" I don't know why, but all historic things have disappeared one by one.. it is so sad when you expect to know the history but all you find just seller who sell the the souvenirs "
14 May 2018
Surya Tanjaya
" The entry ticket only IDR 5K. But there's nothing to see except the building and some history behind it. The palace is not all accessable and there is traditional clothes rental inside so if you want to take pictures in traditional clothes and heritage background,this place is great place for you to visit. There is a place with piece of cannon that have tale behind it "
10 May 2018
Andry Muljono
" Nothing to see, nothing to learn.
You only see people everywhere make a selfie with rented traditional costum.
You cant enjoy the collection . And sorrounding are bad design street food stall
If you only have limited time while in medan, better to skip this place "
30 April 2018
Wan Mj
" The great monumen castle...but the herritage place dont have any story about Maimoon...so sad... "
29 April 2018
Kristanto Bondan
" It just a building was called a sulthan palace
The sulthan him self is not stay there, not so many things can you see in this place but can see how great the kingdow was.
Here you find pictures of the sulthan
With the entrance ticket 5K for local, they offer visitors to take picture in traditional melayu outfits...it was a nice and unexpected experiences me and my wife feel
With only 100K for couple, they will fit you like a king and queen or they "Panglima", pluusssss you will get 1 printed photograph of you as your souvenir back home
You must try that one "
22 April 2018
Chris Castillo
" A must see when in Medan. Very unique and so full of history. Very fun to rent clothes like a king and make pictures - it's also cheap. Very colourful and contemporary. So many mixed cultures in the ubication of the place. Don't expect to spend hours here as its very small.
Buy some local purses from the local vendors outside and remember to bargain down the price. I got 15/1-2018 10 pcs purses for 80.000 IDR /5,1 USD / 7.56 SGD /34 DKK "
06 April 2018
Yolanda Samosir
" Been here once. Got to see the luxurious and antique decor in the palace. Nice place to take pictures and enjoy the scenery. "
04 April 2018
Mahesa Makalew
" Its nice. Defenately not a place that u shpuld come alone. So, bring your loved ones 😁 "
21 March 2018
Taufiq Muhammad
" the majestic palace of the deli sultanate. visit Maimun, do not forget to be a day Melayu. By wearing traditional Malay clothes, it seems like a flashback to the glorious era of Maimun Palace. Feel the thrill of wearing a typical Malay traditional dress and walk around the palace, guaranteed addiction. "
01 March 2018
Dai Tsuki
" The palace from the Kingdom of Deli. There are numerous mini buses that can bring you here. However, there isn't much that you can do here aside from learning the history of the palace and taking some pics. You can rent traditional outfit for some pics inside. The outside of the palace is what makes it look great. The interior of the palace will most likely be crowded by people for you to find a great pic. There' also the 'Split Cannon', a cannon of the Kingdom of Deli which got cut in half. It's in a separate building near the palace. You may put your ear against the small hole of the cannon and may hear something. Entrance fee for the palace is IDR 5K and IDR 3K to see the cannon. Finding the right time to come will be the key for some great pictures here (morning just when it's just opened for public). "
19 January 2018
Satiti Nurwasini
" Kurang bagus manajemen ticketingnya. hrsnya untuk 1 area istana cukup sekali aja pembayaran tiket mskny ga perlu bayar 2x atau lbh.
untuk persewaan baju dan fotony lbh dikoordinir lg
Kalau mau sewa hrs pinter2 nawar dan jangan terlalu mau klo ditawarin tmbh ini itu kecuali hrganya jelas disebutkan di awal "
12 November 2017
A. Ratna
" Good historical place. So many people there. Just be patient for trying the traditional costume. 5000 idr entrance. Need to be managed more "
10 November 2017
Lubuk Buaya Padang Zalzal
" Mantap bro "
03 November 2017
Melviin Khoo
" Nothing much to see with no tour guide to explain. Just a small place with IDR 5000 entrance fee per person. Just a good thing that you could rent some 'prince' and 'princess' cloths for taking pictures with just as low as IDR 10000. "
28 October 2017
Umar Khatab
" A well known landmark of Medan, the capital of North Sumatera province. This palace was the royal abode of the Sultanate of Deli with unique mix of Malay, Turkish, and Indian architecture eauipped with spanish and italian furniture and fittings. Now serves as a museum, entrance ticket as of September 2017 is 5,000 rupiahs. Guests can also try out royal malay attire for 10,000 rupiahs. "
26 September 2017
Muchamad Chafid Wahyudi
" Good place but lack of maintenance. The information inside can't give a complete of its story. Too many stalls which offering traditional costume for the viaitors "
28 August 2017
Hardiansyah Taher
" This palace should be a complex with Masjid Raya. Unfirtunately, it is not. I am dissapointer with the local government who doesn't care about heritage. "
27 August 2017
Miss Fadillah
" Sunday is not the right day to visit this palace. It was packed and you can’t even appreciate its exterior beauty and interior design. There are traditional performance held outside Istana Mamun and you can sit there just to enjoy it (they prepared few seats for tourists). You can even try the traditional malay attire as there are few businesses cater for it is set up in the palace. "
22 July 2017
Samo E
" A great way to see and feel some of the Indonesian and colonial history. The building itself is amazing with its architecture. We got a chance to listen to some live music, which we really enjoyed. We hired some sultan outfits and took some pictures. The people were friendly and made our stay a memorable one, you may notice why (people lined up to take selfies with us foreigners in sultan clothes). "
12 July 2017
Raihan Fadhillah
" the place where you can felt indonesia historic. it also have a cloth rental of deli prince and princess. usually from morning till dawn it have music and song of traditional deli. "
05 July 2017
Sarah Syahab
" Not secure I've lost my wallet n d security wont showed d cctv 😥😥 "
29 June 2017
Fransiskus Yosep
" Big palace, very cheap entrance. Lack of guide and information. To many shop and street stall at the palace.. "
29 June 2017
Falaah Siregar
" The place is nice and historic but the people that visit this place and the locals that selling here makes the place look ugly.
Theres also a lot of trashes. "
09 June 2017
Lisa Nur Azani
" There no sign like 'welcome' 'this way' and else, first impression its not good. Ticket its cheap, and u must take off ur shoe to get in. Its a good decor inside the palace. Expensive wall decor, furniture, accesories etc. As you can see the floor is dirty and my sock get dark colour. My mom said 'disini orangnya mataduitan' . I dont know why my mom said that. Peace "
30 April 2017
Benedikta Anna Haulian Siboro
" When i came there at 9 am this place not yet open. So far,the building is unique and nice "
20 April 2017
Aziong Simas
" Mancappp .. "
13 March 2017
Abdul Karim
" This is an iconic tourism in Medan , North Sumatera. Located nearby Masjid Raya , this palace not only has a great architecture , furthermore maimoon palace has a great history as the heritage place in this city. this spot is recommended to you .Inside TheMaimoon Palace contains the heritages of sultan deli. You also can wear The Costume of deli malay here. "
06 February 2017
Review Zone
" Historical Place in Medan. This is the Palace of Sultan Deli and its Kingdom. Rich of History and pleasure. Near to Masjid Raya Medan, Yuki SimpangRaya Mall, and TJONG A Fie Memorial house. "
01 February 2017
Inggita Notosusanto
" It was well kept and the historical panels tell the story. What i dont like: the insides are full of shops it lost ita royal aura and there are laundry hangin out of of the palace's side. what i love: the dressup for photoops and the live Melayu music with visitors singing along and havin a great time. "
31 January 2017
Paul Gerarts
" It's a 20 minute walk from Tjong A Fie mansion to this palace. And as there are not many heritage buildings to see in Medan, one does wander along. First impression: grounds are not well kept. The buiding itself is very nice and one can wonder around a bit. The inside, as many before me described, is disappointing. 2 rooms can be visited of which one is a small bazaar. There is not much to see and it all leaves an impression of poor maintenance. I think the building desserves much better. Anyway for 'only' 5.000 Rp one should go and have a look. "
18 December 2016
Frank D
" As the palace is partly home to the family of my girlfriend i might be looking upon it slightly different than an average tourist. Her granddad's picture is on the wall there, that makes it special.
There is always lot's of people and especially the school classes think it interesting to meet with us foreigners but it's also the friendly nature of the people and their curiosity as to where you are from.
The palace is well cared for, the main hall is accessible to public and you can dress up like a radja or crown prince or princess and have your photograph taken. On the right side there are tableau's which tell you the history of Medan and it's rulers from the early days till now. "
19 September 2016
Non Blanc
" Meh, pretty underwhelming, dimly lit and half taken up by souvenir vendors. The local style strong black coffee outside was definitely the highlight of the visit. "
14 September 2016
Andri Agassi
" It looks really nice from the outside, it has interesting architecture and colors. But inside, there's only a bunch of shops. The only interesting thing is the throne and maybe some of the photos. The place is obviously not well-managed. For the money you pay to get there though, it's worth it as long as you just happen to have the time to do it. "
19 August 2016
Christophe Stevens
" It was close last time I came to Medan (5pm it closes). Good idea is to visit this place the same day as visiting the Tjong a fie mansion as they are nearby. Also the Grand Majid is just 100m from there so don't take a taxi, just walk! (alternatively do it in beca/pedicab for the fun...)
In itself there isn't much to visit but in the scale of touristic attraction in Medan it is at the top (with Tjong a fie mansion) Would recommand highly if you have one day stop before/after going to Bukit lawang/Danau toba "
11 August 2016
Bambang Eko Nugroho
" Great palace that is able to make its way to stand still up to now. Often used as a place to attract many peolpe; e.g. dakwah, music concert, etc. Easily identified from the street in front of it due to its unique and vintage display "
30 May 2016
Fahmi Auliya
" Great place to enjoy the history of Maimoun Palace
+ Located near grand mosque of Medan, only about 300 meters.
+ Cheap entrance ticket
+ You can rent traditional dress inside the palace, and it's very cheap
+ Feels like a king/queen wearing the traditional dress "
22 May 2016
Maharlika Ramdhani
" The admission fee is Rp5000 (per November 2015). Every weekend you can enjoy the performance of a Malay orchestra. You can also try the traditional Malay clothes for Rp10,000. "
01 January 2016
Alix Rachman
" First opinion when i saw that is good. But when i see inside thats awful. It smells body odor. In the inside theres a kingdom couch and peoples come for photos. ITS LIKE A PHOTOSTUDIO inside there. If you like photograph just photograph the outside the building ITS BEAUTIFUL i admit it. When enters the palace body odor everywhere. If the guards read this PLEAASEE TAKE CARE THE BUILDING THATS AN OLD BUILDING!!!. For that just increase the tariff . When i went there, theres only 5000 IDR obviously its not take care enough "
31 December 2015
Daim Dahalan
" Visited once sometime late last year but alas...!none of the stuff was on duty althought the bisness hour shows opened.So disappointed.When asked....ngak datang pak. "
Lisa Kartika
" I don't know why, but all historic things have disappeared one by one.. it is so sad when you expect to know the history but all you find just seller who sell the the souvenirs "
14 May 2018Surya Tanjaya
" The entry ticket only IDR 5K. But there's nothing to see except the building and some history behind it. The palace is not all accessable and there is traditional clothes rental inside so if you want to take pictures in traditional clothes and heritage background,this place is great place for you to visit. There is a place with piece of cannon that have tale behind it "
10 May 2018Andry Muljono
" Nothing to see, nothing to learn.
30 April 2018You only see people everywhere make a selfie with rented traditional costum.
You cant enjoy the collection . And sorrounding are bad design street food stall
If you only have limited time while in medan, better to skip this place "
Wan Mj
" The great monumen castle...but the herritage place dont have any story about Maimoon...so sad... "
29 April 2018Kristanto Bondan
" It just a building was called a sulthan palace
22 April 2018The sulthan him self is not stay there, not so many things can you see in this place but can see how great the kingdow was.
Here you find pictures of the sulthan
With the entrance ticket 5K for local, they offer visitors to take picture in traditional melayu outfits...it was a nice and unexpected experiences me and my wife feel
With only 100K for couple, they will fit you like a king and queen or they "Panglima", pluusssss you will get 1 printed photograph of you as your souvenir back home
You must try that one "
Chris Castillo
" A must see when in Medan. Very unique and so full of history. Very fun to rent clothes like a king and make pictures - it's also cheap. Very colourful and contemporary. So many mixed cultures in the ubication of the place. Don't expect to spend hours here as its very small.
06 April 2018Buy some local purses from the local vendors outside and remember to bargain down the price. I got 15/1-2018 10 pcs purses for 80.000 IDR /5,1 USD / 7.56 SGD /34 DKK "
Yolanda Samosir
" Been here once. Got to see the luxurious and antique decor in the palace. Nice place to take pictures and enjoy the scenery. "
04 April 2018Mahesa Makalew
" Its nice. Defenately not a place that u shpuld come alone. So, bring your loved ones 😁 "
21 March 2018Taufiq Muhammad
" the majestic palace of the deli sultanate. visit Maimun, do not forget to be a day Melayu. By wearing traditional Malay clothes, it seems like a flashback to the glorious era of Maimun Palace. Feel the thrill of wearing a typical Malay traditional dress and walk around the palace, guaranteed addiction. "
01 March 2018Dai Tsuki
" The palace from the Kingdom of Deli. There are numerous mini buses that can bring you here. However, there isn't much that you can do here aside from learning the history of the palace and taking some pics. You can rent traditional outfit for some pics inside. The outside of the palace is what makes it look great. The interior of the palace will most likely be crowded by people for you to find a great pic. There' also the 'Split Cannon', a cannon of the Kingdom of Deli which got cut in half. It's in a separate building near the palace. You may put your ear against the small hole of the cannon and may hear something. Entrance fee for the palace is IDR 5K and IDR 3K to see the cannon. Finding the right time to come will be the key for some great pictures here (morning just when it's just opened for public). "
19 January 2018Satiti Nurwasini
" Kurang bagus manajemen ticketingnya. hrsnya untuk 1 area istana cukup sekali aja pembayaran tiket mskny ga perlu bayar 2x atau lbh.
12 November 2017untuk persewaan baju dan fotony lbh dikoordinir lg
Kalau mau sewa hrs pinter2 nawar dan jangan terlalu mau klo ditawarin tmbh ini itu kecuali hrganya jelas disebutkan di awal "
A. Ratna
" Good historical place. So many people there. Just be patient for trying the traditional costume. 5000 idr entrance. Need to be managed more "
10 November 2017Lubuk Buaya Padang Zalzal
" Mantap bro "
03 November 2017Melviin Khoo
" Nothing much to see with no tour guide to explain. Just a small place with IDR 5000 entrance fee per person. Just a good thing that you could rent some 'prince' and 'princess' cloths for taking pictures with just as low as IDR 10000. "
28 October 2017Umar Khatab
" A well known landmark of Medan, the capital of North Sumatera province. This palace was the royal abode of the Sultanate of Deli with unique mix of Malay, Turkish, and Indian architecture eauipped with spanish and italian furniture and fittings. Now serves as a museum, entrance ticket as of September 2017 is 5,000 rupiahs. Guests can also try out royal malay attire for 10,000 rupiahs. "
26 September 2017Muchamad Chafid Wahyudi
" Good place but lack of maintenance. The information inside can't give a complete of its story. Too many stalls which offering traditional costume for the viaitors "
28 August 2017Hardiansyah Taher
" This palace should be a complex with Masjid Raya. Unfirtunately, it is not. I am dissapointer with the local government who doesn't care about heritage. "
27 August 2017Miss Fadillah
" Sunday is not the right day to visit this palace. It was packed and you can’t even appreciate its exterior beauty and interior design. There are traditional performance held outside Istana Mamun and you can sit there just to enjoy it (they prepared few seats for tourists). You can even try the traditional malay attire as there are few businesses cater for it is set up in the palace. "
22 July 2017Samo E
" A great way to see and feel some of the Indonesian and colonial history. The building itself is amazing with its architecture. We got a chance to listen to some live music, which we really enjoyed. We hired some sultan outfits and took some pictures. The people were friendly and made our stay a memorable one, you may notice why (people lined up to take selfies with us foreigners in sultan clothes). "
12 July 2017Raihan Fadhillah
" the place where you can felt indonesia historic. it also have a cloth rental of deli prince and princess. usually from morning till dawn it have music and song of traditional deli. "
05 July 2017Sarah Syahab
" Not secure I've lost my wallet n d security wont showed d cctv 😥😥 "
29 June 2017Fransiskus Yosep
" Big palace, very cheap entrance. Lack of guide and information. To many shop and street stall at the palace.. "
29 June 2017Falaah Siregar
" The place is nice and historic but the people that visit this place and the locals that selling here makes the place look ugly.
09 June 2017Theres also a lot of trashes. "
Lisa Nur Azani
" There no sign like 'welcome' 'this way' and else, first impression its not good. Ticket its cheap, and u must take off ur shoe to get in. Its a good decor inside the palace. Expensive wall decor, furniture, accesories etc. As you can see the floor is dirty and my sock get dark colour. My mom said 'disini orangnya mataduitan' . I dont know why my mom said that. Peace "
30 April 2017Benedikta Anna Haulian Siboro
" When i came there at 9 am this place not yet open. So far,the building is unique and nice "
20 April 2017Aziong Simas
" Mancappp .. "
13 March 2017Abdul Karim
" This is an iconic tourism in Medan , North Sumatera. Located nearby Masjid Raya , this palace not only has a great architecture , furthermore maimoon palace has a great history as the heritage place in this city. this spot is recommended to you .Inside TheMaimoon Palace contains the heritages of sultan deli. You also can wear The Costume of deli malay here. "
06 February 2017Review Zone
" Historical Place in Medan. This is the Palace of Sultan Deli and its Kingdom. Rich of History and pleasure. Near to Masjid Raya Medan, Yuki SimpangRaya Mall, and TJONG A Fie Memorial house. "
01 February 2017Inggita Notosusanto
" It was well kept and the historical panels tell the story. What i dont like: the insides are full of shops it lost ita royal aura and there are laundry hangin out of of the palace's side. what i love: the dressup for photoops and the live Melayu music with visitors singing along and havin a great time. "
31 January 2017Paul Gerarts
" It's a 20 minute walk from Tjong A Fie mansion to this palace. And as there are not many heritage buildings to see in Medan, one does wander along. First impression: grounds are not well kept. The buiding itself is very nice and one can wonder around a bit. The inside, as many before me described, is disappointing. 2 rooms can be visited of which one is a small bazaar. There is not much to see and it all leaves an impression of poor maintenance. I think the building desserves much better. Anyway for 'only' 5.000 Rp one should go and have a look. "
18 December 2016Frank D
" As the palace is partly home to the family of my girlfriend i might be looking upon it slightly different than an average tourist. Her granddad's picture is on the wall there, that makes it special.
19 September 2016There is always lot's of people and especially the school classes think it interesting to meet with us foreigners but it's also the friendly nature of the people and their curiosity as to where you are from.
The palace is well cared for, the main hall is accessible to public and you can dress up like a radja or crown prince or princess and have your photograph taken. On the right side there are tableau's which tell you the history of Medan and it's rulers from the early days till now. "
Non Blanc
" Meh, pretty underwhelming, dimly lit and half taken up by souvenir vendors. The local style strong black coffee outside was definitely the highlight of the visit. "
14 September 2016Andri Agassi
" It looks really nice from the outside, it has interesting architecture and colors. But inside, there's only a bunch of shops. The only interesting thing is the throne and maybe some of the photos. The place is obviously not well-managed. For the money you pay to get there though, it's worth it as long as you just happen to have the time to do it. "
19 August 2016Christophe Stevens
" It was close last time I came to Medan (5pm it closes). Good idea is to visit this place the same day as visiting the Tjong a fie mansion as they are nearby. Also the Grand Majid is just 100m from there so don't take a taxi, just walk! (alternatively do it in beca/pedicab for the fun...)
11 August 2016In itself there isn't much to visit but in the scale of touristic attraction in Medan it is at the top (with Tjong a fie mansion) Would recommand highly if you have one day stop before/after going to Bukit lawang/Danau toba "
Bambang Eko Nugroho
" Great palace that is able to make its way to stand still up to now. Often used as a place to attract many peolpe; e.g. dakwah, music concert, etc. Easily identified from the street in front of it due to its unique and vintage display "
30 May 2016Fahmi Auliya
" Great place to enjoy the history of Maimoun Palace
22 May 2016+ Located near grand mosque of Medan, only about 300 meters.
+ Cheap entrance ticket
+ You can rent traditional dress inside the palace, and it's very cheap
+ Feels like a king/queen wearing the traditional dress "
Maharlika Ramdhani
" The admission fee is Rp5000 (per November 2015). Every weekend you can enjoy the performance of a Malay orchestra. You can also try the traditional Malay clothes for Rp10,000. "
01 January 2016Alix Rachman
" First opinion when i saw that is good. But when i see inside thats awful. It smells body odor. In the inside theres a kingdom couch and peoples come for photos. ITS LIKE A PHOTOSTUDIO inside there. If you like photograph just photograph the outside the building ITS BEAUTIFUL i admit it. When enters the palace body odor everywhere. If the guards read this PLEAASEE TAKE CARE THE BUILDING THATS AN OLD BUILDING!!!. For that just increase the tariff . When i went there, theres only 5000 IDR obviously its not take care enough "
31 December 2015Daim Dahalan
" Visited once sometime late last year but alas...!none of the stuff was on duty althought the bisness hour shows opened.So disappointed.When asked....ngak datang pak. "
23 October 2015