About Dunkin' Donuts
Dunkin' Donuts is a cafe, located at Jalan MT haryono,, Medan Mall Lantai 1, Ps. Baru, Medan Kota, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20212, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-6960-4725, visit their website www.dunkindonuts.co.id for more detailed information.
Dyah Ayu
" Delicious sandwich, n try the filling donuts its good :) "
07 July 2019Hartono Iskandar
" Donut is ok, good coffee.. "
19 March 2019Julio Christian Salim
" Good donuts. Not crowded. Fast servicw "
13 February 2019Riza Maria Tiarsih
" Nice service but small space for the room with Air Conditioner...but you can eat out side or take away your coffee and donuts "
22 November 2018Marco Dickel
" Quick stop in the morning. You have to wait for your burger... Nothing new in this country, but did the job for a quick breakfast. "
24 October 2018Hendra Setiabudi
" Nice place rest "
04 October 2018Fery Frandana Putra
" Antar teman Awang dan Yongky, hanya lewat "
03 October 2018Hana A.
" Donutnya enak "
29 September 2018Wayne Anam
" Breakfast rest area tol "
25 August 2018Dwanto Wibowo
" Oleh oleh "
03 June 2018Kevin Kurniawan
" Nice "
27 May 2018Ashar Pratama
" Nice place in toll rest area "
26 May 2018Imron Rosyidi
" Enak dan rasanya bervariasi. "
22 May 2018Ariza Putri Satifa
" Nice "
17 May 2018Arya Putra Jaya
" Mantap "
15 May 2018Endyk Novianto
" Oke :D "
01 May 2018Sragentina Chanel
" Jossssssssssssszssssssss "
01 May 2018Wawan Andoko
" Bila ke medan mall, tempat nongkrong yang nyaman dan santai ya ke dunkin donut..sambil menikmati menu kopi ditemani donut yang empuk hmmm yummy..sambil menikmati pemandangan orang hilir mudik di mall tentu ada keasikan tersendiri....apalagi karyawan nya juga ramah, disini tempatnya bersih.bagi sahabat yang bete dirumah atau yang galau di kos bisa ketempat ini, supaya pikiran jadi fresh guys...ok lanjut ke review berikutnya. "
25 April 2018Rony Naibaho
" Bad coffee and the seats aren't comfortable. "
24 April 2018Leo Umboh
" Enak lah "
15 April 2018Ervina Lin
" Ini mah buat gua the best donut 😍. Kamu harus coba. Lebih padat dan mengenyangkan drpd punya tetangga. "
14 April 2018Arkhei Rahman S. - Dandoh
" Nice place to eat a donut of course "
28 March 2018ミサJaneMisa
" Untuk indoor seating kadang terlalu berisik karena manajer tokonya menyetel tayangan Bola di TV dengan suara kencang. "
27 March 2018Agung Arif Saputra
" Delicious 😋 "
25 March 2018Arto Warto
" Good "
17 March 2018Puspa Cahyono
" A modest donut shop on a two storey shophouse in the Bintaro market area. It serves donuts, croissant and boston sandwiches as well as other drinks-coffee, chocolate, softdrinks and tea.
11 March 2018There's a clean bathroom and sink inside. The upper floor is for the smoking guests. The waiters/waitresses are nice, polite and helpful. A good place to hang out if you need to cool down. "
Evan Leonardus
" The place is comfortable enough to spend time for working, superb cold but it's fine. The service (I had) was a so so. The crew ain't friendly, there's no open bill feature in here. Debit visa extremely hard accepted. WiFi is available but it's only worked for chat, I expect more at this place but I have to use my mobile data (tether to laptop) for my connection. Bad experience over here rather than the other nearby of DD. Sorry but I've to review with honest. Improve it, dude. People more going to J.Co if your service just like what you've been done to me. 😉 "
08 March 2018Lea Indy
" Pelayanannya ramah ,sabar, telaten gak judes mas2nya baik banget waktu aku minta ganti box besar ke box kecil langsung diganti minta tambahan kresek jg dikasih untuk bagi oleh2. 👍 "
08 March 2018DONY SETYAWAN
" Buy 6 Get 6 "
07 March 2018Sigiit Subyantoro
" Good wi-fi "
15 February 2018Agustin Rahayu
" Dari kecil paling suka donat nya dunkin donuts. Walaupun outletnya banyak yang sempit tapi bersih dan enak buat nongkrong. Pegawainya juga ramah ramah "
11 February 2018Nimrod SitangGang
" Bagus bersih "
07 February 2018Penthol Gorreng
" Donatny enak.. "
24 January 2018Differensiasi Me
" Donutnya enak dan tidak eneg
19 January 2018Nyaman
Kursinya terbatas tetapi cukup nyaman
Pelayanannya sangat ramah dan cekatan
Cokelat panasnya benar benar nikmat dan hangat
Saya dapat harga promonyang kebetulan ada yaitu beli 9 gratis 3
Cobalah tanya promo yang berlaku
Sembari menunggu tamu yang di jemput ataupun menunggu penerbangan dapat menikmati waktu disini
Enjoy your donut "
MeRR Kuliner & Service Motor
" Fast Food "
18 January 2018Selamet Hariadi
" Tempat cari donat "
16 January 2018SATRIA ZAINAL
" Nice "
31 December 2017Ricky Picky
" Food is good. "
09 December 2017Thamrin Cianse
" Lezat "
26 November 2017Tegoeh Raswidhyantoro
" Donut yang dah cukup terkenal dan salah satu cabang yang masih beroperasi di Kota Malang "
27 October 2017Dennis Jayeck
" Dunkin Donut pertama yang saya kenal, coklat kacang selali jadi favorit "
04 October 2017SuperLosendos
" Great taste of donuts with quiet place. Plaza Araya. "
13 September 2017Rail Ondi
" Free wifi for customer. Great "
19 August 2017LuQman Hakim
" Halal Donuts "
17 August 2017Apri Swarovski
" Love this place "
15 August 2017Ichwan T.W.
" It's a sad place, the donuts are less than ever and not covered, the kitchen looks dirty, and the signs looks like they're from the 90s "
12 August 2017Hasbi_07
" Sering ada kupon diskon yg disediakan operator selular untuk pembelian donuts. "
12 August 2017Anies Syofyan
" Pingin menikmati donat, cappuccino silakn mampir dulu di rest area sini, khususnya di dunkin donuts "
31 July 2017Gb Jkr
" Sangat nyaman untuk santai "
27 July 2017Risky Ahmad
" Good "
27 July 2017Elba Damhuri
" Favourite donuts, cheese n chocolate.. "
17 July 2017Ilham Bacil
" Tempat enak dan murah buat istirahat ngopi buat yg lewat tol surabaya gempol arah malang,.. "
02 July 2017Lastiko Huzaini
" Pelayanan ramah.. Lumayan cozy "
23 June 2017Herdiwan Nofindra
" Nice "
20 June 2017Ardiansyah Ade Pratama
" Seperti DD yang lain, disini juga disediakan smoking area (indoor) "
17 June 2017Jansudin Saragih
" Wahhh. long time not here. "
16 June 2017Inda Mawarni
" Menjadi tempat nongkrong yang lumayan nyaman "
10 June 2017Ameya Joshi
" Actually outside the airport in the lobby "
25 May 2017Zulfikar Sabele
" Nice place to hang out but no free wifi although there is a sign said that this place provide free wifi. "
20 May 2017Gb Kkt
" Tempat cafe "
15 May 2017Yuha Azhari
" Donat siap saji "
13 May 2017InFinera GT
" Lumayan "
11 May 2017Setyan Eko Santoso
" Tempat nongkrong yang sangat santai dan dengan harga makanan dan minuman yang sangat terjangkau "
08 May 2017Rajendra Lubna
" sering dapat promosi beli 6bh dapat 12 bh "
26 March 2017Volvo Valiant
" Sebelum perjalanan jauh isi perut dulu "
05 March 2017Hardiwanto Roland
" Keren "
15 February 2017Bobby Ilyas
" Tempat nya bagus cocok buat ngumpul bareng teman "
10 February 2017Prapto Djarum
" Donutnya enak sampai gigitan terakhir. Tempatnya juga enak. Pokonya memuaskan sekali dehh. Kalau gak mampir kesini pasti nyesel dehh. Pokoknya gak ngecewain. "
02 January 2017Bung Vai
" Tempat tongkrongan pasukan Sadaaap Community Jayapura... hehehe "
15 December 2016Mar Him
" Ok "
13 December 2016Mard Revylia
" this place cozzy enough.. "
12 December 2016Evan Chandra Kusuma
" tempatnya kecil "
05 December 2016Surya Tirta
" Top "
26 November 2016Aep Saipul Bahri
" Ok "
24 November 2016Markus Brendle
" Was soll man sagen :)
18 October 2016Nomnomnom
Netter Service, keine Beanstandungen, lecker Donut :P "
Gb Jkt
" Enak klo bareng" ama kawan "
17 October 2016Syarifudin Sarif
" Good "
12 October 2016Pencarian Terakhir
" Biasa aja tapi enak "
29 September 2016David Herlianto
" Dunkin Donuts shop inside Ramayana plaza. "
28 September 2016Adestya Subiakta
" Suka dengan tempat ini, apalagi kalau waktu Promo. Tempat nya cukup kecil, namun karena enak buat nongkrong sambil ngerokok ya selalu ke sini kalau ada waktu. Hati hati kalau duduk di dalam ruangan ber AC nya. Akeseoris berupa lampu yang digantung dapat tidak sengaja tersenggol oleh Anda. Saya beberapa kali mengalami kejadian ini. "
18 September 2016Don Aris
" KK Sabah "
11 September 2016Dewi Prasasti
" Buat ngobrol enak juga tempatnya "
26 August 2016Hepi Craft
" Rasanya sangat enak..... "
18 August 2016Guanna Irwan
" enak "
24 July 2016Ruddy Karundeng
" Coffee time "
14 May 2016DoodeGamers
" Jio "
10 October 2015Crecentiana Sonia Patricia
" honestly, im a dunkin donuts lover! lol
18 September 2013well this place is quite small... it has 2 spots. smooking area and non. I usually prefer the smoking area, well..because you can see a small garden near there. "