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About Pepper Lunch (Permanently Closed)

Pepper Lunch (Permanently Closed) is a cafe, located at Jalan S.Parman, Cambridge lt.Lg, Padang Bulan, Medan Baru, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20156, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 61 4521810, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 151

Rafy Sugiri

" You cook your meal yourself on a hotplate. My favorite is the classic one, beef pepper rice with additional cheese and egg. But they offer many choice in the menu, choice of pepper rice, Japanese rice with butter and pepper, dine alongside of either beef, salmon, or chicken. They also have steak in the menu like hamburger steak, pepper steak etc. "

08 June 2018

Tjinkeh GUI

" Great service & good advise from the Chef "

04 June 2018

Diah Zahara

" Good taste, good service "

30 May 2018

Eri Cahyono

" Good food. Located in the food court of Pondok Indah Mall. "

25 May 2018

Farrel Nadi

" Outstanding experience "

24 May 2018

Bayu Akbar

" one of my family's favorite place to eat. "

20 May 2018

Bayu Akbar

" I always be so pleased to eat here. I like the beef pepper rice. The place in this mall are good and comfort to enjoy the food. "

20 May 2018

Saepul Zaman

" Makanannya enak tapi harganya lumayan agak mahal. Untuk sekali kali boleh lah "

20 May 2018

Insan Nanjaya

" Nice meals "

19 May 2018

Desy W

" cobain pasta jadinya aglio olio deh "

18 May 2018

Anisa Setiorini

" One of our most favourite place to lunch/dine like almost every weekend 😂🤣 Fast response, Fast prepare.. Lavvv!!! "

17 May 2018

Salim Jusuf

" Try Sphagetti Aglio Olio 👍👍👍 "

12 May 2018

Gilang Dewantara

" Nice, but expensive enough :D "

10 May 2018

Mutia Triana

" Suka rasa nya. Ada promo voucher di marketplace pula "

10 May 2018

Jihan D

" Nice! "

10 May 2018

Solusi Edukasi Asia


08 May 2018

Yongky Hartawan

" Menu makanan yg beda dengan menu masakan japanese lain. Kamu harus cobain "

08 May 2018

Tonny Purwanto

" The food was ok, rather high price "

07 May 2018

Nace N.A.

" Payment option can use mastercard or cash.
If u choose 'meal' over ala carte (+$3 of course), pls take the salad, it complements whatever dish u ordered. (also as pain reliever when hot sizzling meal hurts your delicate tongue) 😝 "

03 May 2018

John Maryatno

" Recommend "

30 April 2018

Franziska Gloria

" Delicious food, suitable portion, fast response "

29 April 2018

Jessi Ratna Pratiwi

" Add official account Pepper Lunch di LINE utk dapat promo paket murah tiap tanggal 15-20 setiap bulan. "

27 April 2018

Afis Herman Reza Devara

" It is an express version of Pepper Lunch, and only served a handful of popular menu. "

22 April 2018

Inda Fresti

" The best in this town👍 "

20 April 2018

Widya Tri Astuti

" Come here at the weekend and the queue is long. I chose indoors, but it looks like outdoors also the view is pretty good as it looks towards the bxc park. Price is quite expensive, but worth it with the taste "

14 April 2018

Nugroho Hasan

" overprice. "

14 April 2018


" Good food, nice crews, reasonable price! But the most exciting moment is cooking our own food. I don't know why the sizzling food sounds so beautiful to my ears, hahaha... You can also have a free refill for selected beverages. "

11 April 2018

Marc Oei

" Sizzlingly awesome "

10 April 2018

Claudia Amanda

" One of my fave place to eat in surabaya, well it is pricy but worth it "

03 April 2018

Andreas Ningtji

" Banyak paket makanan yg menarik "

02 April 2018

Surya Hadinata

" Cozy place and very tasteful steak "

28 March 2018

Rahmah Sari

" Worth it! "

28 March 2018

Alien Dongsaeng

" The food choices here are pretty good. Delicious but, no doubt, expensive. "

26 March 2018

Arman Pramono

" Like this restaurant. From the first we queuing, the waitress already give us the seating table number so we don't have to looking for the table after we order. Good system, appreciate that! Good and friendly service too. Good cleanliness. Order came not up to 10 minutes after we sat. Tried the beef and salmon and I like it. "

26 March 2018

Ayunda Amalia

" Makanan enak
Harga diatas 50.000
Porsi lumayan banyak, lokasi di food galaxy "

25 March 2018

Muiz Mohammad

" Great food ! hot and savoury !! "

25 March 2018

Roswitha Muntiyarso

" Pelayanan di Pepper Lunch yang ini menyenangkan. Diberikan bubuk cabai juga dalam bentuk sachet sementara di pepper lunch lain harus nunggu wadah bubuk cabe datang entah dari mana karena bentuknya adalah gerai di food court. Puas dengan pelayanan di sini. Recommended. "

24 March 2018

Hikmah Khairani Ibrahim

" Great place to lunch "

24 March 2018

Sri Rahayu

" Harganya makanan paling murah 70 minum bisa refil "

24 March 2018

Devita Kurniastuti

" Fav maksi disini sm suami atau tmn2 kantor "

22 March 2018

Double DnF

" kalau memang mau mengadakan voucher line jangan dibedakan pelayanannya.customer juga bayar kok ga terus makan gratis. "

19 March 2018

Deon Ardi

" I'd give 5 stars for the food and 1 star for the service. The casheer and the Manager have no idea about how to redeem the voucher. We waited nearly half an hour at the casheer before finally we finish the transaction. That was quite a WAIT until we finally had our dinner. Iwon't blame the staff but the management coz they didnt train them well. "

18 March 2018

Joy Samuely

" favourite choice for hot place rice "

17 March 2018

Dwi Wiji Lestari

" Yummy 👌 "

13 March 2018

Dedi Ariyanto

" Ya baik..kita bicara tempatnya dulu ya pak bu.. tempat sih nyaman..untuk hari sabtu kunjungn ksini.. pengunjung gak seabrek abrek brek numplek..ckup luas.. tp meja yg d luar kl untuk makan bedua..kurang nyaman krna too small..jd kurang lebarr pak bu.. yaa.. kl dr rasa.. berhubung ini first taste sy k peppr lunch stlh skian lama.. dan dpt dr aplikasi..jd hrga lbhh miring.. trnytaaaaa.. lidah sy gak cocok dgn masakan peppr lunch.. ahhh mngkin lidah sy trlalu ndesoooo.. jd untuk balik lg... think twice.. stdknya hamba sudah mencoba..hahahah.. untuk pelayanan.. ramahh.. hiks.. waktu ngtik ini.. playannya nanya lg review y pak.. ckxkxk.. trs dia nanya cr nya ngsh2 ulasan.. si mbak manis berkerudung.. playanny ramah dan mreka mnwrkan cr yg benar mengaduk2 atau memasaknya lg.. ya bgtu lah kr2 pemirso.. tp nih tempat rame kok.. kl rasa.. karna lidah gw aja yg gak cocok.. teteuupppp.. makan peppr lunch .. carinya saos sambaaall.. dasaarrr.. "

10 March 2018

Prayudi Eko Setyawan

" Pepper rice nya nikmat. Yang curry maupun creamy rasanya enak seperti yang terlihat. "

03 March 2018

Ivan T. Boediman

" #ItB #TourDeCiak Double Hamburg Steak With Egg, Cheese, & Mushroom @PepperLunchID #TunjunganPlaza ... (7/10) "

08 February 2018

Samuel Eksel

" Enak, harganya cukup mahal. "

04 February 2018

Vya Gongzhu

" Cukup mahal but the beef is so tender and tasty "

04 February 2018


" Thank You BoGA buat voucher nya "

29 January 2018

Isman Testing

" Makanan enak, pelayanan so so lah. "

24 January 2018

Picky Qyu

" Best place for meat lover "

20 January 2018

Maya Anggraini

" Favorite fastfood steak house ❤❤ "

01 January 2018

R Dini Erliana

" Buka sampe malem. Pernah pulang nonton sekitar setengah10 tp masih buka. Hanya saja pelayanan kurang maksimal krna sudah persiapan tutup. Saos2 dan bubuk2 mrica+cabe sudah tidak ada di meja 😑 "

28 December 2017

Mike Chen

" good place to eat but quite expensive "

28 December 2017

Leonardo Pejoh

" Thats taste "

28 December 2017

Jimmy Senduk

" Good taste but cozy "

27 December 2017

Yohanes J H

" love the salmon rice "

24 December 2017


" Hello Tummers..
Have you taken your dinner?
Tonight I'm having this Beef Pepper Rice from @pepperlunchmdn for #dinner .

If you're eating in restaurant, café or anything like that, you're hoping that the food they serve to you can meet your expectations.
But not in here.
You yourself are the chef !!
You're responsible of what you're producing and eating.

They assemble you only the ingredients on their patented sizzling #teppan and you simply immerse yourself in the culinary and for different twist, you may experiment with their crafted sauces to create a taste of your own. Exciting, isn't it?
The #beef pepper rice comes with corn and roasted blackpepper on top.
They definitely give extra sweetness and heat to the dish.
Also you won't overcook your #steak coz the iron plate is heated up to 260 degree Celcius only in 70secs using a special electromagnetic cooker and remain hot at approx 80 degree Celcius for more than 20 minutes.
Meat that is grilled at this temp range remains tender and juicy.
You can definitely taste their unique margarine flavor as well.

Err.. It comes with a price though.
But I highly recommend you guys to test the experience of being your own chef.

#fattummyid #fattummyasian "

22 December 2017

Fabio Degan

" Good food western steaks. A must try "

21 December 2017

Diana Sari

" This is superb bad steak I ever eat. The staffs are very friendly tough but the steak was so bad. We ordered 1 giant for 2 persons. Our drink almost empty while we're wait for our meal. Turns out the steak was too hard, the sauce is not good at all, too little of amount, the rice was stiff like its from yesterday. I just like the free flow drink. But its such a misery to eat the food. The veggies was too buttery as if you eat the butter. And it turns out we can not move to any other chair even if its empty. Poor my mom felt too cold because the air conditioning was right on the top of us. Real bad choice. "

13 December 2017

Hawaii Bule

" A chain resto around JKT. The food was not bad. The staff was amazing though. There is a lot of seating and the resto is kept very orderly. I woild definitely come back here for a quick bite. I did enjoy it. The drink menu is small, but the flavor of the food is great "

09 December 2017

Anggi Gunawan

" This place is just okay, food is standard, and I think price is a bit expensive.
I recommended chicken rice curry
The minus is your hair and clothes will smell like smoke and food "

06 December 2017

Yosica Pricilla

" Dear Pepper Lunch,

Karyawan di Pepper Lunch terutama di kasir belagu gara2 saya pesan makanannya pakai voucher. Penjelasannya juga gak enak (cara ngomongnya). Kalau gitu ngapain punya voucher (untuk narik orang beli kan ya harusnya) kalau gak suka ngelayanin orang beli makanannya pakai voucher. Note: nama kasirnya Ditya. "

04 December 2017

Nathanael Septadi

" Pepper Lunch

Disini memang dikhususkan dengan sajian menggunakan hot plate dan konsumen diberikan experience untuk memasak makanan mereka di dalam hotplate. Untuk anda yang tidak suka ribet saya sarankan tidak datang ke sini.
Tempat ini berada di lantai LG dekat dengan parkiran mobil.
Untuk rasa makanan saya merasa biasa saja dan tidak terlalu excited tapi mungkin pengalaman memasak sendiri mungkin jadi hal yang ingin anda coba.
Masalah harga tiap harga makanan berada di kisaran 50rb ke atas itu hanya untuk makanan. Namun tenang jika anda membeli minuman anda dapat refill minuman tersebut sepuas hati anda asal tidak gengsi saja.
Hal yang menurut saya cukup lucu adalah karena tempat mereka kemungkinan tidak cukup sehingga lokasi tempat makannya menjadi 2. Hal tersebut karena salah satu tempat tersebut bersatu dengan dapur. Namun jikalaupun anda dapat tempat yang terpisah dengan dapur mereka anda tidak mengangkat makanan anda sendiri karena ada waiters dan kasir di tempat tersebut. Dan anda masih tetap bisa refill minuman anda. "

24 November 2017

Ptr Hkndn

" Menunya tidak semua ada seperti di rest.nya, tp kualitasnya tetep sama 👍🏻 cuma antriannya sering panjang banget "

18 November 2017

Zuhda Mila

" Not as special as Sydney has. Pricey "

14 November 2017


" Good place "

14 November 2017

Handedi Chang

" Be chef of your own "

13 November 2017

Winda Christiany

" Good food "

31 October 2017

Octaviani Gin

" Good one ! Like the tender meat and sizzling hot plate "

27 October 2017

Septian Eka Putra

" Not bad "

27 October 2017

Ahat GS

" Good place good food. "

26 October 2017

Rajawali Robert

" Taste is ok but overprice. You can refill you glass with ice lemon tea and green tea. "

25 October 2017

Muhammad Asrar Amir

" Delicious and unique japanese food restaurant. This place can emptied your wallet instantly. "

14 October 2017

Ernesto Supertramp

" Restoran keluarga yang terletak di Mantos 3. Makanannya enak "

09 October 2017

Abbott Hsu

" Steak style meal. "

09 October 2017

Handry Carlos

" Same experiences, standard service, altough a bit pricey "

07 October 2017

Lucy Tjandra

" I order aglio olio beef... on the picture it is meat, meat, & meat... but they actually gave me fat, fat, and fat... I could only eat 1/4 of the meat, the rest are fat! So when you order beef, make sure you order beef with NO fat. "

06 October 2017

Budi Kurniawan

" Cook yourself teppan steak. Too expensive and nothing special. "

27 September 2017

Budi Oriz

" Menu rasanya sedikit asing "

21 September 2017

Arman Pramono

" Great taste. Quick service. Like this place "

11 September 2017

Ika Maharany

" Tempat yang nyaman untuk menikmati makanan ala Jepang di Hot Plate, DIY.... dan sudah Halal.. "

08 September 2017

Ika Maharany

" The Giant dan Curry Rice is the best.... Tempat makan yang suasananya nyaman dan enak. Dan yang penting Halal..... "

08 September 2017

Bagus Satriawan

" Hot plate favourite "

07 September 2017

N. Intan

" Pricey "

29 August 2017


" Eat in peperlunch, im very full eat in there .... It can stand for 3 days not eat anything... Just kidding ... You can enjoy with the family....and you will love it "

20 August 2017

Handry Carlos

" Lumayan enak cuman mahal "

17 August 2017

Dwi Putro Suratno

" tunanya nyes nyam "

10 August 2017

Asyifa Rizki Aprilia Harahap

" My favorite:---) "

03 August 2017

Elbert Lim

" Good food but don't really like the place "

31 July 2017

Priyo Kuncoro Jati

" Pro:

1. Rasanya enak
2. Tempat nyaman

1. Mahal
2. Pelayan kurang sigap "

30 July 2017

Mahma Mahendra

" Great food... "great" price... :) "

30 July 2017

Felicia Herman

" 😀😀😀 "

23 July 2017

Marc Szymanski

" Je préfère la version restaurant que la version food court de ce centre commercial. La qualité étant la même, on apprécie la qualité du repas. Je recommande le saumon pepper rice supplément fromage. 😉 "

17 July 2017

Hafiizh A. Pratama

" I always love the salmon pepper rice...the cuisine is tasty, delicious, make me want to come back over and over "

16 July 2017

Jackie S

" This is for 100k?? Small portion of everything, just big plate, only tasted salt. Not woth it at all. No smile from the servers. Come back again? Big no. "

08 July 2017

Asyifa Rizki Aprilia Harahap

" Nothing not to love about the food. "

03 July 2017

Ashar Pratama

" great food, delicious "

01 July 2017

Setia Wanty

" Nasinya lembek "

29 June 2017

Si Bedoel TV

" Good "

29 June 2017

Shandi Syafriadi

" Yummy ★★★★ "

25 June 2017

Dania Sunshine

" Their consept of cooking your own meals sooo unique! Taste sooo delicuous although quite expensive "

23 June 2017

Johanaa Henny

" 👍👍 "

18 June 2017

Ikar Ikarswito

" Nyaman dan menu hotplate beragam
Hanya untuk pecinta makanan west "

17 June 2017

Tirana Listi

" My Favorites menu : Salmon Steak & Double Hamburger. Love them so much! :* "

06 June 2017

George Sitanaya

" Unique style fast food.. i like the hamburg teriyaki... price is quite expensive tho.. "

31 May 2017

Srigala Bisnis

" Lumayan lah... "

16 May 2017

Rhino Aryston

" It's better... with not much promotions "

13 May 2017

Miko Kawibawa

" Yum yum meat lovers "

11 May 2017

Vania Maya

" My favourite curry rice in surabaya "

24 April 2017

Zwingly Otniel Poluan

" Menu nasi yang enak,, patut dicoba dulu "

21 April 2017

Kika Damai

" Favorite place for family dinner time.. "

10 April 2017

Aditya Jap

" Food good but the place not convy enough and its kinda hot inside "

09 April 2017

Christiani Simbolon

" Cocok sbg tempat nongkrong 😉 "

02 April 2017


" Comparing to branch in Melbourne, I think this one did fairly well. Staff were friendly "

30 March 2017

Suwandhi H

" Cozy place ...lunch with family "

26 March 2017

Andi Ekasari

" Curry is the best, tempat makan anak2 saya saat rindu dengan Japanese curry, cuma agak mahal sih.... "

20 March 2017

Ithe Monoarfa

" Mahal "

18 March 2017

Safrina TAAJ

" beef pepper rice terbaik! "

17 March 2017

Safrina TAAJ

" beef pepper rice is the best! "

17 March 2017

Nuzul Nst

" Cocok buat nongkrong "

09 March 2017

Henry Erik Estrada

" Great food and great service. The beef is so tender and juicy. The garlic and honey sauce are tasty, great rice. Too bad the drinks are all standard nestle instant drink "

08 March 2017


" Good fast food chain. Boiling hot steak with metal plate serves with soft jasmine rice. It is a crowded place and affordable price "

19 February 2017

Maria Lewin

" The food is great for me Emil "

18 February 2017

Rajawali Robert

" Very Recomended food. Very delicious. "

16 February 2017

Rajawali Robert

" Love it very much. Cook the meat in front of you. Dont forget add the sauce, 1 of the sauce is salt and the other sweet. "

14 February 2017

Wiida Putri

" They did sell combo package only around 175K for 2 pax, with 2 meals, 2 drinks, one salad, and an ice cream. Food always tasty and fresh! "

31 January 2017

Ferry Kristanty

" This is a place where you can't hurry your food or else you will burn your tounge. It's a bit pricey also. Nice atmosphere though. "

19 January 2017

Asriani Purnama

" They serve the food in hot plates.Caution hot! "

15 January 2017

Tian Kiding

" Baru coba 2 menu. "

30 December 2016

Henry Erik Estrada

" One of my favorite "

27 December 2016

Azri Ismail

" A hit and miss. Went here a couple of times. When their "plate" is hot, then the flavor of the meat is much better. Their curry sauce is more towards salty. "

22 December 2016

Yuliawati Saleh

" Comfort, good food "

21 December 2016

Yenni Chendra

" Sangat jelek pelayanannya..2x datang mau ganti promo tukar poin telkomsel selalu alasan bermasalah raptornya.. "

08 December 2016

Amelia Virgawaty

" Love it "

15 November 2016

Rosin Tanya

" Love the meat and rice with their special sauces. Tried their patty, it is smooth and juicy. Location is nice, atmosphere is ok. Interior is ok, a bit cramped though. Free ocha refill if you like. The servers are nice they explained us how to cook the food right in front of us, they are very polite and nice. "

03 September 2016

Irvin Shandy

" Although a little bit expensive, the steaks are great! "

11 July 2016

Suardi Tan

" My favourite menu is curry beef & hamburg "

08 July 2016

Irwah Yudi Laonga

" Hmmm uenaak pecahhh... black paper sauge 👍 "

07 July 2016

Naomi Chrysantia

" Yum! "

17 June 2016

Daniel Chua

" Casual fast Japanese resturant in Pekanbaru. Good quality of food. "

11 June 2016

Probo Darono Yakti

" Nasi gorengnya enaaaakkk. Cocok di mulut, tapi kadang perlu rogoh kocek lebih dalam. "

02 June 2016

Gaoxiang Su

" love the giant!! "

22 April 2016

Ryan Sanchez

" good food and nice service. I order the salmon pepper rice most of the time👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 "

27 January 2016

Hans Stephen Tang

" this restaurant is little bit expensive but worth it "

16 December 2015

Leonika Sari

" The fried rice is really special! You can sizzle the dish as the way you want. It's almost like we cook the half of it. Really taste but a bit expensive "

17 November 2015

Dewi Ratna Aditya

" To expensive for dinner "

08 July 2013


" Makananya enak banget , cara buatnya unik lagi jadi pengen makan terusss... "

18 June 2013

Arga Narada

" An unique way to make your own meal. Im not fond with the downsize of their portions "

06 January 2011

A Google User

" sushi tei one of the best sushi resto!! "

29 November 2010

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