Kantor Lurah Bukit Kubu is a local government office, located at Jalan Batang Selemak, Bukit Kubu, Besitang, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara 20858, Indonesia
" IDR 150.000 for personal car (free mat).
IDR 10.000 per person for Bus. "
12 May 2018
Sdit Hajjah Siti Mahanum
" A ferfect place for refreshing , relax and picnic "
30 April 2018
Lord Mambahoy
" Bukit kubu is a good place for family recreation "
28 April 2018
" Sometimes we need better air for survive. nice view. "
08 March 2018
Dirga Tarigan
" Old Colonial building with green grass and big old tree. Lovely place in the top hill for picnic. The view facing the road of Berastagi to Medan. They give you 1 kite to fly.
On Dec is monsoon season. Weather is cool but sometimes rain come. "
12 December 2017
S Xianshan
" Very beautiful scenery but always money is the problems. So many 'bad guys' "
12 December 2017
Rizky Hermawan
" Nice place to relax with family and friends. People used to come here for relaxation, lying down on the grass, playing kites, running around here and there, playing flying-fox, picnic under the shady trees and so on. Bukit Kubu also have room for the people who want to spend the night. Entrance fee for cars around IDR 100 - 150, and we will get one big mat to lay and one kite to play. "
08 December 2017
Sembiring Nova Loviga
" This is very nice for picnic and relax "
20 October 2017
Rizky Hermawan
" Nice place to relax with family and friends. People used to come here for relaxation, lying down on the grass, playing kites, running around here and there, playing flying-fox, picnic under the shady trees and so on. Bukit Kubu also have room for the people who want to spend the night. Entrance fee for cars around IDR 100 - 150, and we will get one big mat to lay and one kite to play. "
27 September 2017
Silvia Ariance
" Very cozy & fresh place to lean all day to get sunbath and playing kite. The grass is very well groomed "
20 September 2017
Theresia Melisa Manalu
" This is a good place for picnic and get picture "
26 August 2017
Eric Young
" Very nice place for family picnic "
09 July 2017
Lim Kai Kai
" Tiket masuk berdasarkan jenis mobil, bukan per kepala, kalo mini bus di hari libur rp150, kalo sedan di hari libur rp100, bonus tikar dan 1 layang, "
24 June 2017
Aldo Zhuang
" have a wide land and a fresh weather in there "
20 June 2017
Bagus Kamajaya Adi Pamungkas
" A recommended place to stay in Berastagi. This place always crowded on holiday and weekend. Nice place to spend your time in Berastagi "
19 April 2017
Ika Varinsi
" The place is amazing.
Cost is cheap. "
14 April 2017
Aulia Andri
" Cozy hotel "
21 February 2017
Syafril Umar Rofiq
" Favorit place for relaxation. Enjoy the sightseeing and the weather "
25 October 2016
" You can relax ur eye by green color in brastagi. "
23 September 2016
Ali Abdoel
" Its a good place for refreshing. But dont came if its a weekend or holiday. This place will be crowded. "
22 September 2016
Herri Afriadi
" Ok "
20 September 2016
M Sahidin
" Jika anda tidak membawa bekal makanan dari rumah, anda dapat membeli makanan ringan atau minuman ringan di kantin Bukit Kubu, Berlibur di alam terbuka dengan secangkir kopi hangat sambil menikmati udara sejuk di Bukit Kubu Berastagi. "
16 September 2016
Sugiharto Khu
" Bukit Kubu terletak di kota Berastagi. Di sini terdapat Hotel dan lapangan rumput hijau yang sangat luas. Cocok sebagai tempat rekreasi bagi keluarga untuk piknik, anak - anak bermain layanan dengan nuansa pegunungan, udara yang sejuk dan segar. "
22 August 2016
Cybrite Droider
" Tempatnya keren, refreshing, dan asik banget untuk dijadikan destinasi wisata alam sekaligus rekreasi keluarga "
03 August 2016
Alex Hartono
" very nice view "
17 July 2016
Muhammad Fajar Siddiq
" Tempat yang menyenangkan untuk piknik bersama keluarga atau teman-teman. "
16 July 2016
Rachmat Handoyo
" Cocok untuk bermain bersama keluarga
Menunggang kuda dan bermail layang2 "
01 May 2016
Muhammad Ridwan
" Sebenarnya asyik sihh... tapi buka selera saya :D "
14 April 2016
Musliono Mellynia
" Salah lokasi. Segera pindahkan. Tks. "
06 March 2016
Musliono Mellynia
" Tempat bermain yg luas untuk anak anak dan keluarga. "
Bigjo Production
" lokasi ny bgus bgt "
28 May 2018M.S. Lubis.
" IDR 150.000 for personal car (free mat).
12 May 2018IDR 10.000 per person for Bus. "
Sdit Hajjah Siti Mahanum
" A ferfect place for refreshing , relax and picnic "
30 April 2018Lord Mambahoy
" Bukit kubu is a good place for family recreation "
28 April 2018FIRZA FAISAL
" Sometimes we need better air for survive. nice view. "
08 March 2018Dirga Tarigan
" Old Colonial building with green grass and big old tree. Lovely place in the top hill for picnic. The view facing the road of Berastagi to Medan. They give you 1 kite to fly.
12 December 2017On Dec is monsoon season. Weather is cool but sometimes rain come. "
S Xianshan
" Very beautiful scenery but always money is the problems. So many 'bad guys' "
12 December 2017Rizky Hermawan
" Nice place to relax with family and friends. People used to come here for relaxation, lying down on the grass, playing kites, running around here and there, playing flying-fox, picnic under the shady trees and so on. Bukit Kubu also have room for the people who want to spend the night. Entrance fee for cars around IDR 100 - 150, and we will get one big mat to lay and one kite to play. "
08 December 2017Sembiring Nova Loviga
" This is very nice for picnic and relax "
20 October 2017Rizky Hermawan
" Nice place to relax with family and friends. People used to come here for relaxation, lying down on the grass, playing kites, running around here and there, playing flying-fox, picnic under the shady trees and so on. Bukit Kubu also have room for the people who want to spend the night. Entrance fee for cars around IDR 100 - 150, and we will get one big mat to lay and one kite to play. "
27 September 2017Silvia Ariance
" Very cozy & fresh place to lean all day to get sunbath and playing kite. The grass is very well groomed "
20 September 2017Theresia Melisa Manalu
" This is a good place for picnic and get picture "
26 August 2017Eric Young
" Very nice place for family picnic "
09 July 2017Lim Kai Kai
" Tiket masuk berdasarkan jenis mobil, bukan per kepala, kalo mini bus di hari libur rp150, kalo sedan di hari libur rp100, bonus tikar dan 1 layang, "
24 June 2017Aldo Zhuang
" have a wide land and a fresh weather in there "
20 June 2017Bagus Kamajaya Adi Pamungkas
" A recommended place to stay in Berastagi. This place always crowded on holiday and weekend. Nice place to spend your time in Berastagi "
19 April 2017Ika Varinsi
" The place is amazing.
14 April 2017Cost is cheap. "
Aulia Andri
" Cozy hotel "
21 February 2017Syafril Umar Rofiq
" Favorit place for relaxation. Enjoy the sightseeing and the weather "
25 October 2016이소연
" You can relax ur eye by green color in brastagi. "
23 September 2016Ali Abdoel
" Its a good place for refreshing. But dont came if its a weekend or holiday. This place will be crowded. "
22 September 2016Herri Afriadi
" Ok "
20 September 2016M Sahidin
" Jika anda tidak membawa bekal makanan dari rumah, anda dapat membeli makanan ringan atau minuman ringan di kantin Bukit Kubu, Berlibur di alam terbuka dengan secangkir kopi hangat sambil menikmati udara sejuk di Bukit Kubu Berastagi. "
16 September 2016Sugiharto Khu
" Bukit Kubu terletak di kota Berastagi. Di sini terdapat Hotel dan lapangan rumput hijau yang sangat luas. Cocok sebagai tempat rekreasi bagi keluarga untuk piknik, anak - anak bermain layanan dengan nuansa pegunungan, udara yang sejuk dan segar. "
22 August 2016Cybrite Droider
" Tempatnya keren, refreshing, dan asik banget untuk dijadikan destinasi wisata alam sekaligus rekreasi keluarga "
03 August 2016Alex Hartono
" very nice view "
17 July 2016Muhammad Fajar Siddiq
" Tempat yang menyenangkan untuk piknik bersama keluarga atau teman-teman. "
16 July 2016Rachmat Handoyo
" Cocok untuk bermain bersama keluarga
01 May 2016Menunggang kuda dan bermail layang2 "
Muhammad Ridwan
" Sebenarnya asyik sihh... tapi buka selera saya :D "
14 April 2016Musliono Mellynia
" Salah lokasi. Segera pindahkan. Tks. "
06 March 2016Musliono Mellynia
" Tempat bermain yg luas untuk anak anak dan keluarga. "
17 February 2016Overload Xpe
" Ok "
10 January 2016Faisal Muhammad
" Mantap "
24 July 2015Loviga Luisma
" I'm so happy "
20 May 2015