DIVA FAMILY KARAOKE MARELAN is a night club, located at Ruko Supermarket Irian, Jl. Marelan Raya Ps. II No.188, Rengas Pulau, Kec. Medan Marelan, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20255, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 61 80141055, visit their website www.divakaraoke.co.id for more detailed information.
Muthia Muharani
" I love the sound system in Diva Karaoke Salemba. But, it is need some improvement in facility in the room. Need to be more clean, and make the room odorless. "
27 May 2018Vitria Sandrica
" it needs renovation "
05 May 2018Edward Samuel
" Good enough "
16 April 2018Nezia 13
" Some rooms are no longer comfortable.. Broken lighting, mics etc.. "
27 March 2018Aan Widodo
" Good "
24 February 2018Salomo Sitompul
" The room is smells bad and the karaoke system is keep hang and hang. Terrible! "
28 January 2018Akmalvanhoven Nasution
" Not good "
08 January 2018Aming Nugroho
" Little bit pricey compare to other Family Karaoke, the Karaoke system is standard nothing special, the food also just 'so so'. But quite good for relieving stress :-) "
18 December 2017Rubby Kurnia
" Nice place "
14 November 2017Dinda Makhsya Septaulia
" The service was really bad. When you clicked on "call the waiter" button they didnt come for like 15 minutes unless you went outside and literally called them, even so they still took long too come to the room. We took small room and the room was smell of ciggar and smokes. They did sprayed it with room freshener but the smell was still there. It was really uncomfortable. One of the mic was broken and at the last 30 minutes of the singing, the screen (which we choose the song from) was not responding. So they have to restart the system and it took like 10 minutes of our singing. When there was still 15 minutes left, they asked uf we wanted to expand the hour but we said no. Then they turned off the screen. Like literally in the middle of our singing and there WAS STILL 15 minutes left. Overall not a recommended karaoke place. "
09 November 2017Shiradd Al Mustaqiim
" Simple and clean, nice attendant and easy access "
06 October 2017A Fahmi Lubis
" Good "
29 September 2017Andri Kurniawan
" Nice place and good servis "
23 September 2017Ade Syahputra Saragih
" Saya pernah kesini sekali udah gitu nyesal...
08 September 2017Lagunya gak ada yg update.. kebanyakan lagu cina..
Lagu daerah kayaknya tidak pernah diupdate, udah gitu saya kasi pendapat lewat kasirnya, eeeh..jutej bener... sial amatlah.. "
Firman Divo Key
" Good "
26 August 2017Bang Marpaung
" Lumayan bagus "
08 August 2017Syahripal Putra
" Tempat refreshing dg teman2 yang bisa diakses dekat dengan kampus dan kantor-kantor sentra bisnis "
31 July 2017Indira Aviana
" 2 hours small room at sat night cost 194k include tax. The toilet so stink "
29 July 2017Dessy Natallia
" Nice place for hang out with family and friend "
24 July 2017Angger Pangestu
" ok laah "
29 June 2017Putu Charlie
" Quality medium but its still ok "
24 June 2017Japrinus Gunawan
" Cuci mobil.. duid parkir hilang.. "
14 June 2017Fauziah Eka Arisandy
" It's 500m from work--I can just walk there during break and go back to office easily. It's just the place can be very smelly with smoke, like any other karaoke places. "
06 June 2017Risa Kartika
" Ada promo2 yg bisa disesuaikan dgn kantong "
13 May 2017Ali Usman
" I am happy is there "
10 May 2017Rahmat Kamal
" amazing place "
10 May 2017Hasan Al Muhtadi Hasan
" Ok "
01 May 2017Gifiyan Ananda
" Pelayanan nya lumayan bagus. "
27 March 2017Indah Kusuma Dewi
" The list of song is not really complete. But it's okay for me "
27 March 2017Abah DistaDiva
" Latihan nya di Smule, prakteknya di Diva,,, "sing it loud" :D "
11 March 2017Titin Arlina
" Pelayan gaa ramah n tdk sopan akhirnya kami putuskan gaa jd karoke "
11 February 2017Riandi Rizka
" Not bad "
11 February 2017Kasa Witra
" Harga murah, sound systemnya bagus, hanya saja mic nya ada yang beberapa udah rusak. Di tempat ini juga ada menu minimum charge, alias hanya dengan pesan menu makanan sampai dengan limit, dapat free karoke. "
16 January 2017Fajar Nst
" Best value for family karaoke. "
14 January 2017Solidar Sarumaha
" sebentar lagi saya akan jadi pelayan di stu "
06 January 2017Jaoel Aja
" Ok "
27 December 2016Cah Yasri
" Good place, eventhough there is several broken equipments "
26 December 2016Yoyo Dsign
" The food is not bad, plus you can sing for free as long you ordered the food and drink. "
25 December 2016Taqiim Mustaqiim
" Simple and clean "
25 December 2016Achmad Alaydrus
" Nice Place to sing "
07 December 2016Beny Shah
" paket mahasiswa "
26 November 2016T Sujarwanto
" Rooms on the upper floor is smaller than the lower floor "
21 November 2016Febroni Simbolon
" Cheap but better than we expect. Local and western songs available "
28 October 2016Nola Yolanda Romana
" Better if you cant find another place. They services really bad. Also the sound system hurt your ears all the time. We got dirty room. "
13 October 2016Tenih Enih
" Good dear "
27 September 2016Hero Agoes Santoso
" Let's SING!!! "
06 September 2016Anita Purnamasari
" Diva salemba ,Service nya ga Bagus, hampir setengah jam diruangan Tanpa nada, komplain ke pemandu nya, bilangnya ditunggu terus tp mereka malah ngobrol, ruangan juga ga bersih yg dikasih ke kita, Ada binatang2 gitu. 1/09/2016, 17.00 wib "
01 September 2016Surya Ahmad
" Tempat buat karauke "
28 August 2016Victoa Franciskus
" Tempat yg bagus untuk karoke keluarga.. "
19 August 2016Agil Ranjos Wibowo
" Lokasi sangat baik, berada tidak jauh dari Halte Saint Carolus. Tersedia banyak makanan di sekitar lokasi dan pusat elektronik. Namun saya pikir koleksi lagunya tidak lebih lengkap dibanding family karaoke lainnya. "
17 August 2016Kunnika Mujhana
" Murah bangeeetttt "
05 August 2016Edison Tjia
" 👍 "
29 July 2016Dhanu Kusuma
" Dari segi ruangan cukup nyaman, kualitas suara standart,. Teknisi kadang kurang cepat menanggapi keluhan. Overall tempat ini lumayan untuk nyanyi bareng keluarga ataupun teman teman "
13 June 2016Siti Nurhasanah
" Ok oh tempat nya,qu dpt free 1 jam karaoke,tlg di per banyak promonya "
20 May 2016Fredrik O. Wollah
" Pretty nice place…only the sound system is not so great…the songs collection are not so complete…overall it's only standard, needs a lot of improvement. "
02 May 2016Santi Fresti
" Banyakin cabang dong teh ocha. Tempat kecr gini harus diperbanyak. "
01 February 2016Tabuty Coffee
" servise nya kurang bagus
03 January 2016lelet "
Dian Anggraeni
" Mau saran sdikit boleh ya .. Sound beberapa nama brand karaoke lg ga balance (barusan dr diva). Itu salah satu sebab besar penggemar karaoke seperti kami, berpaling hobi lain. Tp kdg masih dtg, brharap sdh baik. "
10 December 2015Rika Ellen
" Banyakin promo untuk mahasiswa donggggg!
18 October 2015But overall, good review! "
Lutfi Hidayat
" Waiting. "
17 November 2012