilet available "
16 January 2017Wahyu Wibowo Hadi
" Great "
" bersih dan nyaman "
11 January 2017Jenih Ramdan
" Tempat isi bbm dekat dengan tempat kerja "
10 January 2017Alfonsus Widhi
" Petugas di Nitrogen nya sangat ramah dan pengertian sekali "
08 January 2017Wildan Maulana
" Lumayan lah ... "
06 January 2017Fanuel Kurnia
" Pom bensin yang dikelola langsung oleh Pertamina Retail pusat..Takaranny dijamin paling akurat dibanding pom bensin lain di Sukabumi "
04 January 2017Gb Jjt
" Soooo klin "
02 January 2017Rinal Yulius
" Komplit "
31 December 2016Bahar Adjah
" Oh "
29 December 2016Sasono Sastro
" SPBU Dengan peringkat GOLD...jadi rekomen untuk beli bensin "
28 December 2016Redo Anya Rizkyansyah
" kalau malam penuh dgn bus transjogja mengisi solar sehingga antrian penuh "
24 December 2016Ismail Dwi Prakosa
" not bad "
22 December 2016Rahmat Aryanto
" antri panjang terus "
21 December 2016Umar Hasan Alfarouq
" Pelayanan memuaskan "
19 December 2016Irham Ch
" Cukup luas "
12 December 2016M Fadil
" Lokasi nya dekat dengan rumah "
09 December 2016Surya Wijaya
" Most strategic fuel station in semarang "
06 December 2016Enzo Bawn
" This is okays "
05 December 2016Sonny Tuloli
" Tempat pengisian bbm "
02 December 2016Taufiqurrahman PENS
" Great "
25 November 2016Firmansyah Bewok
" Tersedia rest area,mini market,atm centre, "
22 November 2016Seppy Pusop
" sangat strategis "
21 November 2016Duvan Guramzig
" SPBU terakhir sebelum ke kebun teh kemuning dari arah solo :D "
17 November 2016Yoni Priyanto
" Layanan prima "
11 November 2016Muhammad Fahtur Rosi
" No computer print for pertama pump "
09 November 2016Dwiyoga Yunianto
" Nice place work "
01 November 2016Hendro Suwignyo
" rip my sister "
26 October 2016Andres Vincencius
" No BBM😢😢😢😢 "
23 October 2016ALVIN ADJI
" deket kosan ane "
21 October 2016Wawan 80
" Ok "
21 October 2016Dwi Pramono
" Fast service "
21 October 2016Witri Handa
" Antriannya sempit "
11 October 2016Deni Magneto
" Mantap "
10 October 2016Wahyudi Adhiutomo
" Pertamina Fuel Station. We can find all of fuel variant by Pertamina. Pertalite, Pertamax, and Pertamax Turbo. Do you try Pertamax Turbo? I did "
10 October 2016Abraham Soediro
" Kadang rame buanget "
06 October 2016Anisak Nur Falah
" Fasilitas lengkap, ada toilet, ATM, mushola, isi angin nitrogen dan air radiator, pertamax, premium, solar, pertalite 👌pelayanannya cepat 👍 "
06 October 2016Rizqi Mulyantara
" nice "
04 October 2016Davinur Hardiansyah
" Langganan gue nih "
04 October 2016Muhammad Safrowi Maulana
" Sekarang ada fasilitas Nitrogennya Tambal Ban Tubbles, Cek Tekananan Ban, dll "
21 September 2016Goebog Management
" Baru tau kalo mati listrik ngga bisa ngisi bahan bakar. Ngga punya genset brati ya? "
15 September 2016Hermawan Honggo
" Spbu tengah kota "
14 September 2016Aditya Cahyo
" Owned and operated by Pertamina itself. Have the full option of Pertamina gases. Nitrogen and shopmart available here. "
12 September 2016Yogi Nugradi
" good services "
12 September 2016Hendrawan Surakso Hargo
" Petugasnya cantik!
10 September 2016Seperti SPBU Pertamina pada umumnya.
Tempat bersih dan fasilitas lengkap.
Ada minimarket, mushola, toilet, pompa angin, ATM dan tempat parkir. "
Hasbullah Perkasian
" SPBU Oke "
09 September 2016Iril Sagita
" Pelayanan ramah tamah dan memuaskan. "
07 September 2016Nur Hamid
" Ada 🏧 center, good service "
04 September 2016Azza Mubbin
" Pertamina owned station. Best facilities from this public company is here "
30 August 2016Dicky Zahkria Iman
" ATM mandiri, BCA, BRI
28 August 2016Toilet
Parkir luas
Ganti oli
Mini market
Tempat janjian yg lumayan strategis...
Sebelahnya ada angkringan juga lho...hahaha... "
Desty Duaide
" Pertamax Plus ... gan "
28 August 2016Nunung Setyawan
" Pom besin dengan fasilitas yang cukup komplit. Ada Mushola, tambah air radiator dan tambah angin ban gratis. "
28 August 2016Desa Siman
" Isi bbm sambil sholat "
27 August 2016Danu Wira Pangestu
" Sangat berguna dan lokasi strategis banget "
24 August 2016Nursinah Wardjono
" Numpang ke kamar mandi😃 "
23 August 2016Duwi Andrianto
" bagus "
23 August 2016Dwi K
" One stop gas station . "
22 August 2016Veno UGM
" Layanan cepat "
21 August 2016Mohammad Bagus Sasmita
" cocok untuk rehat sejenak setelah 110 km dr sleman. masih setengah perjalanan menuju timur "
21 August 2016Tri Bagas
" Pom Bensin selalu ramai, dan ATM lumayan banyak. "
15 August 2016Djanatul Yoga
" Pas pinggir jalan, strategis. 😄👍 "
13 August 2016Abdussalam Sopar
" Pelayanannya rama "
10 August 2016Frans Enero
" Don't forget to fill up your vehicle "
09 August 2016Trap Mix
" Bagus pertalite cuma 5.000 "
07 August 2016Snu Nitra
" Masih 1 bintang, karena sekarang baru tahap perombakan dan pembangunan..semoga setelah dibangun akan semakin lebih baik "
04 August 2016Irvan Aji Bagus Wijayanto
" pengisian cepat mantapp "
31 July 2016Salman Noordien
" Sip "
23 July 2016Ahmad Dwi Artadi Putra
" Terkadang mampir disini untuk isi bensin. Luas dan cukup lengkap. "
14 July 2016Yanuar Waskito
" Fasilitas lengkap "
06 July 2016Akhmad Budi Waluya
" Nice place "
06 July 2016Rizki Susetiadi
" Most favourite gas station in city center "
03 July 2016Julijanta Gunawan
" SPBU Coco, at the time of my visit, I found the petrol measurement about right.
02 July 2016I also used the car washing facility, but it's a long wait. I waited about 2 hours for car wash. :) "
Rob Fletcher
" They sell gas. Lots of ATMS. "
28 June 2016Gojek Jogja28
" Pegawainya ramah "
24 June 2016Dimas Satria
" Toilet nya juga bersih "
20 June 2016Pontianus Trihandoko
" Vigas / LGV gas station and other fuel open 24 hours, ...good fuel quality "
18 June 2016Zaini Ârt
" Pom bensin Pasti Pas Pertamina dengan pelayanan yg baik dengan ATM BNI. Sayangnya tidak ada tempat peristirahatan atau musholla yg memadai. "
18 June 2016Rama Dhan Putra
" The big one of gas station, where it next to beautiful mosque "
15 June 2016Gunung Harjanto
" kalo isi bensin silakan di check "
14 June 2016Masrukin NikursaM™
" OK. "
14 June 2016Arief Maulana
" Tempat isi angin "
06 June 2016Matt Sukur
" Tersedia Self Service untuk motor "
03 June 2016Khafidz Naufal
" argh "
01 June 2016Bimo Winardianto
" Normal. "
30 May 2016Ruddy Karundeng
" Isi bensin "
28 May 2016Arsya Amirul Mukmin
" menyediakan pertamax dan nitrogen "
25 May 2016Danu Djojosoemarto
" Best place to refuel your vehicle in Semarang "
24 May 2016Dwi Kustanto
" Takaran pas "
24 May 2016Adkhan Sholeh
" Petugas tuwek2, gak ramah. Diminta ngisi full, sering sampai luber. Pompa ban (kompresor) rusak gak diperbaiki. "
23 May 2016Ridho Pahwana Erwandhani
" disini self service. pom bensin nya banyak "
14 May 2016Glenn Ricardo
" Pasti pas..
26 April 2016Nitrogen langganan..
Car wash enak.. "
" Ok "
20 April 2016HANAN YUSUF
" Ok "
" Pelayanan bagus dan ramah. Pasti Puas "
26 March 2016Hari Pramono
" Pelayanan lumayan ramah. "
14 March 2016Lutfi R Ardiyan
" Tersedia isi air dan angin gratis "
14 March 2016Herdy Gunawan
" Seberang toko saya Belantara "
04 March 2016Muhammad Muthi Ali Febriyanto
" Perlu banyak perbaikan "
09 February 2016PaSX Pascal
" Pelayanannya baik dan cepat "
03 February 2016PaSX Pascal
" Pom bensin yang pelayanannya cukup baik. "
03 February 2016Taufiqurrahman Aa
" Good service "
17 January 2016Sulhan Qumarudin
" SPBU Pertamina pasti pas. Letak SPBU ini diselatan jalan. Fasilitas baik. "
14 December 2015Siti Hamimah
" Suka "
15 July 2015