About Informa Gedung Ace Informa
Informa Gedung Ace Informa is a furniture store, located at Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, Anggrung, Medan Polonia, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20151, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 61 4558500, visit their website informa.co.id for more detailed information.
Benua Hrd
" Good place for modern shopping "
11 May 2019Chandra Tjahjadi
" Worst service, long queue, super slow check out, not-so-friendly staff. Had to cancel my purchase because of this, TWICE. Horrible experience. "
05 May 2019My Life Is An Adventure
" Nice place for home improving ideas "
05 March 2019Paul Wilks
" Staff are friendly and helpful when you are buying, but are rather useless after that. Even the managers ignore appeals regarding after sales service. "
04 March 2019Herna Hernaherna
" love visiting this place, you can find ideas what things make your house having good ambiance or atmosphere. "
03 February 2019Rheindy Maheswara
" One of the must visit places if you want to look for furnitures and other related items "
12 November 2018Egidio Gaudi
" paying for the furniture that you wanted to pay is a hassle... seriously, who thought this kind of paying method is effective? "
18 October 2018Gembrot Puji
" hari ini tgl 15 okt 2018 pkl 15.45 saya hubungi sudah 7x tdk ada yg angkat ,, sekali diangkat lgsung dimatiin !! Pelayanan yg sangat tdk berkualitas !!! "
15 October 2018Astrid Pratiwi
" After sales service very very BAD "
01 September 2018Steven Ramsey
" Paying the bill here is literally the worst part of 20 minutes every time I buy something here. Products are good. Variety is okay. But, once you get to the cashier area, it is time to cry because the employees are slow, avoid eye contact, answer outside phone calls, play the blame game of why something is wrong.
06 August 2018——-My suggestion, they should randomly have secret shoppers to purchase items and get their transaction times in order (less than 5 minutes regardless of how many customers are buying) "
Andre Wiryawan
" The most complete furniture store at kelapa gading "
04 July 2018Fahri Irsal
" One stop shopping for home and office furniture. "
25 June 2018Muhammad Saqib
" The biggest office and home furniture store. You will found imported and good quality furniture here. The price are usually higher than traditional market but they manage quality with their price. The store in Tunjugan plaza is more complete. "
11 June 2018Bayu Sulistyo
" Informa lengkap dan sangat luas. Lebih dari 1 lantai. "
24 May 2018Minto Raharjo
" Lengkap "
17 May 2018Hilarion Chrisanthus
" One stop shopping for your furniture needs "
15 May 2018Handy Altan
" Great selection of furnitures "
15 May 2018Peter G
" A good place to hunt furnitures with special discounts (in some events) "
14 May 2018Ardi Laop
" Pusat furniture di baywalk mall "
13 May 2018Apik Cfiqri
" Good "
09 May 2018Novilinda Windhy R.
" Various stuff. Large place. Easy parking. Helpful staff and good price "
06 May 2018Karina Putri Ramadhani
" Barangnya bagus2 kualitas terpecaya harga sesuai sama kualitas 💯 "
06 May 2018Aisyah London
" ambience toko ini membuat saya betah berlama lama disana. mwmbangun imajinasi rumah masa depan saya "
02 May 2018Dimas Agungsetiawan
" Baguss banget tempat nya.. orang nya juga baik2.. suka dehh "
01 May 2018Lina Kurniawati
" Best informa "
28 April 2018Bagus Sutomo
" Limited edition "
28 April 2018Betty Tan
" If not pay membership more greats shop "
28 April 2018Rendy Irawadi
" Fast grab and qualities products "
27 April 2018Ridwan Saputra
" Love it "
25 April 2018Nunung Yuni Anggraeni
" Nice furniture and good place "
" Good price and service. "
17 April 2018Gita Pertiwi
" Menjual barang-barang perlengkapan rumah tangga, kualitas bagus, yaah harga disesuaikan kantong aja. "
12 April 2018Lany Sofia Nursanti
" Lumayan lengkap dengan harga terjangkau (kalo lagi ada diskon?) hahahaha "
07 April 2018Yanda Ocxida
" Love it "
06 April 2018Frandky Sunito
" Suka aja liat2 furniturenya gak pasaran "
04 April 2018Wantoe Elcharies
" Innovative Furnishings "
03 April 2018El Prasojo
" Best service of all Informa in Surabaya "
31 March 2018Hendri Mustar
" There is no enough parking spacr "
28 March 2018Aditya Azhari
" Ok "
22 March 2018Suci N Q
" Furnitures one stop shopping place "
17 March 2018Agung Ragil
" Good place with many variant item "
12 March 2018Chandra Soetanto
" Price is a bit high, but worth the quality. Only sell good products with good looks and materials. "
08 March 2018Phiphit Fitriani
" Memang benar kata orang kualitas sebanding dengan harga. Kualitas furniturenya bagus, ditambah dengan model-model yang up to date alias tidak ketinggalan zaman..heheh.. Yaa intinya kalau memang kita ingin dapat barang bagus dan berkualitas memang harus mengeluarkan harga yang pantas.. Tetapi tidak mengecewakan. Selamat berbelanja apalagi sering ada sale/promo disini.. "
03 March 2018Tia Utari
" A good place for you to looking at for your furniture. "
22 February 2018Jane Chandra
" The place is nice, alot of furniture, service is good, though they did not place the price sign properly and did nothing to correct it as we paid already (yes, part is our fault to trust them, that we did not check before we paid.) They just removed the price and told us it was not the exact price. "
17 February 2018Farel Hasibuan
" Nice place to looking for family table "
12 February 2018Syamsir Alam
" Beli furniture berkualitas, sebanding dengan harga, dulu disini ada jual catur keren. Ketika ada uang dateng lagi nggak ada lagi. "
09 February 2018Yinny Lie
" the worst customer service I ever met "
05 February 2018Galaxy Fireworks
" the worst customer service I ever met "
05 February 2018Hendrik A.
" They have xomplete item collection. They also have a concept team, best lounge member for meeting and waiting. This store one the biggest they have "
04 February 2018Veronika Subagio
" Place and display Like in your home "
02 February 2018Suryadi Hertanto
" Furnitures and fixtures for our home. "
01 February 2018Mochjohanp
" kinda weird eith new display product "
18 January 2018Stephen
" Helpful staffs, wide range of furniture products, delivery services and installment available "
07 January 2018Octaviani Gin
" Its not like other store, the stuff they selling is upscale "
27 December 2017Seniman Receh
" Keren lah pokoknya "
24 December 2017Irwan Pranata
" Informa Furnishings Juanda Merupakan pusat furniture dan elektronik terbesar dan terlengkap dikota Medan (Ex Index Furnishings) Ini merupakan retail furniture yg terbesar dan terlengkap dikota Medan, selain itu juga Toko ini menjual produk- produk furniture brand -brand asia, eropa dan amerika seperti ashley, untuk pruduknya selalu continue setiap bulanya pasti ada model terbaru "
23 December 2017Ade Aulia Chandra
" Seneng Belanja di Informa Juanda
11 December 2017Sales nya ramah dan sangat ngebantu ketika memilih produk,
Pengiriman brg ny juga gk lama..
Over all puas deh..
Apalagi yg di jl. Juanda lebih lengkap barang nya ketimbang di tempat lain
Jadi gk perlu bolak balik..
Terima kasih Informa "
Benni Aria
" Style interior vintage full.. coolll "
21 November 2017Azqa Dalla
" Isi full apart di informa LW.. jasa desig free!!! Overall good "
21 November 2017Akbar Surya
" Menyediakan barang2 Furniture keperluan rumah tangga, kantor, cafe, restoran, rumah sakit, bandara, hotel, salon, dll
16 November 2017Terbesar dan terlengkap di Lampung "
Prisa Kandora
" goods presented are unique. according to the current shabby trend "
16 November 2017Panca Prasetia
" Store nya lengkap Varian nya.. "
15 November 2017Berlin Simorangkir
" Semakin Komplit Dengan Proteksi yang ada pada setiap barang furniture maupun elektronik serta tidak ketinggalan juga dengan kemudahan berbelanja dengan Cicilan Tanpa Kartu Kredit nya...
14 November 2017:) "
Suhendro N'dRoe
" Informa Juanda Pusat Furniture, Accsessories dan Elektronic terbesar di kota medan. Productnya yang Varian dan Banyak. Buat Temen temen yang mau cari Furnitur Ke Informa Juanda saja. Dimana pelayanannyayang ramah dan harga juga terjangkau pastinya. "
14 November 2017Brian Sean
" Ini dy ni tempat furniture yg terlengkap di medan.gak susah-susah atau pening-pening cari tempat furniture untuk kebutuhan rumah.kantor.mau pun tempat usaha lainnya.semua ada d sini.produknya d jamin berkualitas dan bagus.harganya juga murah-murah.bnyak discon dan promonya.pokoknya gak salah tempat dehhh.... "
14 November 2017Casey Dio Maryanes
" The best service and complety product. Tkx "
13 November 2017Iin Indaryati
" So far so good "
13 November 2017Syahrul 07
" amazing service 👏👏👏 "
13 November 2017Rby Sugara
" 1 stop shoping "
13 November 2017Norman Disaputra
" Sangat lengkap "
10 November 2017Green Earth
" High quality of furniture products I think. I love the products design like chairs, tables, lamps, sofa, and other. Friendly staff. "
08 November 2017Ganjar Dwi
" Ini yang dinamakan solusi dan inspirasi buat rumah..josss bisa nentuin concept sendiri "
03 November 2017Pwadts
" One stop shopping retail furniture "
03 November 2017Deny Nugroho
" Providing you with great quality and design. "
24 October 2017Muhammad Farhan
" You can find good quality products in here. "
15 October 2017Paramitha Putri Indraswari
" Spacey and has a huge collection of furniture. The area also kids friendly. "
" Nice place for shopping. "
12 October 2017Aulia Agustina
" Barang - barangnya menarik... berkualitas, unik "
06 October 2017Riswandi Hutagaol
" oke "
27 September 2017Sonali Thadhani
" No professional ethics once they have sold their furniture. No co-ordination and no co-operation between sales, sending and fixing team. No professional response to buyer. Failure to meet appointments fixed, to fix the furniture which is bought from them. Disappointed that Informa is as such. "
26 September 2017Wibisana Jusuf
" Huge collections of home furnishings of the largest Informa store in Indonesia. "
13 September 2017Ardianto Tanadjaja
" Best place buat Lo kalau mau nyari furniture "
13 September 2017Arief Muhammad Rizki
" Cari meubeler yg bagus,cari disini. "
" Perfect place for hang out and shopping. "
08 September 2017Handry Carlos
" Wide home furniture collection range, also lot of promotion each week. Most of furniture style are modern and simple. I like it. "
05 September 2017Wibisana Jusuf
" Great and not so expensive. Mostly minimalist furnitures. Delivery available for large items. "
28 August 2017Irwan Wahyu
" a lot of cheap but quality goods and at any time there is a considerable discount "
27 August 2017Afif Darrenn
" konsepnya bagus buat rumah.. hangaaatt "
25 August 2017Dina Anisa
" Barang barangnya menarik "
10 August 2017Irwan Pranata
" Informa Furnishings Juanda Merupakan pusat furniture dan elektronik terbesar dan terlengkap dikota Medan (Ex Index Furnishings) "
03 August 2017Heriati Khoe
" Great place to find furniture "
29 July 2017Informa Lampung
" One stop shoping for furniture "
22 July 2017Dicky Saputra
" Barangnya bagus-bagus sayangnya mahal :" iyasih ada harga ada rupa berlaku disini "
19 July 2017Junaedi Junaedi
" complete and comfy "
16 July 2017Tesalonika Broery Agustin
" If need any idea for your home improvement, you've come to the right place "
13 July 2017Mulia Yusuf
" Great collection of premium product for your home, office, etc. Great service too.
09 July 2017You will be able to find what you're looking for here. However this is premium class products so expect expensive price. But Worthed to try.
I bought some of home furniture here and very satisfied. Products models are more nice than what you will have in other premium furniture store nearby (you know what I mean) "
Suhairi Suhe
" Produknya lengkap untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga dan kantor. "
02 July 2017Aloysius Berlianta
" Destinasi lengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan funiture dan accesoris rumah tangga. One stop shopping "
30 June 2017Benny Herlambang
" Helpfull staff.. nice design "
29 June 2017Hendranata Saputra
" barang import china aja jualnya mahal bgt.. saya beli rak piring aja berkarat.. padahal harganya sekitar 300rb. parahhh "
26 June 2017Akbar Ahmad
" Baru pertama kali belanja disini alhamdulillah dapet rezekii.. terimak kasih informa "
22 June 2017Okti Dian
" I love the furniture collections displayed here. A wide range of sofas and couches for the living room. "
22 May 2017Farissi Frisky
" i love it. all informa is a good place "
20 May 2017Fauzy Rahman
" You can find and buy various modern furnitures "
26 April 2017Dans Goodboy
" Good furniture "
15 April 2017Koxis Verserken
" Too expensive. In my opinion, it's for one stop stationary/office shop emergency only. "
14 April 2017ZAIN UrzULA
" Very Bad customer service, difficult to contact. promise to instal 1 day after delivery but no information anymore "
13 April 2017Tito Sigilipoe
" Huge place for furniture, kitchenware. "
01 April 2017Penta Peturun
" Cukup lengkap "
29 March 2017Franky T
" great place to look for furniture, during sale you can find good bargain items "
28 March 2017Liza Martiananda
" Bad experience with it's late instalation "
26 March 2017Albert Liu
" Long waiting for complaining. No response. "
24 March 2017GLAXO'S
" Ok "
14 March 2017Yoga Setiawan
" Harga tidak akan bohong "
06 March 2017Dewi Kusnadi
" Browsing "
05 March 2017Ikwan Ikwan
" Good "
22 February 2017Yalam Tea
" Banyak diskon "
22 February 2017Fakhriy Dinansyah
" Too expensive "
11 February 2017Bermandt Bermandt
" Find furniture and interior "
10 February 2017Imam Zarkasih
" Janji kirim barang kemarin tapi di tunggu sampai malam ga ada kabar. Coba di telepon ke nomor yg ada diweb ini dan juga nomor CS yg ada di struk pembayaran tidak ada yg merespon satupun. Barang sudah dibayar lunas ditambah biaya antar. "
31 January 2017Ian Liu
" Awful quality for furniture. Nice service. "
26 January 2017Ian Liu
" Biggest informa, awful qualities furniture. Nice service. Average price. "
26 January 2017Loedi Ratrianto
" Lengkap dan berkualitas "
22 January 2017Aleksandra Sorokina
" "Indoelectronic" not exist in this place anymore. Its "inFORMA" now there. Store for house goods. "
08 January 2017Hengky Kaseger
" Pengantaran barang oN time,tapi pemasangan meja kerja sudah 3 hari tidak dipasang-pasang tanpa pemberitahuan dari pihak CS informasi..sudah saya coba untuk menghubungi CS informasi tapi tidak ada yang merespons..pembayaran sudah lunas semuanya.. "
02 January 2017Umie82 Umie82
" Selalu beli furniture informa .. hasilnya stelah 5 tahun pakai sofa dn funiture yg lain masih awet smpai skrng .. harga memang g bohong ya .. memuaskan "
30 December 2016Syamsir Alam
" Beli furniture berkualitas, sebanding dengan harga, dulu disini ada jual catur keren. Ketika ada uang dateng lagi nggak ada lagi. "
24 December 2016FX Budi Widyatmoko
" This store sell modern home and office furniture. Luxurious lifestyle. "
22 December 2016Ali Mulyanto
" Love it "
01 December 2016Neo Seanner
" Informa is informa , what would you expect. "
11 November 2016Reza Maulana
" Diskonnya gila gilaan "
07 November 2016Nikita Chika
" One stop furniture shopping.. Also love the set discount "
02 November 2016Mar Yani
" Banyak yang promo loh...stiap minggunya "
19 October 2016Hero Agoes Santoso
" Belanja furniture rumah disini tempatnyaaa "
20 September 2016Mav3n
" Cukup lengkap sih koleksi furniture disini. "
31 August 2016Yosep Widian
" Tempat untuk mencari kebutuhan interior "
28 August 2016Indra Firmansyah
" Toko furniture "
23 August 2016Riagung Ariesworo
" Menawarkan produk berkualitas. Mayoritas harga memang mahal, namun ada beberapa yang lebih murah dari pasaran "
22 August 2016Children Chanel
" Mantap di sini "
19 August 2016Han Lin
" furniture rumah dan kantor yang lengkap dan bagus bagus, kekinian, agak premium harganya "
17 August 2016Yefta Gilbert Aprideta
" The staffs are pretty helpful. "
02 August 2016Yosep Toyota
" Baguzz "
24 July 2016Lucky Priambodo, SE
" tempat salah satu perlengkapan furniture terbaik dan seru apa lagi ada diskon terbaik "
25 June 2016Kurniawan Santoso
" Great when they running a discount event! "
02 June 2016Auliya Husin Shahab
" Produk nya informasi memang awet... "
28 March 2016Faris Katili
" Tempat mencari furniture di Surabaya "
25 February 2016777 000
" Very Bad Customer Service and After Sales Service.
21 February 2016Even the "Supervisor or Manager" Eko is no help at all. "
Indra Sjuriah
" Good place for sightseeing with family. "
26 December 2015Atim Fatimah
" Tolong minta nomor telp.yg bisa dihubungi ..saya beli barang ada masalah ..bisa bantu "
19 December 2015Hans Stephen Tang
" place for you want to find some furniture
16 December 2015this shop suit for people have a new house "
Dahlia Shafiq
" Luar biasa tempat belanja yang nyaman "
13 March 2015