Mesjid Besar Jami' Dolok Masihul is a mosque, located at No., Jl. Perjuangan No.33, Pekan Dolok Masihul, Dolok Masihul, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai, Sumatera Utara 20991, Indonesia
" Subhanallah Allahuakbar this is one of beautifull mosque, one of pride in Dolok Masihul.. Very peacefull in here.. "
" beautiful mosque "
" good place for prayer, big parking slot "
" Mesjid besar Dolok masihul "
" Subhanallah Allahuakbar this is one of beautifull mosque, one of pride in Dolok Masihul.. Very peacefull in here.. "
25 February 2018Arif Hardiyanto
" beautiful mosque "
18 July 2017Alfan H Nur
" good place for prayer, big parking slot "
20 September 2016Setia Puri
" Mesjid besar Dolok masihul "
24 April 2016