Gereja HKBP Sipea-pea
About Gereja HKBP Sipea-pea
Gereja HKBP Sipea-pea is located at Sorkam Village/Sub District, Tapanuli Nord District, North Sumatra 22563
Address Details:
Municipality Subdivision: Sorkam
Municipality: Tapanuli Nord
Country Subdivision: North Sumatra
Country Code: ID
Country: Indonesia
Country Code ISO3: IDN
Freeform Address: Sorkam Village/Sub District, Tapanuli Nord District, North Sumatra 22563
Local Name: Tapanuli Nord
View Port:
Top Left: 1.93715,98.55665
Bottom Right: 1.93535,98.55845
Entry Point:
main: 1.93634,98.55752
Gereja HKBP Sipea-pea di Kecamatan Sorkam, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, Sumatera Utara, merupakan salah satu tempat ibadah yang memiliki nilai historis dan spiritual bagi jemaat setempat. Terletak di daerah yang asri dan dikelilingi oleh alam yang indah, gereja ini menjadi pusat kegiatan keagamaan sekaligus simbol kekuatan komunitas Kristen Batak di wilayah tersebut. Arsitektur bangunannya mencerminkan ciri khas gereja HKBP dengan sentuhan tradisional yang tetap mempertahankan nilai budaya lokal.
Kegiatan di Gereja HKBP Sipea-pea tidak hanya terbatas pada ibadah mingguan, tetapi juga mencakup berbagai program pembinaan rohani, pelayanan sosial, serta kegiatan kebersamaan yang mempererat hubungan antarjemaat. Dengan jemaat yang aktif dan solid, gereja ini memainkan peran penting dalam kehidupan sosial dan spiritual masyarakat sekitar. Setiap ibadah dan kegiatan selalu diiringi dengan nyanyian rohani khas Batak yang memperkuat suasana kekhidmatan dan kebersamaan.
Lokasinya yang berada di wilayah pedesaan menjadikan Gereja HKBP Sipea-pea sebagai tempat ibadah yang jauh dari hiruk-pikuk kota, memberikan ketenangan bagi jemaat yang ingin beribadah dengan lebih khusyuk. Meskipun berada di daerah yang tidak sepadat perkotaan, akses menuju gereja tetap mudah dijangkau bagi warga sekitar. Keberadaan gereja ini juga menjadi bagian penting dalam pelestarian nilai-nilai keagamaan dan budaya di tengah perkembangan zaman.
Sebagai salah satu gereja HKBP yang memiliki akar kuat di komunitasnya, Gereja HKBP Sipea-pea terus berkembang dengan dukungan jemaat yang berdedikasi. Keberadaannya tidak hanya sebagai tempat ibadah, tetapi juga sebagai pusat kehidupan rohani yang memperkokoh iman dan kebersamaan umat. Bagi siapa pun yang ingin merasakan suasana ibadah yang khas dengan nuansa budaya Batak yang kuat, gereja ini adalah tempat yang penuh makna.
" Resto Khas koreaa. Harganya lumayan kompetitif. Rasanya Enaaaaaakkkk.... "
06 June 2018Sarina Gabryela
" This is such a memorable church in my life. I ,along with my family, always worship in this church everytime we go hometown. I and my brothers "malua" in this church too. Hope God always bless his church "
03 June 2018Adi Nugroho
" The best Cheese Buldak seller in town "
31 May 2018Amirudin Bintan
" Nyaman terkendali "
" 十多年的老牌潜水教育中心。有很专业的教练和管理团队。完善的后勤支持(“渔人码头”餐厅和客栈)。 "
07 May 2018Adi Oktoberada
" the chicken dishes tasted so good "
02 April 2018Kevinyeoh Kevin
" 环境不错但学费。。。 "
14 March 2018Chee Heong Lee
" Otak-otak不好吃,云吞面还好。亚九猪肉沙爹好吃,推荐这个~ "
03 March 2018Manik Donni
" Itu adalah greja katholik bukan hkbp...
26 February 2018Tolong nama nya di ganti "
Liew Jay
" 有售卖果条仔,烧鸭和烧腊食物。我只吃了叉烧和烧肉。烧肉水准很不错,好吃。叉烧就普普通通。其他的下次再尝试。服务水准有待提高。 "
07 February 2018SS S
" The wanton mee is just so so.. "
16 January 2018Solution XD
" 古早味👍 "
11 January 2018Chia Ping Law
" Love the roasted duck. "
07 January 2018Martin C.
" Roasted chicken, roasted pork, char siew, roasted duck, herbal braised pork, herbal braised egg & beancurb, bean sprout, kueh chap (flat sheet rice in soup). I have to beg to differ with reviewer Dave over duck meat being so so, because it has sweet aroma compared to those sold at 4th Avenue which are pungent and boneful. No comment on kueh chap because I rarely order it. It has been operating for more than 10 years, speak well how the food able to sustain business. Iced coffee is great here, though some may find it too sweet. The only disadvantage here is very hot in the building.
22 December 2017My favorite menu:
Small rice, roasted chicken thigh, roasted pork, iced coffee (RM7).
Other price tag:
Small rice, roasted chicken thigh, herbal braised pork, iced coffee (RM7.70) "
Ade Faisal
" Good place for beer and talk ;) "
12 November 2017Mandalagiri
" Good food. Serves Korean dishes such as teokbokki etc. The main menu is chicken. The place is cozy, but quite far from main road. Like its teokbokki and chicken original. The portion is big and bit expensive, so better you got your friends in a group to accompany. For chicken, you can ask for half portion (5-6 pieces of chickens). "
02 November 2017Fajri Ramadhan
" Yummy chicken. Original korean recipe. However, the price menu is quite expensive (for indonesian) "
02 November 2017Jimmy Fernando
" Ibadah
17 September 2017Sekolah minggu anak, pukul 08.00 wib
Dewasa, pukul 09.45 wib setiap hari minggu. "
Kian Xin Lim
" 烧鸭烧肉 不错吃 "
11 August 2017Keng Hong Tan
" 不清真 "
10 August 2017Choonhong Kho
" 老字号,货真价实 "
04 August 2017Ekynaldi Eky
" The place is quiet and cozy since the place is a bit far from the main road. The foods are all good. I like the yang nyam chicken. Superb! "
29 July 2017KianBeng Ng
" 很好吃,以肉为主。 "
27 July 2017Olins Saputra
" Is the best "
03 July 2017Wan Liang Wei
" 价廉物美,食物选择多,平民美食,白天晚上各自精彩,来到麻坡不能不能错过来贪吃街寻宝 "
19 June 2017Andrew Narmada
" the chiken is good "
11 June 2017Steven Mok
" 有经验专业验眼师,售后服务态度很好,尽责尽业。 "
24 May 2017Carlo Bertini
" I think this is one of the best restaurant you can find here. Good food cheap price. Beers available "
23 May 2017Tedy Johanes
" Uenak ayam gorengnya tempatnya enak buat ngbrol2 recommended buat makan rame2 nunggu makanan berkisar 15-25 menit. "
21 May 2017Muhammad Idham Jabbar
" Salah satu tempat makan yg bisa santai2 yg ada di cilegon "
21 May 2017Jeff Na
" 经济又廉宜。 "
12 May 2017Jay Lin
" Nice satay here. Can't go wrong ordering here. They also offer the pig intestines on the stick which was surprisingly nice. "
12 May 2017Jay Lin
" Found them in Jalan Haji Abu instead. So if you don't see them here try the other street mentioned. Come in the morning and be prepared to wait. Very traditional taste, should try at least once. They remember faces so can order first and come back later. "
12 May 2017Elaine Ling
" Nice wantan mee. "
27 April 2017Edison Tan
" 经济,麦片炒饭不错! "
02 April 2017Martin Gultom
" Ibadah Umum Minggu 10:00 wib
31 March 2017Ibadah Sekolah Minggu 08:00 wib "
Chris Tan
" Wan Tan noodle is nice "
12 March 2017Jekson Situmorang
" Mantap.... rindu kampung halaman "
21 January 2017Phan Nop
" Muar otah otah (fish) here is awesome! "
25 November 2016Phan Nop
" Wide variety of Chinese cuisine "
25 November 2016Zeyu Duan
" 建设中的新校区 "
22 November 2016Mommy Eva
" Delicious fried chicken with quiet ambience "
12 November 2016David Yam
" Unique Ginseng Soup Noodles with duck and pork meat. Noodles was great but duck and meat is so so. "
15 September 2016吕磊
" 价钱便宜点,本地人吃饭比较多,海鲜少,招牌面份量足,招牌豆腐很好吃价格便宜,比肥妈好!不是吃海鲜大餐,只是填饱肚子,这里首选 "
13 July 2016Song Do Hyun 송도현
" Chicken win : Good place & delicious "
12 July 2016张海涛
" 味道不错,生意没有胖妈好,那边需要等 "
15 March 2016IDC Borneo
" We are the first PADI Career Development Center in Sabah. We conduct entry level to becoming an (Instructor Development Course). Our services include leisure diving, island hopping, snorkelling trip, diving courses. "
03 January 2016